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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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RHOSLC was so chaotic last night. IMO, it beat the episode that Jen got arrested. So much fighting at the table and Mary was an absolute trip with her lying ass! These girls came to play and what we got was hilarity. 


LOL at Jen's attempt to be the victim and NO ONE letting her.  Lisa with the fake tears to make it all about her and everyone letting Jen know they talked about her and not showing much sympathy. I almost felt bad for her. The BH should have dragged Erika like this


Meredith was the MVP! I loved how she checked Jennie. She was very clear about not wanting to be invited to events that include Jen and Im glad she read Jennie about it. I also loved her dismissing Lisa.  "You have been screaming for a half hour. I cant anymore!" LMAO!


The one that truly took the cake though was Mary flatout saying she never talked about Jen and then tried to comfort her as if they were best friends. She had me dying with her line of questions at the table, pretty much asking everything we wanted to know and let Jen hang herself with the lies.


Heather is on a tour to talk to every ex-Mormon from her life this season and its boring. Its the same stuff every time. Im over it and she needs a new storyline

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I just hope this if FINALLY the season where Margaret or MeLoser ends up in the hot seat. If this is another season where Tre and Jennifer are numero uno targets, keep it. This is why I wish they'd swap producers on this show b/c production heavily favors Marge and protects her and her messy puppets (Jackie/MeHo). 


This show also needs 1-2 new women to add to the mix. I don't get why they had Traci Barber filming all season to make her a friend. Just stupid. 



I am over Meredith (or any housewife for that matter) trying to ice another cast member out. Bravo needs to put out a mandate that if any person refuses to film with another housewife that they are either fined or fired. Either get with the program or get lost. 


Jen is coming off very sympathetic with the audience even though her a** is most likely guilty--something that Erika's ass should've grasped on BH. 


Mary is a mess. One, her constant racially insensitive comments are leading to her downfall. She is opening the door for the women to rightfully shove her off the show right after Jen. Two, while she is zero focused on downing Jen, she needs to realize that the writing is on the wall for her too. 

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Yasss!!! Now drag Ex Soap Opera Star and EricFake (and someone can let me know

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 ) and we're good. 



Oh yes. The cherry on top? The reunion has not been filmed and Marge and Tre are currently STILL on the outs. so the reunion will be dynamite as well. This might be a case where Andy's favoritism works FOR me cuz he will probably have Tre's back over Marge.


And same @Cat. Given that trailer and people attacking RHOA and POTOMAC, it will be interesting to see in February will fans and Andy will be side-eyeing the violence or just being side-eyed. PS. I believe the BH is above (cuz that PK show ain't it).  


ETA: Hold up!!! Sheeree knows Carlton from Season 4...I...


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Heather had a monologue moment in the episode last night and while it was very reminiscent of something Erica Kane might have done in how melodramatic it was, I am loving watching Heather, Gina, and Emily all come for Shannon.

Shannon has had this coming for years

Noelle having a meltdown in that restaurant was embarrassing and I do not fault Nicole for wanting to get her out of there. 

Dr. Jen is a bit dull, but seeing Noella roll her eyes at her hints at major conflict to come. 

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Adriana is so damn messy! How she invite two dates to that event? It was so unprofessional of her bc she was hired to do a job but she set things up to explode. Also it may be bc of all the talk from Alexia, but I thought her date wit the purple jacket was ga

LOL at Larsa asking Adriana about her date

I love Julia. She is such good energy and Im glad she is a housewife

I wonder if Kiki would have been a housewife had she not broken up with her fiance

I hope Alexia gets the closure she is looking for but it couldnt be me

Guerdy is really beautiful. Dont like Adriana coming for her in the previews.

Heather issuing Shannon that threat sent chills down my spine! Its amazing how she came back and is in charge of the girls. I like her but WTF is she for everyone to be scared of her? I wanted Shannon to tell her to f--k off

I love Noella but she needs to wisen up to the fact that she cant trust these hoes. Nicole is a snake as is Gina

It took Shane almost 20 years to pass the bar? How sad.

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WOW. These girls really woke up and chose VIOLENCE?


And I loved IT.


Oh my God! The reactions. The slights. The shade that was thrown at OTHER WOMAN'S FACES. I was here for it. It was like their version of the POTOMAC outdoor party at Cabin Gizelle. 


There was so much juicy confrontations for me. Fabulous Ice vs Jen. Jeannie vs Mary. Meredith vs Fabulous Ice. Mary checking Little Girl. And like last week, there's such a duality to a lot of the women that there are times I'm shaking my head at them...other times I'm cheering for them. This week though it did not lead any sour taste in my mouth. Well, Little Girl did, but...lol.


JEN. Just wow. Now THIS is giving me Oscar Performance. Sorry, Ms. Pat the Puss. Because Jen is pulling out all the stops. She's talking about her kids. She is showing her man. She is showing the whole family in fact. And what is getting me is that not only have there been real tears, but there has been a real remose. And she is truly still all about herself. That is clear. She's still being VERY mindful of the camera at all times (except at the dinner interestingly enough) so it has to be a performance, right? So the fact that I'm questioning myself and my own conviction over if she did it means she's doing an excellent job. That said...I loved Fabulous Ice checking her at the lunch they were at...if she had not turned on the waterworks, Jen would have been toast. And I loved that she was a bust of a sense of humor at the Pho dinner. And her and Mary...if they team up...lol. A Taoboi can dream.

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LISA. I found my Fabulous Ice enjoyable, but wishy washy. I know...shocking! lol. She had a great moment with Meredith and Jeannie. Then there she was being a boss and checking Jen at their lunch...only to get outmaneuvered. Then she's hanging with Little Girl...why? And then Mary got into it with her for making the same mistake Little Girl made at Mary's party. Then she had to beg Meredith to stay since she was over the bs.  Entertaining and not boring, but I just expect more from Ms. Fabulous.


HEATHER. Well, I'll give her this much...she is navigating herself a lot better than my Fabulous Ice. She already has Jen aimed at her. She is keeping it cool, but loose with Mary (and did you see Little Girl glare daggers at them making up?) Her comedic moments were on point. And she has a story. It's just...that story is stalling. It was nice to see her brother who is kinda cute. HOWEVER...is Heather's storyline going to be dragging out every ex-Mormon in her family? And as someone mentioned online...doing that makes one question if she is doing it to be close to her family again...or because she just needs something to form since she is NOW talking to them now that she's on TV. 



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I'm sorry, but no. Even if it turns out to be true about Mary and her church, in the Little Girl vs Mary, I'm Team Mary. How Little Girl is going about staging a takedown...Giiirl, you are weaksauce. I will give her this...she has the potential to be an Ashley, but she is just not crafty and cunning enough like Ashley can do so sly it's not even funny. And Ashley is in control of herself at ALL TIMES. She is acting like...well...a little girl. Getting mad at Heather for making up with Mary. Deflecting (even if she is right) onto Fabulous Ice when she and Jeannie called her out on being nosy. Causing a s^&*storm to hide the fact she is staging a takedown on Mary. Nice try.

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In fact, if Little Girl had not deflect after Mary checked her at the Pho dinner, I bet Mary would have exposed her a&*.


MARY. Now I'm going to say the same thing here that I said about last week...Mary really needs to articulate herself. It is clear in her tone she did not mean to say something that could be seen as racist. She sounded ignorant so I hope that when Jeannie talks to her next week that is made clear cuz while it seems clear to ME that does not mean that it came across at all well with OTHERS. Just like last week's comment while I also understood and yet here comes a group after her. Ignorance can be unlearned to bring one to a place of understanding (ex. Sutton on BH). That said...she was the business this week as they were gunning for her. And yes, hilarious as she sat there and couldn't remember she talked back to Jen and then Production did the rollback. But she was funny throughout for me.  I still say that for someone who is so aloof, Mary was quick to see that Little Girl was trying to start something. But...it still went left.


MEREDITH. I continue to be sure that her and Fabulous Ice's friendship continue to fall apart. It's so funny given where they were at versus where they are now. So that moment where she came back to the table because her BFF wanted her, too...was cute. So was their moment with Jeannie at the beginning of the episode. So of course she would feel a way that Jeannie did not tell her that she invited Jen to that Pho event. I also liked that she checked Jeannie, too.  Moreso since Jeannie had already started to side-eye for Jen's arrest. 


JEANNIE. I was liking her growing friendship with Fabulous Ice and Meredith and then she had that dinner. While on one hand, yeah she did cut through the bs. How about the bs she herself was dealing by starting something with Mary. Always with Mary? Things to make you go hmmmm...


And next week looks like it will be the girls vs Meredith/Mary to see if either leaked Jen's whereabouts before the arrest.


The plot thickens.


PS. I hollered when Mary said that Jen couldn't be arrested...look at her outfit. Then commented the outfit. DEAD. 



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After watching episode 3, I'm glad Peacock changed the plan of dropping the first 3 episodes at once. These episodes are JAM PACKED because these women are intent on delivering and I think this episode deserved to breathe on it's own.

Alexia continues to amaze me. Her life before this show, during the first three season and now is just insane. You could make several movies about her life! Before the season premiered people were upset that the trailer showed Adriana mentioning that Herman was gay and I never could've imagined she would've been so open about all of this. On most shows I can't see the HW being this honest, especially the bit about her father. I'm glad she isn't allowing herself to be shamed and is holding her head up high. I also continue to love whenever we get to see Frankie. I'm so happy be survived his accident and is doing well.

The other lead HW seems to be Julia or Adriana depending on how you look at it. Their chemistry is STRONG and you can tell Julia is more interested than she wants to admit. Her jealousy at the art show was insane and her doubling down in her confessionals like her wife won't see this?! Girl, thank you for being so messy! I can't wait for this to blow up in her face.

Poor Larsa I try to like her, but she seems so dumb and she has no personality. To quote Nene, "Nothing was there." I wouldn't know how to describe her, she is just her looks. She never has anything interesting to say, she doesn't have an interesting relationship with any of the girls. She is simply there. If the show continues for a season 5 they need to go ahead and cut their losses. They got whatever buzz they're gonna get off her so call it a day.

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