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Heather is full of so much win. I absolutely loved the fact that she already knew everything Jen had been saying about Meredith, but didn't spread gossip nor thought it was Jen's place to be going around speculating. That's a true friend; that's the real deal. 


Loved seeing Whitney with her father. So much history there with getting hurt and being disappointed in her father. It's no surprise that he's leaned on her financially for support time and time again. I'm glad she put her foot down about not supporting him this time. 


I enjoyed the house husband dynamic. Jen's hubby is actually pretty cool. I wasn't expecting that; I expected another Charrisse Jordan Jackson Jordan situation (I can't remember which last name goes first).  I agree @Taoboi that the Meredith/Seth situation is the stuff of soap opera angst. Such an interesting dynamic. 


Ditto the dynamic with Lisa and her husband.  Hubby & I find it funny and strange how they so openly admit their work comes first and their children come second. Add to that Lisa's comment that she'd like to incorporate her kids into her work in order to spend time with them. Her priorities regarding her children are a little out of whack IMO but then again I don't have kids and never will. 30 years from now, I'm sure she'll wish she had spent more time with her children and will smother her grandchildren instead. 


The snow ski jets looked fun. That's the only type of snow adventures I would do myself. I can't balance for [!@#$%^&*] and would die trying to ski. I can't even rollerblade LOL. 


Definitely the latter. I spy smirks from her bystanders. I couldn't keep a straight face with that clown either. 

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I did see Meredith and hubby are back together...so seeing the journey air will be interesting.


Lisa is type A...and she admits it so I'm sure hubby realizes it..but trying to help her find a balance.  I do like they started as friends before becoming a couple.  And judging on her Instagram...she does seem to love her hubby and sons.  She just shows it in a different way.


Jen and hubby's 1st date story was cute...but she's too messy.  Lisa was right that if he was like Jen..they would be divorced.


Heather is relatable.  I wonder how Jen feels about the fact most viewers list Heather as their fav..and not her?


Whitney has dad issues.  She and Ashley from RHOP would click if they met.


Mary is fascinating, and maybe just one scene an episode will make people want to see her more.


I heard a rumor that a Meredith and Lisa argument happened during the hot tub confession scene..

Wonder if true or not. 


Lastly, I'm loving the hubby's getting confessional time..reminds me of early season OC.




I do hear some of the hubby's will also get confessional scenes.  I hope that's true..because I liked the brief scene of Kameron's little girl being interviewed and making fun of her mom in an adorable way last season.  I hope Kary's kids also get a confessional since they rolled their eyes at her antics last season.

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Thanks @Gray Bunny ! I love lists like these.


***THE BEST & WORST OF 2020***


Best Show 

RHOP punches far above its weight, belying its ratings (which may be some kind of Nielsen/Bravo conspiracy to make RHOA feel better about itself). This is due largely to the kismet chemistry between its core cast. IMO RHOP was Best Show of 2019 as well.


The level of intensity and anger this season has been such that the show could be in danger of burning itself out. Already we have lost Monique, who carried much of the drama. The righteous anger levelled at Andy, Gizelle and Bravo after Reunion makes me wonder if the show will be able to repeat the magic of its first 5 seasons. Nevertheless, it was addictive, compulsive drama this year, and The Unmasking of Gizelle which will go down as one of the most anticipated takedowns in RH history.

Most Entertaining Show

RHONY. This year was not golden for RHONY, but the enjoyment I get from watching is still there. There are moments when it easily rivals Emmy-winning comedy. Again, this is due to the cast, most of whom have known each other forever. As long as Bravo maintains a familiar core group (Sonja, Luann and yes, even that monster Ramona), I am looking forward to next season's shake-up.

Show You Love to Hate

RHOBH is That Show. After LVP chose to jump rather than be pushed, I wasn't sure I could handle a RHOBH with The Coven crowing in triumph. And they won another round in S11 by chasing F*cking Denise Richards away. However, someone, somewhere in the bowels of Bravo seems to understand that we want to see some viable opposition. Some karma. There is a reason they replayed Season 1 BH during this year's brief mid-season hiatus -- so we could be reminded of Kyle Richards' machinations from the very beginning. They also gave us


Best New Housewife

Garcelle Beauvais, RHOBH, and


Best Friend of the Housewives

Sutton Stracke, RHOBH.


As @DaytimeFan said, BH is a journey into the dark heart of ruinous consumerism (it used to be a journey into the dark heart of dirty Hollywood secrets which made it an amazing watch back in the day). The additions of Garcelle and Sutton may not quite be the antidote, but they are a breath of fresh air and emotional authenticity amid all the performative spending and petty fakery. 


Show That's Heating Up

RHOSLC took a while to get its claws into me. Who would have thought Mormon Country could deliver... this? Mary, the childlike, fragile bird of a cult leader. Whitney the Darla-voiced truth-teller. Femme fatale Meredith Marks. I even enjoy thirstay Jen Shah who thought she was going to be her franchise's LVP. This is what makes this show such a tasty treat -- the fact that someone as normal, self-deprecating, unbothered and funny as Heather Gay could swipe that crown. 

Show That's Cooling Off 

RHOA. It's been like that for a while. And it's not the cast's fault. Once upon a time, the cast gave us everything. Flirtation, divorce, pillow fights, epic shade and the best humor. But somewhere along the way -- and after too much Bravo interference IMO -- we lost the authentic real-life stories. We got a lot of self-production (Kenya) and meaningless filler (everybody else). Part of it is due to the change in production team after S9. IMO, losing Carlos King, who knew the women and this franchise like the back of his hand, was a loss. And losing a black EP was a loss. I'm not sure the current crew is as intimately tuned in to the women. As a result, the last few seasons have felt very surface, like something has been lost in translation. ATL is also starting to do that BH thing where they focus heavily on lewks in order to make up for the lack of organic drama. The women are still amazing, they just need to be handled better.


Show That's in Trouble

RHOC. Actually, this season is not as bad as I expected. But this comes on the heels of at least three very iffy seasons. And this is definitely the B Team. Firing the two engines of pot-stirring drama and building a show around Kelly "THIN THE HERD" Dodd was a mistake all of us foresaw a year ago. Gina is by far the best HW here, and God knows we weren't saying that about her in 2019. Braunwyn is giving us everything, but Lord, she exhausts me. It's hard to watch somebody so pampered and privileged be so depressive. Yes, she may finally be living her truth, but I wonder if it's more a case of being bored stiff by her dullard husband. And then we have Shannon. Can we finally agree that Shannon is an awful person and insanely jealous that her daughters have Covid because they are stealing her thunder? I still like Emily and Shane. It's salvageable, but it cannot afford another lost season. We've had too many of those.


Outstanding Scene Stealer

Sonja and Luann, RHONY. I could listen to them shoot the breeze all day long. Plus they have heart, and that is something sorely missing on many shows. 


Queen Bee OG

Karen Huger, RHOP. What can I say? I love her.


Worst OG

Kyle Richards, RHOBH. Obvs.


Housewife Most Due for a Comeuppance

Lisa Rinna, RHOBH. She's keeping her sh*t locked tight, though. No crazy spending. Harry stuck in a cabin in Canada. Deflection wielded like a murderous weapon. I expect her to go down with the BH ship at this point.


Biggest Fall from Grace

1. Erika & Tom Girardi (RHOBH) OWN this category.


This is MAJOR. Far, far bigger than anything the Giudices were caught doing. They looted the settlement accounts of burn-victim clients and Indonesian widows. The number of lawsuits are mounting by the week. The scale of the lawsuits amount to millions and millions of siphoned dollars. It is an epic house of cards which is falling in slow motion. And the coldness, the hubris! All this was done to fund Erika Jayne's career -- on the Real Housewives. 


2. Andy Cohen. The baby shower Kyle threw for him (and Rinna took credit for, lol) went to his head. "Dance for your master, monkeys!" screamed Rinna at one point during the shower. And now he is picking his faves to be the representative faces of Bravo -- and shielding them by gaslighting their rivals at Reunion. This is sheer interference (and much more besides) and is likely the beginning of a very slippery slope for Cohen.


3. Gizelle, RHOP. She may have survived that Reunion. Just. But the unmasking was five long years in the making. It was glorious. Her Iciness was unable to keep her hatred in check at certain points. Exposed, unmasked -- we can't unsee it now, and something has indelibly shifted when it comes to Gizelle's attempt to dominate RHOP.


Best New Housewife

I got nothing.


On the Edge of Being Over-Hyped

Leah McSweeeney, RHONY.


Most Annoying New Housewife

Wendy Osefo, RHOP. You could have been great, but you had zero sense of humor about yourself. You should be thanking T'Challa and La Dame for guaranteeing you another season.


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RH Shows I'm Most Looking Forward to in 2021

-RHOD and RHONJ. Some days, I just want to be entertained. I think NJ is an unsung hero at times. The problem with NJ is, when it is good, it is great, but when it is bad, it is AWFUL.

-RHONY's shake-up.

-The Fall of the House of Girardi on RHOBH.

-RHOP Season 6. Can't get here soon enough.

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Finally have time. And time means...




BEST SHOW: The Real Housewives of Potomac


A sign of a great show is when fans react badly when the airdate is pushed back. Moreso when rumors began to emerge the previous year of a fight caught on film. And as it turned out...it was worth the wait. After a year of waiting, the ladies of Potomac returned with a season of fun, excitement, a bird, and yes, the aforementioned fight. It was a fight that split the group apart. And through it all, no episode (maybe one) was not wasted as we not only got to see the fight from every angle, but several subplots (La Dame's marriage, the engagement of Robyn and Juan, Ashley's man's latest drama) that used the ensemble in other ways. Not one person was a waste to the dynamic. And it all climaxed into an unforgettable set of reunion episodes that drove viewers' opinion right down the middle. With the leaving of Monique who was at the center of it all, and the unmasking of Gizelle as the villain of the story,  it will be interesting to see where the ladies go from here when it's time for Season 6. And the world WILL be watching.


MOST IMPROVED SHOW: The Real Housewives of New York


New York has always been the show that was wild, crazy, fun, and full of boozes. However, it was usually tempered with storylines and events that kept it all moving...just like the friendships of the ladies on it. However, this past year that balance was lost at the start. Bethanny flew the coop. Tinsley appeared mildly isolated due to some unknown reason by Dorinda. LuAnn was on top of the world, but not drinking. And Leah was new and still needed time to jell with the other ladies. As a result, the start of the season fell all the way into boozy territory...and it eventually fell flat. HOWEVER...it turned a corner...without losing its wild crazy fun. Tinsley's leaving (and coming back for the reunion confident and fierce) allowed for the ladies to get to know Leah...and also realize that Dorinda had a problem. It also allowed for a brief feud between Ramona and her friend Elyse. Eventually, the truth was revealed...a hidden scene that revealed why Dorinda hated Tinsley and an intervention long overdue for Dorinda. And though all the seriousness, there was friendships, men, and no grudges. And next season looks to be interesting when diversity appears in the city that never sleeps. 



WORST SHOW: The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills


When the Queen leaves...who gets the crown? The answer is ??? And what started as a season that was looking like the overdue takedown of wannabe Queen Bee Kyle instead turned into something else. Denise Richards came into the show and quickly became a fan favorite. So it was easy for Kyle and Rinna to set her up for a fall. Enter her 'friend' old cast member Brandi and a rumor that may it seem like Denise was lying. What followed was episode after episode after episode of lies, yelling, and attacks. The very definition of bullying. In the end, Denise left. And the show jumped the shark, making people wonder if it would ever get a glamour vibe ever again. Which brings us to...


BEST ADDITION: Sutton and Garcelle, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills


'I thought you were kinda boring.' From the moment that Friend Sutton Stracke said that to some blond housewife with that Southern accent, the viewers knew they had a breath of fresh air. Sutton came into the show with one liners ('let the mouse go'), couture fashion, and WEALTH, something that has been sorely lacking since the exit of LVP. Then enter the scene resemblance of GOSSIP GIRL was Garcelle Beauvais, the first black woman to be on this branch of the franchise. She was ballsy, straightforward, and the kind of housewife this show has been needing. That they have slowly become the dream team on this show (along with a redeemed Dorit) is delicious. 


FUNNIEST MOMENT: T'Challa attacking Dr. Wendy,  Potomac


What started off as a fun feud (La Dame vs Monique's new pet...a parrot) led to light moments (and hilarious subtitles). But none of them were as funny as new housewife Dr. Wendy was being uppity and as if he sensed dark energy, T'Challa attacked her. Her scream and the aftermath (the one time Candiace looked funny with a plastic night, bunched up with Gizelle and Karen) is worth a rewatch.


BEST EXIT: Tinsley, New York


She might have started as the 'baby' of the group, but over several seasons, Tinsley Mortimer grew into being a housewife. Her goal: to find Mr. Right. And while she had ups and downs, in the end that was exactly what she found, leaving to be with her man in Chicago and happily engaged. And thanks to her new friendship with newbie Leah and her harassment by Dorinda, this baby had no choice...but to grow up. And when she destroyed Dorinda at the reunion with her bombshell around the reason Dorinda hated her (namely jealousy), she became a woman right before viewers' eyes. A happy one at that. Like a fairy tale, she was gone and lived happily ever after.


WORST STORY: Snakegate, Real Housewives of Atlanta


Given producers' love of rolling back footage when people are lying, we the viewers should have known what this story would fail when no footage of Cynthia saying anything foul about Nene surfaced. Add on to that it was who the viewers thought it was (what was her name again? See? Non-factor.). That the truth was Nene created a story to hurt another houswewife she considered her best friend soured people on her. That she continued to shoot herself in the foot (fighting Kenya and losing, attacking a good ally in Kandi and getting dragged, growing jealous of the popularity of Porsha, turned on the hand that fed her Andy Cohen) and people were really for Nene to go ByeBye. And...she did. And while people are still talking about her here and there, NO ONE is talking about this lame duck of a storyline.


BEST STORY: The Unmasking of Gizelle, Potomac


'I have FOUR homes.' From the very beginning, Gizelle hated newcomer Monique Samuels. She was younger, prettier, devoted husband, and MONEY as evident by this above quote. And so began Gizelle's attempts to bring Monique down. Monique gave as good as she got. But it was not until this year that it came to a boil due to the fight between Monique and Candiace. Gizelle used it as an excuse to ice Monique out of the group. Monique used it as a time to heal herself...and get reciepts...arriving at the reunion with a binder full of nothing but the truth. And when she used the binder to reveal that Gizelle's whole storyline was a lie, it was MUST SEE TV!!!. After years of Gizelle attacking just about every cast member's marriage seeing her get her comeuppance was beautiful. And quite a lot of her potstirring was exposed as well, releasing the evil bitter woman within. Hopefully someday the unedited parts of her takedown will leak. After all Gizelle once told Monique that if she was going to aim, she better not miss. I would like to see the FULL effects of the bullseye she hit Gizelle with. Masterful story from Season 2 on up. And they say soap rivalries are dead. lol.





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Well, that was a fun sneak peek. 


Given how toxic Season 4 was, Season 5 needed to be a soft reboot. And I'll give them this much...they really pulled it off so far. Maybe even to a fault. There is still a slight cloud of LeeAnne in there. And I feel given the reference for it, production should have tried a different approach. Heck, there were moments where I thought LeeAnne was still there and then I realized it was D'ANDRA. lol.


That said...so far, so good. I dislike most of the cast, but that was not a bad episode. And they got to the meat of the episode quickly enough.


KAMERON. Was a hoot. She gave all kinds of comic relieft this epsiode. Her and the dog autopsy. Her and the new dog. Her and the trainer (and Court's side-eye through that whole scene was hilarious). Her and the yard sale. And we meet Jen through her since they are solid friends. PS. Court is looking really hot with that shaggy hair.

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D'ANDRA. I've shocked that given how much I disliked her last season due to her and LeeAnne's fallout and how she was obsessed with being a Queen Bee, that I did not dislike her. LeeAndra indeed ( c )Cat. She looks so much like her that it's scary AF. And with her back MAMA DEE IS BACK!!! Now Mama Dee I didn't mind at all and got a hoot out of them playing dress-up at the start of the episode. And loved how she was trying (side-eye) to not be jealous of Mama Dee taking Tiffany on like a daughter. Mama Dee did the same with LeeAnne and look how that turned out.  But so far, the bond between D'Andra and Tiffany feel and looks real. But I also feel like she knew Tiffany well enough to know she would have a problem with Brandi and the video and tried to butter her up. No good.


STEPHANIE. I see someone has her Season 2 Mean Girl Face. And then want to verbally slap down anyone for having Co-Vid concerns...ironic since LeeAndra just got it. Girl...NEXT!!!


KARY. Girl, stop. One person was not meaning a race, but you as a person. The other person WAS meaning a race. One apologized for her ignorance. One was defiantly ignorant and STILL has not issued an apology before this very episode. But I guess I should not say much since you are not only going to be using someone from last season for a story, but using HER story as well. OooOOOOooh how the tables have turned. There are people (Dr. Wendy from RHOP comes to mind) who viewers feel they would have a good second season after a bad first one. YOU ARE NOT ONE OF THEM. But I also hear that some karma is coming so I'll be around for it with your own playbook (in order to be Queen Bee, you have to take down the reigning one).


TIFFANY. YAY FOR ASIAN KENYA!!! So far...love her. She is a breath of fresh air. Adult, but can loosen up. Serious, but does not take herself completely seriously. Great family life. She is everything we were hoping Dr. Wendy could be. She even can deal with serious issues (so far) without being anyone over the head with it or four degrees. So I loved that she did not take to LeeAndra, StepWitch, or anyone else trying to butter her up to like Brandi. If she likes Brandi, it will be because she has interacted with her and see that she's good...or the trash she is. We'll see. The episode ended on their talking. And I loved how she articulated herself so it did not seem to Brandi like she was attacking her, but at the same time no bs nor was she falling for Brandi's crocodile tears. 


BRANDI. Look here, White Candiace...I don't know why they kept your trashy ass, but I did want to see if you would at least try to redeem yourself. And...honestly...I don't feel it. She was sitting talking to StepWitch. She was being babied by NotCary (who I hope Tiffany gets all the way together with that little comment she made). And then you pulled crocodile tears on her when you knew your castmates were going to make the two of you talk. It does not seem genuine to me. What would have been genuine? Issuing an actual apology NOT ON AIR...BITCA!!! Then when the season started, you could have reference it as a reference point and actually tried to work for your money by SHOWING, NOT TELLING that you are sorry for this video. You already doubled down, could take the heat and ran to a spa, then you went on a tour and did worse so no. My heel will be on your neck now that you're back ALL SEASON LONG. Why? Cuz you're fake and phoney, BITCA. Now...let's see next week if you seem really sorry or just more fakery to get that redemptive arc that producers are clearly giving to you and not the actual star of the show. 


JEN. So far...she's very tall.     But seriously, she seems all right. Just...shockingly plain given she is going to be messy at some point. But so far, so good. 


Good episode.



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@Taoboi Thank you for reminding me about Tinsley's contribution to RHONY. I was a bit of a Jules fan and only belatedly 'got' Tinsley's charm. Her departure episode on RHONY and triumphant return to Reunion to confront Dorinda made me realize, Wow, we lost a good one here. And we shouldn't have. Maybe RHoChicago??


Also I can't believe I forgot to mention the much-desired departure of Terri! To think, it was Twitter uncovering her multi-level paid-starvation programme that brought her down! Welp. I'll take it. She eagerly volunteered to run Denise over with a giant bus and then backed it up and ran over her again and again, so I'm shedding no tears. She finally thought she was a part of The Coven as a peer instead of a lackey! Oh sweetie. Wonder if Kyle is still calling you every day? Terri's dismissal must have been a bitter pill to swallow, and I honestly worry how she and her stencil-eyebrowed husband are going to pay for that new house in Encino next door to the Umanskys.


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Another noteworthy comeuppance was RHOBH's Brandi. Now, I actually feel sorry for Brandi for this one. She never got over being fired from RHOBH (even though it was exacting a toll on her psyche) and has doggedly tried to get back on the show. Her desperation, plus likely a lot of booze & pills, have aged this former beauty beyond recognition. She was a hollow shell of her former self this season (reflective of the state of BH itself, I would say). All that was left was the performative vulgarity as she desperately tried to drag Denise down into the mud and claw her way back up. Sadly, Brandi will only ever be Valley-dwelling trash to the BH cast. They and Bravo use and discard her repeatedly. For months before BH even aired, she tirelessly teased the season's big SL and her key role in it. She said she'd be attending Reunion to expose Denise. Then she said she'd be doing a one-on-one interview with Andy about the allegations. Then Andy flatly announced that Bravo would not be filming anything with her. It is brutal watching her on that hamster wheel. 


I forgot to mention that Best Husband of 2020 is Joe Gorga, RHONJ. He is hilarious, shady, a drama queen, with terribly distorted and outdated views about women -- but overall he is immense fun to watch and is a RH in his own right.


Going to watch RHOD now -- but @NothinButAttitude got me scared. I seriously CANNOT deal with Brandi Redmond's pity party about being a racist b!tch. If ever a comeuppance was needed, it's on this one. Why is Bravo working so hard to save her job? This is the lowest-rated RH franchise and she doesn't even stand out next to Kameron, Stephanie or the Simmons women! OK, thoughts later.

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Dallas was almost perfect! I love that they have the women in bubbles and they only go to each other’s homes. It’s good that they all have nice homes to film in. It felt very natural and you really didn’t feel Covid as much as you do on some of the other series. 

The part that DIDN’T work was Brandi. She weaponized her tears in case anybody was going to be critical of her and like Tiffany said, it was as if SHE were the victim. I also didn’t like how the ladies tried to gaslight Tiffany and not acknowledge her feelings when pushing on her that she needs to accept and forgive Brandi. I hope she doesn’t become close with Brandi. 

Beyond that I did like the dynamics and I felt it was so much lighter without Leanne. I think they have the perfect cast right now. Curious to see more of Jen. I didn’t get a good feel for her. 

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Brandi needed to listen to Tiffany, apologize and than show though action she was sorry.


Tiffany reminds me of my former roommates girlfriend in personality..so she's a keeper for me

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 I do sense she and Dandra are close and hope it stays that way. 


Jen...was she meant to be full time?  I thought I read she was supposed to be but something happened in her personal life that caused her to leave mid way through filming.  I'm wondering if Kary or Brandi were going to be demoted..but Jen opting out cause Bravo to change their mind?


After hearing Monique's live and the contract she was offered...I wonder if all the women have that clause (that producers could opt to make you a FOH during the season if they so choose?).

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So it looks like Monique’s surprise exit is causing them to bring in new blood. Originally I had heard we may get a new friend, but no flute holders. The mention of season 5 has me expecting at least two new faces. With Monique gone it’s going to be hard to replace her so I get why they’re scrambling. Unfortunately this all could’ve been avoided had they been fair. 

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I agree. I will never complain about new blood. Especially when you have lifers like Robyn and Gizelle who don’t bring much. I know my saying Gizelle is controversial since Bravo has her as the face, but other than her ability to stir up drama she adds NOTHING to the show. Her home scenes are boring and she always has a made up relationship storyline that falls flat. Robyn is there but rarely brings anything fresh. They need one or two newbies that can come in as strong as Monique did. Someone with money, an interesting family life who can just jump in head first. I know it’s unpopular, but I will say again that Omarosa would be an excellent addition. It would never happen, but I’d love for it to.  Seeing her on Celebrity Big Brother showed a different side to her and I remember when people watched they were shocked that somehow we fell in love with her lol. She can be devious, but I think this format would give a more well rounded view of who she is. 

This nothing big, but something I love so I wanted to share. We saw a bit of their friendship developing last season and I’ve loved watching it grow on social media. This likely wasn’t filmed either. I love that such an unlikely pairing has made such a fun and normal friendship. I’m still hoping Sutton gets her Diamond and also hoping that Garcelle doesn’t roll over and become friends with Rinna again. 

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