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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Both Bethenny and Dorinda truly over-played their hand. So foolish, too, before the interview had even aired! Looks like they were trying to appeal to a certain kind of 'fan' who views Meghan as overly woke and liberal -- it was a flop.

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Well...apparently I need to find time after I go through the two tabs in Monique's binder to see Kandi's latest SPEAK ON IT where Kenya spilled A LOOOOOOOOT of tea that apparently explained a lot of why some of the drama has been going on that makes no sense since production CUT the scenes that would explain some things going on. 


Right now as is...well...intrigued here. I think it is clear that Production probably leaked Strippergate. Since the season was dry before allegedly. But if I had to throw it out there, who is to say that Cynthia did not do it? At the time, Cynthia wanted her wedding filmed. And she was been extra thirsty to get attention. Is it far-fetched to think she would leak it. After all, this was the woman that was secretly behind (and she admitted she was behind) the Cookie Lady drama last season. 


However I agree with @Cheap21. I saw it a little while back, yes on Drew. She is being as messy as her husband. When did Latoya stop being the tryhard and Drew snatched her crown? She was doing a lot to start drama with Kenya. And it seem so obvious. Like her husband. On one hand, I get it. Who has not used Kenya to get storyline? On the other hand, she better be on ready...cuz Kenya will get that a$$ at the reunion...which appears to be getting filmed soon. 


That said...I cannot say that I didn't love that Drew vs Kenya scene at the restaurant. I hollered and rewinded and hollered some more.  I thought this episode was the right amount of fun, drama, humor (I was DEAD at Porsha in Narnia), and I didn't hate any of the solo scenes....other than Amber and Jim...I mean Drew and Ralph.


KENYA. Gotta come for that queen.

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 That said...for all her drama, it was nice to see things humanizing Kenya. From her father to the therapy session to her trying to be a friend to Cynthia about the wedding, it has been needed given she has been a bitca on wheels for the last few episodes. And drama was needed and she must have felt good having Tanya run for the mountains in Canada (Girl, bye!!! Even Shamea shaded you on the way out!), but all evil, all the time. No bueno. What I also found interesting was that she really was not paying Porsha any mind...unlike Drew. If anything I felt she was just playing with Drew. For now.


CYNTHIA. hAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You would think she would have followed the signs that maybe she should not have the wedding. I'm still curious how they are going to do this. Will it be like how they did LuAnn's wedding to Tom with a before and after? I do love that she has calm the frak down since the start of the season. This felt more like how I would expect Cynthia to be versus how out of character and thirsty she was at the start. I also loved Production picking on her. 


KANDI. Nothing really. She was just being Greek Chorus this time around. I did see a clip from the SPEAK ON IT where she was reminding me of Candiace when she was making sounds when Wendy was trying to drag La Dame. She had more presence there. 


PORSHA. I loved that she was bringing so much humor being lost (Two outlet malls and Oz and Narnia...HAHAHAHA) and her holy ghost moment with Drew and Shamea at the clothing store was hilarious. But sorry, I do feel that Porsha being mad at Kenya is darkening her a little bit. She spent waaaay more time talking about Kenya versus Kenya talking about her for example. I want her to keep taking the high road. But she came across extremely pressed. Kinda like...


DREW. ...THE MOST PRESSED OF ALL. Kenya was right. They sat there for minutes upon minutes upon minutes and Drew kept bringing their talk at the dinner back to what they were arguing about. It was either squat or it was not. And clearly, it was not. After some time, it was just clear Drew was looking for a moment. And it was a funny moment. But She need to be using that energy on her husband vanishing when he felt like for days on end. Then she was there fanning them flames between Porsha and Kenya AND Porsha and Marlo. I am looking forward to Latoya coming for her in the next few episodes. If she is trying to stay relevant, Drew could start with upping her wig game. Cuz that first wig...not the mention the last one...NO.


LATOYA. Meanwhile, this episode, Latoya STEPPED UP her wig game. And she was giving look after look after look. Her with jet-black straight hair was great. The TH was good. And there was another look she had I believe. Her now versus at the start of the season was night and day. Drew, take note.


SHAMEA. That shade at Tanya was LOVE.


MARLO. I know we are not coming for Marlo? Uh...no. 


I liked the episode. The momentum has definitely picked up. And it looks like this will continue. 


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As high achieving as Tiffany is, I find her vulnerability and self-deprecation her best qualities as a HW. She is a little socially awkward (doing the robot to distract from her tears) and embarrassed by her emotional responses, but i find her reactions very relatable. She isn't arrogant or bitchy. I really like DTM and hate that Brandi was trying gaslight her. Even Stephanie was like 'That's enough going after the newbie.'


Still have yet to hear any remorse from Brandi about how she may have hurt people, but she sure has an awful lot of self-pity for herself. 


D'Andra is winning me over with her whole attitude, and her friendship with Tiffany. Weirdly, I'm starting to like Kary a little, too.... she had compassion for Tiffany and listened to her. 


Mama Dee is a breath of fresh air (and that new face looks fresh too). Pointing out the stress DTM must be under trying to save lives, especially in these Covid times. The other women are so wrapped in themselves, it never actually occurred to them. I still think Dee should be a cast member.


Shaman Darrin and his hair-extensions-grooming past was another welcome guest spot.




TBH I'm actually stunned any restaurant can pay taxes at the moment. This is no surprise given the yearlong pandemic, but LVP has scored 3 new shows (VPD, the dog judging show, and Overserved), so she is clearly trying to keep maximise revenue streams.


I saw that on Page Six. Ramona seemed keen we all know about her new friendship. Actually they went shopping and looked like they were both having sone fun!

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Gosh these women don't listen.

Tiffany said she was tired and wanted to be left alone..and none of the women would listen.  No wonder she left early.




Appears in previews for next episode that Brandi is feeling bad for making Tiffany uncomfortable.  I do recall on a podcast earlier this year that Tiffany was a great addition.  I'm wondering if pregnancy hormones are making Brandi seem off..and she's taking it out on Tiffany?


Also, D andia's shamen did Stephanie 's extensions in the past is priceless lol

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Well they keep being extremely coy when it comes to Bershan. I say keep manifesting.  


I would die if they BOTH get apples.  


ETA: @Faulkner yeah...early reports reported that Eboni and Ramona surprisingly got along. Not sure if it has lasted though.

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Oh on Heather’s podcast with Kristen Takeman she dropped some more tea. She said because they had a cast of five they asked her to join full time which makes sense because she could easily be dropped in and has a good relationship with Andy who produces her podcast. She settled to return as a friend and film group scenes and the cast trips, but something seemed to have happened and she quit midway through. All signs point to something with Leah, but she didn’t reveal what exactly. She did mention she came in wanting to get to know the newer ladies but noticed that they’d done research on her and also she keeps mentioning the fourth wall being broken. She said she never wants to go back. At the very least I hope it means we’re in for some good drama lol. 

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That's a meh for me. I actually dozed off in the middle of Mama Dee's scene *gasps* Forgive me, Mama Dee!!! It's been a busy work week and constant drama (and apparently some more coming gggrrrr) with my TV system. So as I play catchup on these GH wedding episodes just in case my system goes out again, I figured I would finally write. Which brings us back to the meh...


I found myself side-eyeing this episode from go due to the unscheduled skip week. Shades of BH given Brandi's news between episodes. And then Bravo's response to Brandi's news. So the episodes going forward are going to get side-eyes for shifts like the BH episodes once they came back from their 'break.' I saw a few things, but I will wait until next week to see if anything gets confirmed. 


Sadly though, the break also killed the momentum. Something I felt DALLAS has had so far barring the last episode. I did hope that coming back from the break that maybe it would get back. But...not quite yet. It was just uneven. And for me, that was really because I like some of the ladies and I dislike some of the ladies. And the episode was even out between that. Sadly.


During the break, a picture surfaced from an old reality Texas show. And guess who was in it? MAMA DEE and she was sitting right next to TIFFANY MOON!!!!! It warmed my heart because what LeeAndra has been saying about Tiffany IS TRUE. Mama Dee really does see Tiffany as a second daughter and that picture made it so clear. In the world of reality tv, people can too easily say something like ie. Candiace/Wendy on RHOP as best friends when they really met before filming not years ago. So all scene with Tiffany and LeeAndra or them with Mama Dee ring even more true and that was nice to have that confirmed.


BRANDI. I know shocking with her first. But I'm sorry, I'm not buying anything. I zoned out or ignored her outright throughout most of the episode. Like I said before, she has taken pages out of RHOP Candiace's playbook and it's soooo transparent to me. So everything from her talk with her husband to the letter to anything coming out of her mouth or attempts to shed that one tear (c) Mariah Huq rang hollow to me. When your BFF is side-eying you in a conversation...yeah you are probably wrong. Whatever, ho.


STEPHANIE. Speaking of side eye, look at her calling out her BFF in TH. Now let's see if she keeps that energy. Meanwhile, it was nice to see her talking to Kary's daughter for her. 


KARY. Lint. 


KAMERON. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! GURRRRRRRRRRRRRL, THE SWIMSUIT!!!!!!!!!!! HOW DID SHE KNOW??? She was easily comic relief this time around.


TIFFANY. I enjoyed everything with her. Especially her with the robot. lol. God, there was so much. It's interesting what she said in light of the recent Harry/Meghan stuff. She cannot change her race...if Brandi is uncomfortable and it is because of THAT, Brandi really really needs to go and look deep within herself and change. If she wants. Meanwhile, Tiffany is a doctor with a great family and those scenes were cute. And she has a great second family in LeeAndra and Mama Dee. And loved Mama Dee speaking true tea by saying those ladies are J-E-A-L-O-U-S. She has everything and the self-confidence they wished they had. She should stay winning. And I stay loving her friendship with LeeAndra.


LEEANDRA. I also loved the tea that Stephanie spilled about LeeAndra's shaman. I stay loving Mama Dee with LeeAndra, but it is very interesting how much and how fast LeeAndra goes through money to the point that Mama Dee had to step in. Another layer to the LeeAndra/TheBrother/TheWill storyline. Perhaps she really did run through that money. I also loved Mama Dee call the ladies out...and it looks like she's doing that next week as well. Meanwhile, LeeAndra had Tiffany's back throughout and I loved that and getting the girls to see why Tiffany might have left early. 


So...fingers crossed the momentum is back next week. 

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