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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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It may have been short lived, but I lived for Team YoungBucks (Candiace, Ashley, Monique) at the start of Season 3. 

Perhaps the reason Candiace is caping because while Candiace is many things, she is not completely stupid. Meaning...and Andy basically hinting at it last week by being messy...that the writing is on the wall for Candiace. 


We know the majority of the audience who were on Team Candiace pre-fight are now annoyed at her playing victim post-fight. Meanwhile, she has been regularly harassing people on Twitter...thus Andy's comment about her Twitter fingers. She has been vicious and foul on there. Add on that drama with the dead blogger and the current climate at Bravo (fighting for racist/homophobic comments, Nene/Mariah hinting at favoritism, problematic hanger-ons *cough*KellyDodd*cough*) and Candiace is going to need a miracle (regardless of what Andy said about everyone staying) to stay herself. And we all know that Andy has favorites and has SOME influence over who stays and goes. Who has been Andy's favorite?




I still expect him to try to cover for her at some point. And I hope he gets dragged if he does. 


But that's just my theory. 

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Bravo has to realize that Karen is an MVP for the network. 



I think it would be interesting to see Robyn on her own without playing second fiddle to Gizelle. Robyn actually has compelling things going on in her life and when she did Heather McDonald's podcast I developed an appreciation for her. She's more interesting and streetwise than the show ever portrays. A lot of that stems from Robyn being Gizelle's attack dog and constantly in a petty feud with someone who, in reality, Robyn shouldn't have any issue with. 


Gizelle is the weakest cast member because she's self producing and has been rightly exposed. There is no coming back from this reunion for her. She should be exiting stage right. Andy always lets his personal bias in and it's time Bravo realizes he is their own Brian Frons and hustle him out of the franchise as well. 


Candiace siding with Gizelle is a result of her having no one else. Gizelle has never liked Candiace and never gotten along with her and whatever alliance they have formed will not hold. 


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From binge watching the show...season 3 was when the seeds were planted (Monique bringing Sherman's ex wife to an event to piss off Gizelle).  That breakfast in France with Monique and Gizelle is a foreshadowing of current events. 


The common thread is Charrisse..imho.  She's been a key factor in the Sherman ex wife situation and the Monique personal trainer situation.  


I think Candiace is collateral damage...but I've heard she's the one to let the cat out of the bag about Gizelle's plot...hence why Monique has focused hardcore on Gizelle.


Also, I think Karen has been shady with her advice to Candiace to press charges..while keeping the divide between those two going.  I think had both Candiace and Monique talked without anyone else...things might not have escalated.  


Season 6 needs a revamp..and I think dropping just Candiace isn't the answer.   Either drop both Monique and Candiace..or keep them both on.   

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Yes, Candiace spilled the bean in a LIVE early in the current season. 


I agree with you. I honestly do think if they had honestly done what Candiace and Ashley did early in the season...have a sitdown one on one with no one around to stir the pot...they would have had a better chance. And it definitely would not have escalated to the level it did. 


That was the sad part, but good part about this season. You got to see it build over 10 episodes. And you saw all the next misses between the two of them. One would be ready; the other one wouldn't be ready. One would understand why the other one wasn't ready, but would be civil...then it would flipflop. Then life would get in the way and that would make it longer for them to sit down and talk. On one hand, very true to life when friends fall out. On the other, it was soap opera. 


Now...don't play.  Gizelle has hated Monique since the phrase 'I have FOUR homes.' 


And yes...Charisse has definitely been the common dominator as well. 

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Monique is a sociopath...even Andy was side eyeing her.   Candiace is sad because she actually thought she and Monique were friends.  I think Candiace expected to make friends..not be on some survivor alliance type of show.


3 parts is too much for a reunion.  Part 1 should have been Giselle's downfall with Monique/Candiace concluding part 1..and carrying into part 2...and than the hubby drama concluding.

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Andy pissed me off tonight. What did he want Monique to do? Grovel and plead for forgiveness? Screw that. I think her remaining stoic was the best choice b/c if she showed any emotion, they would've pounced on her endlessly. 


In regard to Candaice, how can you be throwing shots one second and crying the next? It's old. Move on. 


What agitated me the MOST was the blatant gaslighting against Monique by the cast and Andy. I am so glad that whomever edited the reunion went behind Andy and highlighted that Monique was telling the truth. 


And Andy claiming Bravo doesn't condone violence...

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This is the same man that stayed playing Sheree tugging Kim's wig, Tre shoving a table, and Tre shoving Andy himself on rotation. This is the same network that didn't have an issue showing and profiting off of Ramona hitting Kristen in the face with a glass, the twins assaulting Amber on NJ, Margaret and Danielle assaulting each other numerous times, Nene assaulting production, Porsha assaulting numerous people, RHOA pillow fight night, Jax and Sandoval fighting on PumpRules, Stassi slapping Kristen on PumpRules, GG attacking Reza/Adam/Asa on Shahs, Brandi and Kyle shoving each other, TamRat tossing liquor in Jeana's face, etc. Violence is in the canon of reality TV. 

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Yeah, that is just going to make me heated.


Because it deserves to be said...Andy ain't #$%%.


@NothinButAttitude yeah, it was clear watching that Andy was Team Candiace because well...messier of the two. However going back to what I've said about how tight-knit the production team is on RHOP, they were clearly Team Monique. And as expected, they showed the unseen footage and focused on the moments that people had said in the fight months ago. 


Making the girls and Andy himself look worse for even attempting to gaslight Monique.



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Well...when you are a tight knit production...which POTOMAC is...one is not surprised. I am honestly shocked that now that ALL of the evidence is out and about Monique is STILL the villain when other people are showing they are not innocent either. 


I do find this schism fascinating though. For example, clearly they did not seem to know this was coming so I wonder if POTOMAC will now be in jeopardy for example. And if not...what changes are going to be made for Season 6.

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Andy continued to question Monique's version of events on WWHL. MY sense is that Monique watched the video and she tailored her story to the video. No way someone that out of control remembered every single detail. 


It bothered me that Karen took Michael's assaulting men as a chance to go back at Gizelle. It was really icky. I know she has nothing else to do but go after Gizelle, but I expected KAren to take the allegations seriously, and not ignore them to take another swipe at Gizelle. Speaking of Michael, am I the only one who thinks Monique destroyed the evidence?



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Well after the sh*tshow that was Part 2 of POTOMAC, I definitely wanted something a little more light before I do a rewatch. And I was so busy running around that I missed the first half.


It was another building episode I found. Next week (well Jan 3 when the next new episode will be) will be when the drama really starts when the Porsha/Kenya feud reignites.


Until then...


KENYA. I liked her bonding with LaToya. Given how broken she's been, what she needs is a friend. And LaToya does need an in. Given this show needed some new energy, I didn't mind it at all. I giggled at LaToya twerking on the couch. And...another Brandon cameo. Slowly, but surely, Kenya is getting back to her old self. That said...I am not looking forward to the next episode. I feel a feud with Porsha is a step back. I was sad their friendship ended last season, but that was Porsha's fault. And while she appears to have some of the blame for this coming...Kenya appears to also be responsible. And no one wants another Nene vs Kenya fight that goes nowhere.


PORSHA. Apparently, people feel someone bringing something real to the world is...boring? I could see that...but Porsha is not necessarily being preachy with it. And most importantly, she is trying to not be repetitive. So...ENTER THE PW POSSE!!! She is standing in her truth...and still having fun. I found it all informative and I pondering if I could be doing more. And...TANYA IS BACK!!! For how long...we don't know. But good to see that friendship again with Porsha and not Bitter Tanya that we got last season.


KANDI. Nothing much going on that stands out. I found it funny that Kandi wanted her old body back since last season was the best her body has looking IMHO. Looks in confessionals. Size. Just BANG!!! 


DREW. Her and her man continue to give me NJ Amber and Jim vibes. 


LATOYA. Last week she was a tryhard. This week...well...Kenya needs a friend and someone to get her to have fun again. Sometimes a new person can do that.


FALYNN. So far, so good. So very rich. I look forward to me. 


ETA: Oops. I found the 'star' of the show.


CYNTHIA. GIRL, QUIT!!!  I suspect that the reason she is being this way is that producers were going to make her leave, but she gave them this wedding storyline. She is coming across of a ruder version of herself from Season 7. I liked Season 7 Cynthia because she had a backbone. Fire. But she is going off on all the wrong people. Malorie. Mike. Kenya in the next episode. She is doing too much. And she is being REAAAAAALLLY selfish. Not like Cynthia at all. However, that last scene...was very real. So she gave us something. 

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RHOA was boring. The Porsha stuff is like a whole different show than the rest of what we are seeing and its not working. I cant wait for Strippergate



Wasnt as good as the first part but I still enjoyed it


I CANT with Candiace. She has been antagonizing and doing her best to provoke Monique all reunion yet is claiming to be traumatized and cries at a drop of a dime. Girl, bye!

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Well...that was unexpected.


That was the big talk that led to the BLM talk? On one hand, I would probably have more of an opinion if I was not 3 weeks behind on SOUTHERN CHARM and they were dealing with another statue situation and what said statue represented. And as far as a statue...I am of two minds. One...for better or for worse it is part of history and I found myself shocking agreeing with Kelly Dodd. If we erase our history we as a people are doomed to repeat. That is something the history of the world has sadden shown. Heck, some of us are dealing with that here right now.

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  Two...I agree with Braunwyn that if something is offensive that due to centuries of history and what it represents...yep...it should come down. But...what to do? And then when does offensive just be a offensive because it is a offensive or offensive because someone feels slighted that shouldn't? It is a slippery slope.


Perhaps Elizabeth (and shockingly Gina) said it best when she said the fact that the whole debate...and it leading into talking BLM and police...made her question her privelege is a sign that BLM as a movement is working because awareness is now present. Sometimes it is good to question.


Meanwhile, it was good to see some of them are now getting the seriousness of Corona. Of course it is as it personally hits them. Sadly.


BRAUNWYN. I'll say this right now...I do like she is trying to be informed and informing others. I like her showing her sobriety journey still. However, for the first time I found myself wondering if Kelly was right. Is Braunwyn being real or just pushing an agenda? Especially last week after she said in passing she hit her husband often. I was thinking it was the one time in frustration for being in lockdown. But she did it more? Meanwhile, she just came across very attention seeking. Not a good look.


KELLY. I continue to find it funny that for someone who thinks Corona is a hoax, she still takes care to be sure she is careful. Meanwhile, she had a bit (just a bit) of sense in that talk with Braunwyn. However, she barely hid her belief that she thought BLM were little more than rioters. She caught herself, but not quick enough.  


ELIZABETH. Still dead to me.


GINA. Surprisingly not bugging me. And she talked a bit of sense, too. It is good to see she has some self-awareness and sees that yeah...Kelly could wear a hoodie and probably not get shot vs a black man or woman.


EMILY. I didn't see that Emily and Shane got it so I was shocked. And...other than a little bit of pot stirring...Old Emily was finally back. And watching her whole section was very informative. The frustration of testing. Having to deal with kids when you got it. Not even being allowed in the hospital and worrying. It was all there. And it was all real. Other than the virus, this is the Emily I want to see.


SHANNON. Meanwhile, Shannon came through and showed what it was like to isolate...pros and cons. And I knew that she would. I did giggle at her children ribbing her. And of course, Shannon would be on top on it. I like how she handled it...even in her own Shannon way.


Decent episode.



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