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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I knew this matchmaker looked familiar!  She's Devyn from The Real World: Brooklyn, which is one of my favorite seasons to this day.  She did a Challenge season too.  

This season of NYC is... tedious.  I get both sides and I wish they could just MOVE ON, but it's clear Eboni needs to hear something, and the ladies could easily give that, but for some reason they aren't, but I also understand why they are tired of always talking about it.  They don't get each other's sides, but maybe they will once they watch it all.  

I will say though - the NYC fans are a bit tedious too.  They want less drinking/partying, which we're getting this season, but now they want more light partying/drinking.... hello!  

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HAHAHA!!!! Heather sicced the lawyers on Kelly Dodd for saying Heather's son gave Kelly and her husband Corona. And Kelly had to post an apology video. Well...next time STFU.




Sad about T'Challa...easily one of the best characters on Reality TV.

Well...I will always remember him for THIS.



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Last season, the drinking was unchecked and the show was reliant on alcohol to move things. Once upon a time, Bethenny was that check -- she would publicly shame some of these women straight (when she wasn't mainlining them with Skinnycrack, of course). This season I am happy with less booze (and with Sonja, I actively wish it). But because the discussion cannot evolve organically against the usual backdrop of fast-paced NY life, and because the women are trapped in this filming bubble, there is no story progression. The season is not starting at Point A and ending at Point B; instead it seems to be circling Point A.

Haven't watched this latest episode, though so -- I am prepared to eat my words if we've got new stuff going on.


I SAW!! It was GLORIOUS seeing Kelly spit out that legally-sanctioned apology through gritted teeth! Couldn't happen to a more deserving loudmouth.

Let's not forget: Kelly spent the better part of 15 months screaming 'SHEEP!' at mask-wearers and "Covid is NBD, losers!" Until her family got Covid, and then it's "Guys, my mom's in ICU, pray 4 her!" She has been photographed all over the bars/restaurants of Newport partying maskless, and suddenly we are supposed to believe that a 5-second "Hey There" with one of Heather Dubrow's kids gave her the corona? What a tool.


An icon in an iconic season! T'Challa made Wendy happen. And this is why I rate the Potomac HWs -- because something unplanned happens in two seconds and we get:

  • Robyn doing the drop & roll.
  • Candiace forking food in her mouth as she runs.
  • Wendy protecting the hair: "OMG my wig."
  • Ashley showing up after the fact.
  • Gizelle: "T'Challa has spoken. We cannot get to know you on a deeper level." Wendy: "No, you WILL get to know me on a deeper level."

T'Challa was more than just a pet -- he was Monique's support animal when she was going through travails. She really identified with that bird and must be devastated.

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I haven't watched last night's episode of RHONY yet, but when you take this, and add the Ramona/LuAnn/Sonja conversation where Sonja says of Eboni that this is "her platform," plus you had Ramona's lil side comment a few weeks back about being scared to get the wrath of Eboni... it's so awkwardly clear Eboni is here strictly due to the color of her skin and how she can provide the Upper East Side ladies some "teachable moments" that will hopefully resonate with viewers. It's all so awkward, obvious, and cringeworthy. They've taken my favorite franchise and made it a chore to watch. 

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Completely agree, and co-sign @Cat’s comment that the COVID bubble magnifies the problem, since they keep having the same conversation over and over and over and over, when, in the past, the fast-paced NYC backdrop would have naturally given us different dynamics.

The drinking last year was too much, but this is also too much. This franchise feels a bit rudderless.

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I assumed, after the way Garcelle swept into BH and breathed fresh air into that stale franchise, that Eboni would effortlessly do the same. That was too much expectation to put on Eboni -- she is her own person. 

I like Eboni and think she can contribute something unique to RHONY (not least via her burgeoning friendship with Sonja which has the potential to loosen her up). But it is clear, like Gray Bunny said, that Eboni has been hired to be the Teacher of Lessons (as opposed to Garcelle, who slipped seamlessly into typical petty BS blown way out of proportion). EKW is, as Wendy Williams said last week, the 'science experiment.' And I feel for her, because production usually handles RHONY so well with a less-is-more approach. However, they effed up here by being so heavy-handed and she will be blamed for it. Bershan showing up as a potential frenemy might actually be a lifesaver, because that is a true-blue RH plotline right there (as opposed to "Tonight... on a Very Special Blossom").

The franchise is rudderless, 1. because they are repeating the same talking point for the past 5 episodes. And 2. because the OGs have not established themselves as the show's leading Alpha. That role was once Bethenny's and then Dorinda's for a time, but Ramona, Luann and Sonja don't quite have the Cujo in them. They are more snipers from the side, to coin a phrase. Leah wants to take the Alpha mantle but the audience isn't feeling it. RHONY lost two Alphas / 3 HWs total in the space of a year and has not (yet) recovered. That is why I wished Heather Thomson had stuck around because she has those polarising Alpha chops to somewhat right the ship.

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I think Eboni kinda wants to be that as well. She feels a bit entitled to the crown.

I felt like the show was borderline rudderless last season as well. There’s nothing that really galvanizes the show anymore. Dorinda would have been a great “alpha” last season, but she couldn’t get out of her own way (similar to Bethenny’s final days IMO—but she seemed over the show).

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I concur with the general consensus: this season of RHONY is a low point and a lot of it comes down to Covid-19 and the ability for the show to move at its usual pace. RHONJ has the advantage of having the husbands, who comprise a large supporting cast. RHONY has none of those supporting characters: the women are on their own.

The discussions have gone in circles for several episodes in a row. 

Eboni, in her scenes with Sonja, is a wonderful addition but in the last scenes of yesterday's episode, it's the same issue, brought up over and over again, beaten to death, and Eboni is there as the producer's 'science experiment' (copyright Wendy Williams) and it's not fun or enlightening to watch. 

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Eboni is just full of shyt if I’m being honest with y’all. Leah revealed her when she mentioned Eboni supporting Trump and her mom voting for him right after she said voting for Trump makes you a white supremacist. She was stumbling over her words trying to correct herself. Eboni doesn’t want to teach anything, she wants to create moments and become popular by taking down the women. That’s it.

If she wanted them to learn about black history she could’ve planned a trip to a Black museum or a cast trip to a historical Black history site which would allow them to organically learn about our culture without feeling like she’s lecturing or preaching to them. Not a lecture disguised as a dinner party. 

What Bershan said was right and fair, you have to meet people where they are. Approach matters. You could tell she wanted to cuss Bershan out and it’s only because Bershan has her number.

Still despite that I did love this episode. Eboni and Leah annoy me, but Bershan is a good fit. I think the second half of the season is going to be good. I’m mostly interested in seeing Bershan, Ramona, Luann and Sonja. That is where they need to be focusing for next seasons cast. Bring back Tinsley and Dorinda with one newbie and you’d have a classic season. 

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