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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I honestly don’t think Crystal is wrong in saying she felt violated. I don’t think anyone is allowed to tell someone they felt violated or not. It was literally the classic BH gang up. 

But I am truly tired of this storyline and Kyle of course is the ass that brought it up again.

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Respect your opinion, but I’m Team Kyle/Sutton/whomever else. Sutton clearly knocked and wasn’t weird about it. It’s totally a normal guys or girls trip-type encounter. Like Crystal said, it was her own issue and she shouldn’t be making Sutton the scapegoat for her own inner demons. 

I’ve never been a lover of the BH gang up mentality that happens every season, but in this instance, I fully support and agree with it. Dorit experienced this best and I’m thankful for Dorit’s unbiased honesty. 

I do hope that this particular moment will be put to rest, though. If not, we have another panty-gate, Lucy Apple Juice or whatever the hell dog storyline, type singular issue that is cancer to the entire season… which is classic BH, which is why it will never be my favorite RH franchise. 


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I may be the only one, but I’m loving Crystal vs Sutton. They have both been wrong at parts and I do think Crystal knows how to get under Sutton’s skin, but this is giving me classic Kyle vsCamille or Heather vs Shannon on RHOC. A light housewives feud that isn’t dominating the show or going dark. I’m all for this!

I feel like this season has SO much to offer. Garcelle has become an excellent HW and couldn’t do a dull scene if she tried. Kyle is having one of her best seasons in years. Kathy is giving us comedic relief and Erika FINALLY has a storyline. The only people not earning their paychecks are Dorit and Rinna, but there is enough going on that I don’t mind. 

Without the petty Sutton/Crystal feud we wouldn’t have any drama. For that reason alone I appreciate it and I appreciate the overall balance the show is giving us. I also give them props on how lush this season looks even with covid. Even their cast trip felt just as fabulous as if they’d gone somewhere international. 


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As much as I enjoy dragging her, I have been upfront with saying at least Crystal is bringing drama.


Petty feud though Crystal vs Sutton is, I will say that it is a good one. Why? Because neither one of them are in the right, and neither one is in the wrong. From 'are you that girl?' to Doorgate, it has evolved as it's gone along and been kept interesting. And while Doorgate is getting boring, new week clip's has shown that they are going on to the leather pants part of the feud and Sutton will be in the wrong again over her jealousy with Crystal getting along with Garcelle so I think it will freshen the two of them up.



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Yes! It keeps moving and evolving. I mean at first it was a game of telephone, now it’s out in the open which is making it even more exciting. 

Also, I must say I’m SHOCKED and stunned we have an event at Lisa Rinna’s house next week. Is this a first? I have to give Lisa props because her house seems so cluttered and like it hasn’t been renovated in years, but her table setup looked great and I never would’ve guessed the beautiful scenery in the “leather pants” scene was at her house. When I saw the episode preview and put two and two together I was stunned!

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No, remember Harry's pie that he was so proud of (it's one of my pet peeves when straight guys can get so much praise for a simple baking task that their maid has to clean up afterward)? 


Their home bbq is the origin of Lisa and Erika's annual hot dog and it was the site of the cupcake decorating event when Erika told Denise that she was her porn fantasy.


Also, given that filmed during covid lockdown in LA, where else could they go?

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ITA -- the feud is light and even funny at times (if those 'ugly leather pants' and Crystal's unexpectedly amused reaction is anything to go by). It can be summed up, as you say, as simply 'Crystal knows how to get under Sutton’s skin.' However, there are some more serious undercurrents -- is Sutton leaning into her own 'white fragility'? Is Crystal exploiting Sutton's perceived weakness and emotionality? Is Crystal right to define Doorgate as a violation, or was she blowing it out of proportion for the sake of the show?


Crystal is a frosty, mysterious figure and I have not really warmed to her. Only in her home scenes does she seem more comfortable in her own skin. In her scenes with the women, she rarely smiles and looks stressed/has resting b!tch face. However, I appreciate that she's expert at needling.


Also, Bravo have been releasing a lot of Cut Scenes lately, and Crystal comes across more well-rounded in those. The Cut Scenes in many instances add context and honestly should have been kept on the show. Like Garcelle and Rinna's first sit-down was more extensive than we saw in the first episode. In more recent Cut Scenes, we've seen Crystal and Sutton getting along at the dumpling-making, and we've seen a fun, dapper side to Rob Minkoff which blew my preconception of him as a reserved techie. We also had more of Harry Hamlin explaining his vegetable patch.


IMO Bravo are making cuts of good scenes that build a fuller picture of the women in favor of Erika's stuff. Production is building the case both for and against her, and it's a move-the-plot decision. Interestingly, the Cut Scenes so far this season feature very little Rinna and zero Dorit. Someone on Twitter referred to Dorit as Terri Dietcamp drenched in labels! Where is the lie?


Also you are so right -- BH is looking very luxurious and lush this season and is beautifully photographed. Most of the women are dressing better with less heavy makeup and OTT costumes (Dorit still hasn't got the memo on that one). Honestly, I forget Covid is even happening some episodes. Kyle's new nose still has me doing a double-take, though.




Meanwhile, as New Jersey prepares to film again, Teresa pulled a 'doing yoga with Danielle Staub on Instagram' move again -- this time with Jackie! Where does this leave my Jennifuh??


Sample comment on this post: "Teresa always has time for her fans" 

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