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I am not going to lie...I rewind Tiffany gathering Kary all the way together last night quite a few times. I've always said last year that Kary said things like that to get a reaction out of LeeAnne. And how LeeAnne reacted was more about mocking Kary as a person, not Kary as a Mexican. And now Kary this year has been going around being LeeAnne even more than D'Andra has been LeeAnne. Season FOUR LeeAnne at that. So negative...and wasn't that the issue Kary claimed to have with her? 

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This episode reminded me of the one episode of RHOP that I felt was filler last year. In fact, I want to say that was the first episode post-fight...where the episode spent the first part of the episode on the aftermath of the fight and then it went on to try to be a typical RHOP episode...but the tonal change was so jarring. This episode of DAL was like that. The difference was that the ladies of RHOP separate were interesting enough to do something like that. The ladies of RHOD...well...


LEEANDRA. First of all, when or if you watch @Cat and @DaytimeFan, her plastic surgery was a mess. I didn't notice it at first. But by the end of the episode, you could not not see it...or the fact that her face was not moving. Since you two have better ideas of it than I, I figured a warning might be in order before viewing. That said...it was the only thing that bothered me about her this episode and it was minor. I loved that she had Tiffany's back. I loved that it felt like she and Tiffany were tag-teaming Kary very good in fact. Now do I think it is all about LeeAndra...well...*sips*


KARY. Trifling heffa. She picked on LeeAnne last season for always bringing up her past pain. She picked on LeeAnne for being negative all the time. She picked on LeeAnne for playing the 'my pain is bigger than yours' game. It's funny a year later she has upped and turned into LeeAnne. She has been nothing but negative. She has used her kids for storyline, thus past pain. And then she tore out that page from LeeAnne's playbook and dared to play the 'my pain is bigger than yours' game. At least LeeAnne would have already said it several times by now, not as a last minute weapon ...oh, wait...actually LeeAnne would use it as a last minute weapon, too. Never mind.  In any case, if there is anything that I do not like it is someone trying to use their ethnicity as an excuse for them to be rude and/or nasty to someone who has done nothing to them so I loved Asian Kenya gathering her all the way together. And proved my point...it was not about an ethnicity...it's about YOU AS A PERSON, KARY WITH A K!!! And she dragged her for good. Asian Kenya didn't ask for you so don't come for her. And came Kary did, and she got what she had coming. On the show BTW. Cuz Ms. Asian Ken has been dragging her from one side of Twitter to the other. Disgusting trashbox. BLOOP.


KAMERON. Love you, Boo...but saddling up with Kary because you have a beef with Tiffany...

I will give her this much...her and Kary running off with Captain Brandi and hiding it in the corn fields gave me shades of the horror movie pre-Co-Vid called MIDSOMMAR.  And Kameron was still funny, but the last thing I want for her is to be tainted by the 50YO Giggly Heffa. 


STEPHANIE. Well...I guess we see why she and Brandi are such good friends after the Panties game. RME. As Irrelevant as Jen currently is.


BRANDI. No one is surprised that the cheerleader knows how to twerk. And I admit...that was funny. Especially when the bartender joined. Later on with her and the 50YO Heffa...not so much. It is very clear that like her BFF Steph, Brandi is in an alliance with Kary. If it was not for her trying her best to be fake dramatic over LeeAndra/Tiffany taking on Kary, Kary would have been nothing, but dust. And then she was stirring the pot for Kary to get LeeAndra to fall in line. Girl, bye.


TIFFANY. THANK YOU, ASIAN KENYA!!! Someone needed to bring that heffa down a notch or twelve, and she gathered Kary beautifully, effortlessly, and with a dash of sass that I expect from one Ms. Moore. She needed to know what time it was, and what time it was was...we ain't using the same ole tricks last season to play victim. And ooooo...that scene was perfection. And then Kary had the guts to call her diseased for being a doctor. Entitled, much? Drag her to your heart's content. Speaking of heart, it was nice seeing Tiffany's heart on display when she was talking to her husband about her life/work balance and her history with her mother. I know some people online are comparing her to RHOP Wendy, but I do not feel 1)she is only one thing (aka 4 degrees), but multidimensional and 2)I feel Tiffany is giving a lot more than Wendy has. And then next week, she will be dragging these hoes again. I'm here for it. 


Good episode, but filler. 




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I admit...I've been putting it off.


It sounded like the last part of the reunion was...a lot. Didn't sound like it was in a good way.


I will say...WAY TO WASTE A CLIFFHANGER. After Shannon ended Part 1 by leveling a damning accustion at Braunwyn, I admit that I was curious to see how that would be handled. Especially since the rumor was that the editors had to do some fast editing on Part 2 a la RHOP Reunion Part 3. What we got...was barely noticed. Nor damning. As usual Andy Cokehead was in protect the favorite mode...and let's deflect!!! When I'm on Kelly's side (and the looks she was giving to Braunwyn were telling cuz she could smell the bs), something is definitely wrong. 


So...I would say it was a mess. And not even in a good way messy. Just a mess.


KELLY. When did Kelly become the voice of reason? I mean...really??? The looks. The side-eyes. The vibe that she definitely felt her days were numbered. It was all there on her face and her body language. I even respect that she kept her wedding low-key. However, she kept shooting herself in the foot (i'm black...girl, bye), and Andy Cokehead was definitely not covering for her. He ignored her more this time around. 


GINA. I felt she came out of the reunion smelling like roses. I only regret that the montage of her storyline this season should have gone down how the montage made it seem...NOT what it was at all really. I also thought it was just delicious that given her history with her ex-husband that Gina was asking all the right DV questions with Braunwyn and Shaun.


EMILY. Kind enough to be there for Braunwyn when she was being dramatic and support Braunwyn's son as he explored his sexuality. Firm enough to come for Braunwyn over her fakery. I think she's the only person that did not have a reaction to Elizabeth coming out as bi. After a season of Thirsty Emily and Old School Emily, it was nice to see her find a good balance.


SHANNON. Honestly? Irrelevant after the first five minutes. It was only Andy who kept her relevant at all. Everyone...Kelly, Emily, Elizabeth, even Gina...continued last week's gang up on Braunwyn. But Shannon who had the smoking gun to finish her...did not...things to make you go hmmmm?


ELIZABETH. I honestly would love to see her next season. And nice bombshell that Braunwyn came on to her. And interesting reaction of the ladies to her coming out as bisexual. I felt like she was being real. 


BRAUNWYN. Is anything about her real? I even felt her breakdown was fake and phoney. And again...when Kelly has become the voice of reason...yeeeeeah you deserve the gang-up you get. I was even side-eyeing Shaun during their segment...which going online was an apt thing to do. I feel they are both thirsty and should just go away.


Great start to the reunion, weak finish. 





A taste...and I do hope Fabulous Ice aimed that comment right at Andy...




ETA: FULL reunion trailer...



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@Taoboi Re: Kary. 

The last couple of years, we've seen an upsurge in people spouting dog-whistles/crazy crap. They throw everything at the wall to see what sticks. Many barely believe the dumb sh*t they are saying, and therefore discourse becomes largely meaningless. When anyone calls them out and tries to make them accountable, they turn it around on the other person, using gaslighting, false equivalence, the Victim Olympics, you name it.


Right now, we are seeing in Congress this Marjorie creature doing and saying the most awful things. Now, I'm not saying that the Real Housewives are on a par with a fascist gun-toting sociopath and her dangerous agenda! I'm enjoying RHOD right now because it is keeping everything on a level of petty, relatable nonsense, and my brain is more than ok with that.


However, some of the tactics are similar to what Andy once said about Rinna being "very Marco Rubio in your talking points." She could twist people's reputations, but couch it in "my truth." Munchausen, case in point.


We also have Jen Shah throwing accusations against the wall to see what works. Maybe one day something will, honey. It's like every episode is a season-finale fight episode.


Kary is not quite that noisy (not with that dehydrated vocal fry). But she is leaning into a lot of tactics at once. Using the xenophobia card, false equivalence (shilling merch part-time = being a doctor), gaslighting (as a doctor, you are exposing everyone to Covid), the Victim Olympics (my suffering is greater than yours). I am watching this and OTOH I accept that she is keeping the drama percolating with her messiness. OTO, I dislike her and cannot wait for her comeuppance.


IMO Kary is seething with jealousy in regards to the other women. Especially DTM and D'Andra. 



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 I'm on the fence about D'Andra's plastic surgery. She is going for a very 'Texas' look. It's not my taste, but I feel like a lot of socialite white women in Texas (of a certain age) have gone for the full lips, upturned nose. It's a very 80s look. In that sense, I accept it as somewhat normal given the show's location.


Where did you find her p.s. a mess? There was a scene when in the store when she was speaking to Kary in profile and I thought her face looked well proportioned. Her nose isn't too small for her face (a common surgery mistake -- see Kelly Dodd Covidthal). Her chin balances out her face.


IMO her make-up exacerbates the work she's had done. It is way too heavy. The dark eye shadow puts Melissa 'Raccoon-Eyes' Gorga to shame. The heavy red lip accentuates whatever she did to her mouth. The contouring on the sides of the nose and cheekbones looks ridic in daylight scenes. Last week, D'Andra has a scene at home with little-to-light makeup and she looked really, really good. Easily 10 years younger. Less is more!

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I agree. I do think that it is jealousy now vs trying to take down the alpha dog last season. No sympathy from me.


Hmm...As for D'Andra...Idk. I knew she had it. And I know at the start of the episode I didn't notice...perhaps the Clark Kent Effect (her with glasses). But I would say once they went to the bar so maybe what you were saying about how all that makeup makes her face look in the light because it kept jumping out at me. It was so bizarre. I also think less is more since it hasn't really jumped out at me at all before now. 



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Im with ya'll on Dallas. F--K Kary! She uses Mexican as an excuse for her nasty behavior as if she hasnt been in the US enough to understand social norms. This isnt even a Mexican thing. She's just a bitch. I hated D'andra in past seasons but Im on her side here. Kary is rude and obnoxious. I have Mexican friends and they dont act like her nor use that as an excuse if they were to offend anyone. This is a Kary issue and she needs to be called out. She's giving Mexican's a bad name by using that as a crutch

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A 90 minutes (and not a WWHL add-on in sight) well spent.


Like most of this season, the finale was easy and breezy. It was enjoyable. There was plenty to see in scenery...and not just men.

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 And I felt it was a proper ending, closing out this first season.


So of course, it was all about Jen.


At least Jen tried. After a looooooooooong season of her going off at the drop of an envelope, Jen was on the outs with everyone...even her BFF Heather. So she would either try to redeem herself or exit stage left. Thankfully (or not) she went for Option 1. Good for her for womaning up to do so. Now while she stumbled at the end...and good on Whitney for catching it...at least she managed to give out some form of an apology...and of course shade Mary...who hopefully will be there next season for those two to bounce off each other.



JEN. You know for someone that spent her off-season studying all of the housewives shows, you would think she would know when to pull back when a housewife is on the outs. You know...real Queen Bee/MVP stuff...lol. That said...I liked she did the work. And that she got a husband who knows how to dance and get her to mellow out. I could almost give her the benefit of the doubt during to her father's passing as part of...and only part of...the reason she is this way. But again, she still has not completely owned what she did. Like Meredith said...it will be her actions going forward that will determined if the words she was saying at Heather's launch party were the real thing...or just an act. Allowing Heather to go off on her...which she deserved...WITHOUT interrupting Heather, and TAKING IT was a great start. 


HEATHER. GO ON, GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry it was at her launch party, but she said nothing but truth and dragged the he#$ out of Jen...right down to her Shah Squad only being there for  her because she paid them. If we are going to talk a real MVP, it would be Heather. She came across real, genuine, and a real friend...and has a big heart because she appeared to forgive Jen at the end of the finale. And they were back to witty banter. Hopefully, Jen understood what she almost lost.  PS. Loving Heather's online banter with hottie doofus Alex from BELOW DECK MED. Get it, Heather.  


WHITNEY. Love how she continued to keep Jen on her toes. It's like a nice subtle rivalry and I could be here for that in Season 2. As long as Whitney and Heather get along, Jen won't go toooooo overboard. And also as Mary's close friend, there will always be drama between Whitney and Jen so good. She also brought the realness with her drama with her father. I hope they stay okay, but rumblings online suggest that did not hold up so


MEREDITH. I like the mask. I like that her story with Seth has a happy ending since it drove most of the drama this season. I like she is holding Jen at arms length. I love that even BFF Lisa cannot get her to change her mind, either. Again...Jen's actions will determine if they become friends again. But...has Jen learned?


LISA. Oh, Fabulous Ice...I know you will be owning that reunion already, but I didn't like how she met Jen in private when she was all 'I won't be her friends' again. How...sneaky. I liked she appeared to find a balance between family and work. Time will tell.


MARY. Made it out of the closet!!! And also looks like she will be bringing it at the reunion. Her expression this episode at the launch party was a hoot. 


So...good finale. 


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I feel bad starting in on Jen Shah again. I don't actually dislike her. But even before the show had premiered, Twitter stans were already calling her 'Queen' and she was #ShahSquad-ing and it put me off. This season kind of confirmed my scepticism, with the thirst and the 8 assistants (why does she need this amount of people again?). Is any of this a crime? Not at all. Was anybody else on the cast going to stir the pot like this? No. A couple were even giving me tranquilized vibes (naming no names, but both start with 'M').


Something I noticed is how often Jen's eyes dart to camera to make sure it is on her. Interestingly, in the scene dancing with Sharrief, Jen's eyes rarely looked around for cameras. She was present and focused. It was a gentler Jen and they seem to love each other. Coach Shah appears to be a great guy.


She humbled herself momentarily at the end of the episode, but kept the apologies purposely vague so that she can beat a dead horse at reunion.



"Shah Squad's on your payroll! I'm here cuz I love you and I care about you!"


Heather putting things in their rightful context. This is the true OG of SLC and I hope she keeps herself grounded and self-deprecating, because that is what won the audience over. FTR, it seems like Jen was friends with Heather because she felt a little superior to Heather, and Heather would always be there when she needed her. Meredith and Lisa, OTOH, are friends she aspires to have. That's a different power dynamic. But now that the audience is invested in the show, that power dynamic between Heather and Jen is shifting, and it will be interesting to see where they are at reunion.



Looks and sounds exactly like Darla from Buffy the Vampire Slayer ! Whitney, like Jen, is strategic and knows how to play the game. Jen is definitely not feeling her and her smarts, so I'm guessing this is going to be the rivalry next season.


Speaking of strategic...



Image result for lisa barlow RHOSLC gifs


It was nice to see The Boozelow get in the mix in order to secure a snowflake next season. Yes, girl, tell everybody to do one thing, then go do the exact opposite! I am lowkey looking forward to what she brings to reunion. Hope it's a Super Big Gulp because she is going to need it with that touch of thirst she's working up. 



Crack-voice cult leader, can we all agree? So why do I like and enjoy watching Mary despite my better judgment?


That scene 'coaching' the choir was Some

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Thing  Else . Usually cults can be secretive, but Mary is happy to show us these snippets and I am all here for it. The choir worships her and are terrified of her! Did we catch the painting of Grandma Cosby & Jesus frolicking in the clouds?



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You know Brooks was pissed that he couldn't go to that finale party! LOL! I love Living Mannequin in all her Dish-Engaged glory. She's just above it all, but at some point she will have to get down in the mud and wrestle with the rest of the peons.

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I never said my Fabulous Ice did not like her kids. It's been fun to see her Type A deal with being a mom. And watching find a way to find that balance. It's been there throughout the season so I like that as the season ended, the producers came back to her thoroughline. Namely THIS.


I too like the mask. 


@Faulkner I am sure Ex Soap Star and Kyle will lost it when they see it once they are done cast tripping here.

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That reminds me...to answer your question a few pages back re: La Dame's tweet. In case, you did not see it...Gizelle and Robyn did an interview with some DC Local I believe to sell wine. And during the interview, Gizelle decided (after drinking too much allegedly) to start talking about Karen like she always does...saying that Karen must be stalking her given how much she talked about Gizelle. La Dame caught wind...and thus, the response.


Speaking of POTOMAC...well...looks like they are FILMING already right now. Testing scenes for the potential newbies I believe.

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