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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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RIP Gregg -- one of the truest, kindest gentlemen of the RH franchises. You could tell everyone on RHOA respected him so highly and felt sweetly protective of him. Cynthia in particular. You can tell in her post how sad she is about this.

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Sutton should've whooped Erika's ass tonight. Yep. I said it. 


And Kyle once again displays what LVP and Kim have said for the longest--Kyle is a flip-floppy. Like Garcelle said, why isn't Dorit being called the carpet? Why aren't the other women owning sh*t they said? 


I am over these women fearing Thiefrika. 

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Yeah, that ALL STARS PICTURES is mostly old pictures...old dresses for sure. 


I am saddened to hear about Greg. My heart goes out to Nene and her boys.

Especially since more and more dirty stuff is coming out about  her in the press as I type.



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This was a very bad night for Kyle if, like the three of us, you were paying attention to her. She flipped on Sutton so hard, so blatantly, so brutally...she should be ashamed of herself. She did it solely because she (mis)calculated that Erika's theatrics were going to win over the audience. 

Little did Kyle realize the amount of dirt, lawsuits, and scandal that would be flying by the time this aired. Therefore, Erika's performance is less than believable as she fights orphans, widows, and a bankruptcy trustee whose busy pursuing her for the $25 million she spent. 

It was also interesting how Kyle had to assert she's "Mrs. Hilton's sister!" as the butler questioned who she was. 

Dorit was woefully irrelevant, as were Crystal and Rinna. I really can't fathom how Rinna reconciles her own behaviour versus what she's done in the past to people who've done far less. 

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Imagine being at Kathy Hilton's house having the best dining experience of your life and choosing to fight. I have never liked Erika and this made me cross over to hate. What a hateful, cold and selfish demon. She's always been cold, but her actions in the face of this are bizarre. She is a sick, sick woman and Kyle and Rinna in particular are fools to side with her. This is disgusting. What was done to Sutton at that dinner infuriated me. This is clearly planned and calculated behind the scenes to attack Sutton and make her the villain. @DaytimeFanyou are absolutely correct that they miscalculated how the audience would react and planned accordingly. 

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WAIT! WAIT! HOLD THE FRAK UP!!! Did this TRIFLING HEFFA just ask Dorit to have compassion? Compassion? For a TRICK who has shown NO compassion for ORPHANS, BURNED VICTIMS, OR WIDOWS???!!!! A LYING BITCH WHO LIES and used her trump card aka the 'Kyle. KYLE' card aka Producer Kyle who she must have something on for Kyle to throw Sutton under the bus. AND also betraying that clearly Erika and Kyle talked before Kathy's dinner. Hmmm.

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To say I'm heated would be an understatement.

And perhaps it's because in real life, they most definitely are going through her finances and the victims are coming for her money. Perhaps it is the fact that they hyped it up to THAT other legendary BH episode that launched a thousand gifs and introduced the world to Allison Dubois who is still being proven right as the years have passed. Oh, and Kyle...he STILL is not emotionally fulfilling you. CLEARLY.

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It was still a good episode if you watch it for the nuances and alliances and doublecross. Oops...did I say that? lol. I just can't help but feel that the Coven simply thought that they would be able to control the narrative like they did last year with Denise Frakking Richards. And just like last year, it backfired. But this....THIS is on a greater scale. And I would love to see how Kyle, Andy Cokehead, AND Bravo will be able to pivot from it since they thought they would be able to spin the narrative, find a good scapegoat, and that barely no one would pay attention in the real world. But when you have Page Six, LA Times, AND People gunning for you...not to forget Daily Mail and the Megan Edmonds wannabe detectives on Twitter, how did they really think this would end for Erika and them. Huuunnnnni, Sutton ain't the only person at THIS point who should be worrying about their reputation. ESPECIALLY if Taylor's Husband's Lawyer succeed in not only producing the paper trail that Erika has the money, but where it is AND if it connects to anyone in Production like ooooh Ex Soap Opera Star? This could be even messier and dangerous than it already is. 


KYLE. Where do I even begin? There was her talk with Sutton and the looks she kept giving her that screamed 'Producer Kyle.' You could literally see the wheels in her head turning in her eyes. So much producing that Kyle has been doing this year, I find it funny that the VERY episode that is named after THAT other dinner party she would have a celebration dinner with Mo celebrating how long they have been together. Hmmmm...well timed for a F U to Ms. Dubois? But let's not go gossiping about Mo.  And finally, 'Kyle. KYLE.' Some say Kyle, Ex Soap Opera Star, and Dorit let Erika out to dry. I would say NOT YET.  But Erika saying that when Dorit, Garcelle, and Sutton were coming for her, said EVERYTHING. First of all, it was clear there was a secret meeting. Secondly, I thought EriFake was a tough ole girl and did not need back up. But EricFake is not stupid so she knew if she just went off on them, she would look like the bad guy. She needed a debatedly justifiable excuse to be that angry. So who in Production would know BTS to spill in the moment. KYLE. And Kyle GAVE HER THAT OPENING so she can go off on Sutton (as well as trying it under the very tired 'just be honest' tactic). Sadly for her, anyone with a brain can see that. And they also see given what's going on in RL, Kyle just backed the wrong team. And hurt her own image by not backing Sutton. Oops. 


EX SOAP OPERA STAR. Your silence said EVERYTHING, my dear. Couldn't even hide behind a sense of humor...which btw Patrick (Kathy's butler) stole the show on that. The best she did was try to tagteam Sutton with Producer Kyle and EricFake with some 'be honest. own it.' GUUUURRRRL, you haven't even owned allegedly getting any extra funds. SIT...YOUR...A$$...AND YOUR MOUTH...DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


DORIT. I honestly tell you what she was doing unless her goal was to be the Starscream of the Coven. Because her jumping in on EricFake after all she said last week screamed an act of self-perservation on her part. Even if she was spilling some truth at EricFake. Perhaps PK warned how she would look going after Garcelle...which is also why she hurrily tried to apologize to Garcelle. But still she would still look odd doing any of that given that she has been giving all these interviews shading Garcelle. Just hmmm...BUT working for that check I guess?


CRYSTAL. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! And who are you without your husband, young lady? Oh, wait!!!

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Don't be over here talking about Sutton as no one, saying it to her BFF Garcelle, and think that is going to sway her opinion...something you and Regina George and Gretchen Weiner...I mean EricFake and Kathy...thought you were going to do with that little minilunch meeting you all had. Let me just shake my head at you (and it looks like you will be doing the same next week) trying to get some brownie points by sucking up to EricFake and join her in her antiSutton attack. 


SUTTON. I suspect given this first showing that come next week Sutton ain't backing down either. Right now, everyone was trying to talk over her. And that was after throwing her under the bus. And that was after she respectally decided to back down because she saw that was not the right time to confront EricFake. So it's very telling her 'friends' Producer and Lips did not see EricFake's mindset, too, and STILL pushed this confrontation. Gives me more proof that they are truly playing both sides in the event that EricFake is guilty. That said I thought Sutton held her own VERY well. That was totally 'Let the Mouse Go' Sutton starting out. It isn't until Kyle threw her under the bus, she started to stutter. And I suspect if she is given time to recover next week, she will continue to gather EricFake together. In any case, I loved that she kept bringing up the fact that she at least was saying her opinion and outloud and to people's faces. And shading those who were not. Kyle...THAT MEANS YOU.   And she must be dangerious if EricFake had to stage a convert the BFF lunch with Garcelle. Divide and conquer? 


GARCELLE. A Ride and Die like no other on this show.  She let Kathy (shame!), Crystal, and EricFake ambush her to turn AntiSutton and she STILL stuck by her BFF while letting them say their piece. It was clear she was over Dorit which I found hilariously. And she is a better woman than I cuz if EricFake was telling me not to touch me and not letting me comfort her, she would be DEAD...TO...ME with her overdramatic white Olivia Pope a&*. She was just mad that you were not letting her...or any of them heffas...run over Sutton. She could have been tougher, but she was FIRM in having Sutton's back and bless her for that.


ERICFAKE.  I wish I could say that I could be like Kandi at the RHOA Season 9 reunion where she threw blades while also saying she was not going to run Shady Phae Phae all the way down into the ground, but frak that. 

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Now I said earlier that this trifling heffa is not stupid...which makes her trying to PLAY (and thank you for calling her out on this in your confessional, Sutton!!) stupid comedic. She has to know how Production is playing her by this point since she was mad about Garcelle and the phone call. And look at Production throwing out receipts every chance they get to show her contradicting herself. Kyle might not be Team Sutton, but it was clear that Production...or someone in it...is Team Sutton. They back her ALL...THE...WAY...UP. BE SCARED, YOU NO TALENT TRICK. And while EricFake was clever enough to use whatever she has on Kyle to throw Sutton under the bus so she could attack her and go for that Oscar she is not going to get

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There have been enough hints this season...even tonight...that Kyle will eventually turn on her, too. And I for one cannot wait. After all if Trifling No Talent Heffa had not said anything, Kyle, Ex Soap Opera Star, and Dorit would have been fine letting her sit there and get roasted. Speaking of which...I thought you were tougher than diamond, Hoe? All last season you all ganged up on Denise and thought she was weak. Well...how did the gang up feel to you? 3 times now? Oooooh, poor baby. I guess you want some compassion like you gave to the victims that you are still allegedly having money from, right? Did Denise get compassion for less? I don't think she did at the last reason while you were talking about her kids...which are off limits...especially since you did not raise your own? So...you know that thing about Karma...well...

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Trifling A#$ B*TCH.


Well, I believe next week is the Ex Soap Opera Star vs Garcelle fight where Garcelle wears this flawless brown leather jacket with dark color clothes that made her look fierce and it does not end well. And I admit I've been looking forward to it. But if I am right...then they threw off the timeline. Cuz it was after that meeting that Kathy, Kyle, and Dorit got CoVid. So...hmmmm




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