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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Not crusty ole Simon being the entry point by which an ex-HW gets back onto RHOA! WTF is in the water in Atlanta??


Look at Sheree all excited to be sitting in First Class! LOL @ the comments speculating that Sheree might steal SG from Porsha!

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@TaoboiGer her, Tiffany! Bravo only has themselves to blame for this blowing up the way it has. They quickly reprimanded Kenya for her Native American costume, but are silent on the blatant racism from Kameron. She had to do something. My guess is she’s going to pull a Kandi and not agree to return if Kameron does. 

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I did not even realize that what happened yesterday included tagging her workplace, her family members, and the like. That's just gross. 


And yes, re: Kenya. Exactly.


This suuure has been a week for Bravo off screen juicy drama. And it's barely past noon.

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Tagging her workplace is so much worse now that I realize the Westcott family has a financial stake in the hospital she works at. That is serious stuff and they are sick for doing that! Kameron lost me with liking the racist tweets, but that let me know this is much worse than I realized. 

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This could only get oh so messy. And then...where does Bravo fall on that? 





Second of all, even with my system wanting to mess up, I thought it was a good low-key finale with a dash of drama. All of the storylines this season came to some resolution (or in the case of Jennifer and her mother not). And there were a little drama at the end. 




QUEEN JENNIFER. Look at her!!! Relatable problems (angry Mom...hope to see that addressed at the reunion). Adorable children (with one a HW in training...hehe). And Tequila Bill (Woof!!!) She has her own story. She has her own personality. And lord, she loves to drink. And she managed to mostly stay out of the drama this week. This was definitely her season and I look forward to seeing her expose Marge at the reunion.


TERESA. I'm sorry. I like seeing her happy. I would have went for the Pool Boy, but Luis seems nice. And seeing her with her children has been a joy.




MELISSA VS MARGE/DOLORES. Say what you will, I cannot say that Melissa has been boring. Real or not, she has been working for her check this year. And it felt good to FINALLY see some cracks in the Melissa/Marge/Jackie alliance. And this all started because they tried to divide and conquer Teresa/Jennifer/Dolores makes it even sweeter to me. If Marge is really and truly behind the rumor, where does Melissa fall? Or even Jackie?


BILL AS PRINCE. He can totally and utterly get it. No lie. lol. 




JOEY. I know there are STILL guys like this out there. Especially where I come from. But WOW. Not a good look though he is good looking.


JACKIE. You spent all season whining about the Evan rumor and now...you really are the ONLY ONE bringing it up. I can't. 


And just so you know @Cat, ratings this season were consistently decent. I want to say it only went below 1.0 once out of the 13 episodes. They held steady otherwise. Much, much better than other HW shows so far this year.




They are filming the finale today.



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They finally release a statement after Tiffany forced their hand by going to the press. That girl is smart! Getting the story in Variety gave it the visibility it needed to get picked up. The show is getting more attention on Twitter than it did when it aired lol. 

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The fact that Tiffany had to lawyer up kind of worries me, actually. That possibly suggests that her practice/hospital got wind of the tweets and sat Tiffany down for a formal meeting. No hospital likes a medical malpractice suit, or a question-mark over a physician's sobriety. Re-reading Chart Westcott's (

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 could there be a more entitled name in existence?) tweet, it really oozes rich-boy power. He wanted to let the too-big-for-her-britches Asian doctor know that he can kill her career if he so chooses.


And all this because Tiffany didn't congratulate Kam on the new house??

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The Variety story is juicy and this coverage is blowing up. Kameron is going to be cancelled. And deservedly so. 



It's absolutely appalling. The hospital needs donations so the Westcott money gives them obvious influence - but this cannot stand. The hospital needs to strip those buildings of the Westcott name. 



The sad thing is, that's the truth. Bravo was not going to stand up for what's right willingly. They had to be forced to do it. The only result of this is that either Dallas is cancelled entirely or Kameron is fired. If I were Bravo, I'd cancel the whole thing. The show was a flop and there are too many ugly, bigoted personalities on this show. 


Dr. Moon is wise to quit if that's what she's done. She has a real career and reputation to uphold and having to deal with the likes of the Westcott family is not worth it. She is above them. 



Yes, he's really named 'Chart'. He calls himself a "bro/bruh" in his Twitter profile...

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Bravo is full of sh-t. I am particually triggered bc they edited Kenya out of the Halloween episode with her in Native American costume


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They have thrown her under the bus and continue to still do so over this yet you have wives that are openly and offensively racist on her franchises that they protect. Even LeeAnn's tirade wasnt edited out


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Bravo is full of sh-t. I am particually triggered bc they edited Kenya out of the Halloween episode with her in Native American costume


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They have thrown her under the bus and continue to still do so over this yet you have wives that are openly and offensively racist on her franchises that they protect. Even LeeAnn's tirade wasnt edited out


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