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Just so I get this out of the way...Best Dressed at the Goddess Dinner was totally Wendy, Askale, Mia, and (except for her wig) Candiace. Oh, and Robyn!!! I loved everything about Wendy's look. The hair curls. The jewelry. Her dark skin and how gorgeous it look against the flowing white. And then Robyn? The curls with that color dress and how it was tailored from head to toe, giving her such a maternal glow. And then Askale? She said it best, she was giving Ethiopia fierceness. I remember the picture I posted of her in that but seeing it move...GORGEOUS!!!  


Meanwhile...alas...I knew this moment was coming. That moment when Gizelle was given enough time to recover from her unmasking. Production has been working on lighting her image. Gizelle could almost sell it. Almost. But like Candiace said, if she already knew why would she wait? Or I'll do one better...why not have a quick comeback AT THE REUNION?? After all you knew...right? Oh, yeah...SHE DID NOT. That was written all over her neck. So for this narrative spin all I can say is...

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We all know you didn't know. We also know you ain't that good of an actress, Vanessa Williams you ain't. Trying to sell the binder stories as a trap set for La Dame won't work. Trying to sell it as he was a cheater won't work since you already knew. She would have been better off trying to own it more.


So I give her points for owning SOME, NOT ALL of her narrative. It definitely did feel like all the storylines took a turn. And this was a kind of conclusion. From here on out, no more Pastor Holy Whore relationship. From here on out, no more Eddie rumors either. And I honestly do not feel that that was what Production originally intended with this season so I'm curious to see where this goes. Because while some resolution was needed, it even appears (appears for now) to look like the icing out of La Dame is another abruptly cut storyline as well. Thing that make you go hmmm. I mean isn't POTOMAC normally 13 to 16 episodes a season. Last season was 18. And we are now on Episode 10. And the reunion films next month? The gut is screaming odd though I am still loving the girls and yes, if the reason was to keep the season light hearted given last season, I get it. But let us not sacrifice or damage what makes the show work by interrupting (or interfering) with story flow. This reminds me of what I said at the start of the season when I said you could tell what was real versus what was being produced or self produced on the show which takes one out of the show once you can figure out that. What made POTOMAC stand out was for the most part they kept their realness. Or...maybe I'm looking too deep into it. 


In any case, I did like the episode overall. And it was a nice turn in the road for a lot of the storyline while it appears that some things are slow burning (Candiace vs Ashley, Candiace's video, Messy Mia). And this Goddesses dinner was full of fun shade, gifs, and expressions galore. I'm rewatching in fact. lol.


LA DAME. LORD, KAREN!!! It was funny watching Production shade her as she was working on that commerical thingy. And I liked that she decided to be the bigger person and apologize for the children. I also loved that she said it aloud in her confessional to be clear of why she did it. Something someone else...no names...could learn. That said...that ALSO means that when they fall out again as we all expect her and Gizelle to, she can just say she tried to be the better person and look what happened? So she will be justified.


GIZELLE. Smh. This is the reason why it's not a good idea to be on good terms with Production. They be sitting there and paint a narrative even when it's clear how things with down in reel and real time. In fact, that was what I said at the reunion almost a year ago...if given the chance Gizelle would recover from her unmasking and be gunning for people. So for that I have to give Candiace her due because she said the same thing this episode. However, the good thing about being on good terms with Production, people are going to go to bat for you. Regardless of what Gizelle believes, La Dame IS Potomac so you cannot simply ice her out. I liked that Gizelle got checkmated with La Dame's apology which meant that she had to quickly pivot or look 'NOT like a victim.' So good. 


ROBYN. I liked her talking to the life coach. I hope something comes of it. Also I loved how she looked at the picnic. And I liked the comments she and La Dame exchanged. It was not shady and totally sincere. I also noticed how for once she stayed out of the drama when Candiace was there this time playing her usual role for Giselle. 


CANDIACE. Acting. Lots and lots of acting. Speaking of pivoting...that's what I thought Candiace was doing this episode. I said so far this season that I felt that Production was working hard to give her the good edit. And she's in the know. So she's been the voice of reason. She's been light. She's been motivated. HOWEVER, I feel Candiace is waiting a fine line. And it was very clear here. Her weakness is Ashley. She is really and truly and utterly jealous and spiteful to her and she cannot hide it. Part of the reason that why she talked a good game at the start of the episode, I loved Ashley GATHERED...HER...A$$!!!  Old Candiace would have threaten to beat her up. This Candiace...is coming across very calculating. That makes sense since the realest thing that she is doing this season is her career. And how will those sales go if people don't like you or you do something like oh...bodyshaming...WHICH IS WHAT SHE WAS DOING!!! And she had to backpedal. And at the same time she still wanted to be seen as 'the tough one' at the same time...cuz she does have her fans. She is working very, very hard to be 'throw the rock, hide the hand'...at least for now. It's probably why Mother Dorothy is back. Not unlike how Mama Joyce is to Kandi during Season 6/7. Well played, but very transparent. But that is why I love her rivalry with Ashley. Ashley totally has everything Candiace wants and she knows it. And she cannot resist shading or attacking Ashley...even if Ashley is in the wrong. That will be her undoing if she ain't careful. 


ASHLEY. Heheh...I guess she wanted to make up for Candiace outdoing her at last season's reunion. But like I said, I LOVED her gathering Candiace. She had nothing to say when Ashley threw 'that's old. do better.' at her and I loved it. At this point, I think Ashley is only backing down because she KNOWS Candiace WILL shoot herself in the floor. And I continue to love how close her and La Dame now are. I teared up seeing them hung at the picnic. They have come such a looooooooong way that I look forward to their moments together.


WENDY. Thank you for the real talk with the boys. What does one do? When will this hatred end? How can one trust? Same, kids. Same. I liked that while she was willing to move forward with Gizelle, she will be sleeping with one eye open. 


MIA. Yep. For sure, she is Messy Mia to me. I loved that she wanted to bring everyone together, but darn it if she was not throwing out the right kind of fun shade at both sides so far. And her reactions to Candiace vs Ashley was to die for. 


So I thought this was a nice closing out of several storylines. But I wonder where we are going next....

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"Let's not do the brain, let's do the f*cking ankle. The wife says 'No, No, NO! Not the brain, do the f*cking ankle!'" - PK

That about sums up this evening's RHOBH - that was one of the purest moments this show has ever had. Absolutely hilarious and demonstrated the total vacuum of logic going on in Erika's narrative.

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Well, I guess Kyle should be extremely happy they filmed the reunion already. Otherwise, I would suspect EricFake would be livid with her right now.


There has been no other season where it has not been obvious who the chess player is. Last week, it was undermining Sutton and assassinating her good 'friend' Erika Jayne. This week it was more attacking her good 'friend' (with help from the husbands) and throwing Garcelle under the bus with an interview. Chess Player, thy name is Kyle. 


And I yet...I don't feel sorry for poor EricFake. Other people have to worry about bills that they should have the money for (and earlier today apparently Andy Cokehead used the word allegedly, setting off a firestorm), but is currently being MIA. Meanwhile she gets to dressed in red, go to wedding dress parties, and harass southern ladies. Wow. What a hard knocked life.


KYLE. SMH. Just watching her with so many moves in play. Holding EricFake's hand, coaxing her to speak on her lies and her victim act...or appearing to care while covering herself in her confessionals. Having a dinner with her husband and her friend who has a husband that has no problem MENTIONING IT ALL in terms of how EricFake looks...cuz game recognizes game.

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 And then have your own husband parrot what you say in confessional since everyone likes your husband more than you. And just in case, you have Production with ready receipts and Kathy as firm backup in your messiness. And it all looked so clear. I guess I should say I like 'seeing the strings' so to speak, but Kyle is no one's friend and it would be nice if everyone else saw that as well. I am definitely worrying when that whole wedding dress party was filmed because I don't even think that Garcelle interview dropped until a few episodes into this current season. So how fast it appeared on screen? Or did someone tip Kyle off? I actually have questions.


DORIT. I give her this much...those were some nice wedding dresses. Now...did she make them? If so, then yes, she definitely has a talent for them. Something she should focus on. And not starting unnecessary drama with Garcelle over something that EVERYONE has told her before...SHE TALKS TOO MUCH. Heck, Camille gave her a ball gag to shut her up. So this 'amnesia' is not working for me. And she will be starting mess next week, too? I hope she gets dragged at the reunion as much as people will drag her for making Garcelle cry. You know this tactic did not work for Tiny...I mean, Theresa...no...Tara...when she tried it with Garcelle. You will fail just as well, Hunni. 


EX SOAP OPERA STAR. Other than some light shade at Dorit a la Beverly Beach...just her typical piece of @#$. Yes, she continued to prove Garcelle right and practically ran out of the room rather than try to back up her friend of 20 years. Oh, wait...Garcelle ISN'T her friend. She has NONE. Trifling ho.


TRIFLING HEFFA. I mean...really...ANOTHER story involving flipping cars, burglars, and other oddities?

Eye rolls shalita grant ncis nola GIF - Find on GIFER


I can't with her. And apparently neither can Kyle. So quit. Ain't no one buying that. Especially since there is probably no record of it now. I just zoned out of that scene completely. Well...at least she was civil to Sutton at the wedding dress party. Until next week anyway.


CRYSTAL. Now did you just throw Garcelle under the bus? Did I see that right? I think I did.

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Just like her BFF Porty Hollowwart, she was trying for those brownie points with Kyle and just lost some good ride or dies in fans and one in Garcelle if that is how it's going to be. Cuz Kyle is what? NO ONE'S FRIEND. But she will find out soon enough...


SUTTON. Interesting. I don't remember that scene in the first Dorit vs Garcelle fight. More proof that Sutton has Garcelle's back which I love. And how messy of Production to show that to show how much of a coward Ex Soap Opera Star is to not have Garcelle's back during this latest round of Dorit vs Garcelle. I thought Sutton's date looked cute and I liked that he was a total gentleman that had her back. Now to know those men still exist. And it looks like she's going to give EricFake a little next week. Fingers crossed.


GARCELLE. Lord, she stays relatable. I love the scene with her friends playing matchmaker. God, given what is all out there...or not out there as the case seems to be IMHO...it is nice to have some relatable hope. And I loved what she had on at the party. I am only sorry that she was ambushed by Kyle. And if looks could kill, Kyle would be ash. 


KATHY. I think...I might be over her. Or more like now I am wondering if it is an act now. Cuz it felt more like it is an act versus just being kooky. Just little subtle things. Perhaps she is more like Kyle than I was willing to admit.


So next week...last cast trip....Garcelle vs the Coven, Sutton vs EricFake...looks busy.

Edited by Taoboi
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If PK had been allowed to film throughout the season instead of this late stage,  I doubt viewers would be calling for Dorit to leave the show. Every messy word has been gold. He is also the Husband Whisperer in terms of getting the husbands involved in this mess. Hey Harry Hamlin!

Re: Erika's latest story about the eye surgery / ankle vs brain: "He's not an international football player. He's a lawyer. A 79 year old lawyer!' LOL I am loving PK.

BH has been fire this season so this is a very small critique, but I think they could have cut this last episode and this episode together and called it a day.

@Taoboi as a kpop fan ( @Cheap21 will know what I'm talking about), I find there are plenty of Korean men who are very attractive, so I hear ya on that score!

Kyle is trying to fill the Gizelle role on BH. I have thoughts about where Kathy goes from here with her quirky persona, but don't have the brain power to verbalize them right now lol.

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OK, so I couldn't quite bring myself to listen to Bethenny's voice for any great length of time! But I imagine there must be a lot of this going on: "Dennis told me there is no way this is legit. So I knew. I knew it all. I told everybody about this YEARS ago. Andy called me up and was like 'OMG you were so right, Bethenny, that's, like, insane.' It's insane, right? I really do know it all."

I don't doubt her story -- TG has been doing this for years. The thing that irks me a little is Bethenny trying to climb on the bandwagon about two years too late. She knew but is only saying now?

Also Rinna and Kyle -- they knew but said nothing and have this season been actively coddling Erika with the 'There's no proof she knew' blah blah. IMO this may be the point of Bethenny's interview -- to put her two former friends (esp. Kyle) in the complicity hot seat.

Finally, this whole interview subject matter shows that Bethenny (despite believing herself to be the breakout star beyond RH) will probably never be able to leave that Bravo universe. She is just too closely associated with it.

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I don't doubt that Bethenny was telling the truth. But to keep it on the DL all this time... was she was afraid of the Girardis? Did Andy tell her to keep quiet? Did Kyle and Rinna? I guess she figured it wasn't her secret to tell.

I wonder who forced her to backtrack. Kyle maybe? Or Rinna? I, too, do not think Bethenny fears Erika or cares what she thinks, even though Erika runs her mouth like a low-level hoodlum.

These reunion looks, hmmmm... this isn't BH's best. (I would say the season 9 reunion was the best-dressed). 

-Crystal is the best (she has the best wardrobe generally), but this pink dress was already hanging there, you know?

-Dorit + those lucite heels = 1am Vegas bride.

-Erika looks flammable if she strays near an open flame.

-Kyle isn't even trying this year. 

-Garcelle fell into a giant cobweb. The outfit would be decent if she got rid of that white (!!!) sheer thing on her chest.

-Kathy stays true to whimsical herself. Red polka dots suit her to the ground..

-Rinna. Appropriately reptilian.

-Great colour on Sutton, but it is giving me Prom Dress vibes.

I thought that too! I was like 'Bravo must really want to keep Rinna on the show, huh.' Wasn't her spiteful ass already on WWHL, like, 2 weeks ago?

The show was keen to let the world know that Rinna was sorry she was cruel to Denise last year. Feels like a lazy attempt at whitewashing.

I assume Sarah P was on so that she and Rinna could cackle about hating LVP. Paulson has been dining out on some tired LVP story for the past 4 years.

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ICAM. I love how Candiace is so bothered by Ashley for no good reason (except pure jealousy) and Ashley sets her straight without breaking a sweat. Ditto ICAM on the mutual respect and friendship of Ashley & The Grande Dame. I love it because they both got so down and dirty with one another but managed to behave like mature adults and bury the hatchet for the greater good (the show).  Candiace and her crusty napkins will no doubt be her own worst enemy yet again while trying to paint herself as a victim. 


P.S. Please continue using that Lana del Rey meme. I chuckle every time. lol 


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Re: Bethenny speaking up now, she said she stopped following Bravo since she quit RHONY. She unfollowed everyone involved with Bravo and has distanced herself so she didn’t know this Erika story was as big as it was until an intern pitched it for her show.

We also have to keep in mind what Tom was doing was an open secret for years. Everybody knew, but nobody had the power to stop him since he had so much support from the California Bar, judges etc. 

Edited by Chris B
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