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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Monique shouldn't be rewarded for assaulting someone.  


Candiace needs to get at the root of her anger (her mom).


Wendy...who is that?


Robyn: stay engaged and don't marry Juan


Ashley: Deal with your house and its contents (michael) before you start calling out the messes in other peoples houses. 


Giselle..is well...Giselle.  She's the coyote to the road runner (Karen).


Karen is delusional and lives up to her name.  She's also two faced and before she comes after Robyn looks (whose beautiful)..she needs to look in the mirror at her Crypt keeper looks.

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I loved Marlo's Covid-19 protocol. She is a breath of fresh, hilarious, air. 


The RHOA premiere was a great episode. They rightly paid attention to everything relevant going on in the world. They put the real into the housewives franchise tonight.



That laugh was worth everything. The fact of the matter is anything other than the result that happened between Candiace and Monique would have been an egregious waste of taxpayer money. Candiace can keep dabbing those crocodile tears with that tired triangle of tissue all she wants. She's a fake whose mouth writes cheques that her ass cannot cash.



Monique said it: the legal system did its job and concluded it was a mutually consented to fight. Which is exactly what it was. Candiace loves challenging people to get into fights - she did in tonight's episode with Michael Darby. 


I loved Karen's line about Robyn: "Robyn don't get a lot of moments."


What a great season of RHOP. I look forward to the reunion in a big way. 



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Watching now and I love how real and at the same time LIGHT it is being. Not boring at all since people seem to want to do that online.


And yes, @DaytimeFan Marlo is having a moment and it's needed. Be serious, but light and yourself at the same time. That was cool.  


PS. Love the Brandon cameo by phone. I know he is still Kenya's BFF but I don't think he's been on screen since the beginning of Season 7?

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Can't believe I am saying this, but I felt bad for Michael Darby. His feelings for Juan are the worst-kept secret on the show. I don't blame him -- Juan is Fine with a capital F. Seeing Michael try and keep his frozen smile in place/booze away his sorrows... dude, we've all been there.


The Ashley-Michael marriage has always been a financial arrangement. I don't believe she is even mad at his hook-ups. The problem is, Michael is increasingly unable to be discreet, and that is what Ashley is really mad about. The way she, fuming, watched Robyn and Juan tear it up on the dance floor. Then the end-notes with Baby #2. Like, why are we pretending anymore? He is bi and this marriage is, at the very least, an open one. At the very most, she's bearding for him. I feel like there would be a lot less anguish if they just owned it like Braunwyn on OC.


Lots of people here felt that this episode was vindication for Monique, but from where I'm sitting, I am honestly worried Karen and Monique will not be back next year. That toast where the Hags (plus tubby-snake-in-human-form-Charrisse FOR SHAME who invited her ass) dumped their drinks on the floor re: Karen was gross. Ashley participating in that made me like her less. 


When you think about it, how f*cked up is it that Candiace is A-OK with hanging with Ashley -- but has major issues with Karen? The Hags wanted Karen and Monique on the outs this year, and they succeeded. This was a big set-up to bring the two women down, and reminds me of BH's takedown of Denise. The only thing that could save this is Karen and Monique destroying Giz/Rob/Cand/4Degrees at reunion, one by one. They are brighter than Denise so I'm hopeful.


Gizelle saying Jamal was "at the pulpit" -- please, somebody, stop this women's ridiculous fakery! Did you all notice last week how when Giz called Jamal at the airport, he was getting a manicure? He couldn't give two hoots for Vanessa Williams' budget cousin!


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 Wendy got her 30 seconds of screentime when she had a full-body meltdown like T'Challa had flown in her face. She's known Robyn, what, all of 5 minutes? Sit down, Thirsty!


ETA: I just found out Candiace and I HAVE THE SAME BIRTHDAY. [!@#$%^&*] I am literally

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That was great.  


In fact, I would say while it might not be my favorite season (time will tell), it was a great season with a beginning, middle, and end. And I loved that the producers started so many storylines (Karen/Ray, the engagement, Wendy's issues with her mother) and slowly started to close them out over the last few episodes. But of course we needed to have to close out all the angles involved with the fight as well. And I loved how that nosedived with everything else actually. If I was concerned about anything...I kinda would have liked to see the aftermath of the court date...well seeing the haters be pressed. 


I didn't even realize how much relief I felt for Monique until she laughed. I was right there with her and didn't know it. So while the fight should inform some things going forward, no more talks of it should be needed. Especially if it was part of a plot. JS.


KAREN. WINNER. A stronger friend than I. Okay, maybe that's not true. lol. But I liked that she subtly said the truth would come out. And the truth was Candiace's statement. She continued to wait for Candiace to just tell the truth...that she was just giving a victim act for the case. Heck, even Monique thought so given what she told Porsha and Porsha spilled on CHATROOM tonight. And she at least went to check on Candiace while Candiace so-called friends couldn't care less inside. And I loved that Karen was working on her business. SHE WAS ON HSN YA'LL!!! #winning  Finally, she's been dragging you hoes all season (and at the reunion)...why would you even think she would be scared to appear at Robyn's X-mas party? She ain't scared of you. Darn at those big egos while La Dame is off making boss moves. I do wonder how the others felt watching the Portugal episode with the Candiace statement reveal. And I am sure that came up at the reunion. 


GIZELLE. She suuuuuure was trying to stir that pot. From trying to get Candiace to turn on Karen to starting mess with Michael, that was all she was doing really. Meanwhile there was Mr. Chocolate still living in the phone. And they are still 'together?'  SMH. The only good thing this episode about her was that Kal showed up as her date for Robyn's X-mas party. LOSER.


ROBYN. So the engagement storyline came to an end. But really what does she have? I did enjoy the therapy session with Juan. It was very not fake...and something to consider about how the two of them relate. But...he did propose. So good news for her...or not? Must be not if she still stay coming for La Dame when La Dame has handled her all season. Just...stop. LOSER.




CANDIACE. Smh. Gurrrrl. She is so blind. She is so dumb. She is soooo stupid. I wonder if her tune changed once she saw the Portugal episode and saw why La Dame was not completely on her side. SHE KNOWS, YOU IDIOT. If she was smart, she would see...'wow, karen was really not letting the girls know what I've written. what a friend.' She might be confused. But she would have known that Karen had her back. So her tauntrum was so misplaced. Makes me think if the tea that Porsha spilled on CHATROOM was true. *cough*moneygrab*cough* And then...the court reveal...I guess she is cursing out someone cuz her plan failed. Time for a new storyline. Or is it just 'Girl, bye?' LOSER.


ASHLEY. A pretty redemptive season for her. Like I've said, motherhood has definitely mellowed her. We saw she can still pot stir. She can still place. And if she isn't being messy, Michael will be messy FOR HER. Lord, watching him spiral over his lust for Juan was messy AF and good television at the same time. It does make a person wonder about their relationship. I mean...what does one expect from a relationship where the people involved are allowed to mess around with others with rules? I have disagree on relationships like that because such relationships have to be strong ones and usually someone will always not be. Or someone will catch feelings for someone that is not the main significent other. *shrugs* Stories of living in the South. hehe. In any case, Michael was a mess. Ashley was just being the wife and defending her man. While her timing was in the wrong place, there were no lies in those words and they were aimed at the right people (Candiace/Chris) so Team Darby on that. And then Michael went off on production...LOOOORRRDDDDDDD!!! And who was he talking to on the phone? The drama continues...so they will be back. WINNER...? PS. So Ashley said on WWHL that after the Season 4 reunion Juan and Michael went out for drinks. A joke was said. And whatever the joke was was the basis of tonight's secret. However, she said she did not hear it from Michael, but from someone else. Since it does seem like it was Robyn...Juan? And what was the joke? She did not want to repeat it. #mysteries


MONIQUE. So the court saw the whole footage (are we going to at the reunion? juicy) and saw they were both responsible. I know I didn't realize the vest grab was before the drag myself so now I'm curious again. I think she is remorseful, but she also learned her lesson. However, she will defend her own. And with her in the clear, looks like she is going to give some people what they deserve. The RIGHT people. So I am here for that. WINNER. 


Excellent finale that build on itself and ending to the season. Great season.


Ready for the dragging of Gizelle at the reunion.


At this point...same. 


And yes, she was remorseful enough for me. Now is Candiace remorse for her part?

Hahaha @Cat. You sound like how I felt when I found out Ashley and I have the same birthday a few weeks back.

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What did Porsha say to Gizelle on the Chatroom? I didn't watch. 


God, that was a fun, delicious finale. We were rolling with laughter watching Michael drown his sorrows as his wanted lover became betrothed to another. Lawd, can he be any more obvious? But we can see there is a friendship there, as Juan confirmed everything is cool with them. But man, is Michael Darby a messy, creepy drunk.  He didn't deserve to be manhandled by Candiace's hubby (I can't remember his name either) who was way too hot-tempered, but Michael's erratic "you're going to jail!" with that crazed expression on his face was creepy AF. And then he continued afterwards with the production team. MESSY! 


Another creepy moment: when he said he and Juan should do a bachelor event in Las Vegas, just the two of them alone, with no cameras. And then let out the maniacal laugh. LOL. 


Charrisse suddenly needing a drink right when the conversation was getting good. LOL. Thank you production team! 


Dr. Wendy acting a fool when Juan was getting on his knee to propose to Robyn. Girl, you've known the bitch for 5 minutes! Sit down! 


Aside from that, I actually really liked the therapy session Robyn and Juan had. I think they'd benefit from a new more sessions to get to the root of their original breakup (off-camera, of course). 


If the hags think they can ice out Karen and Ashley like they're Season 4 Jill/LuAnn/Kelly trying to boot off Alex McCord, sorry ladies, but Karen and Ashley are the Bethennys of Potomac; they won't be leaving until they're good and ready to leave on their own. 


Monique: WINNING. 


This reunion is gonna be gooooood. Bring on the binder, Mrs. Samuels! 


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I'm sorry but Monique has something mentally wrong with her (her being friendly with the walking idiot Porsha seals it for me).


The moment Monique went physical..she lost the upper hand that she had over Candiace.  Obviously she wasn't taught to walk away instead of engaging.


And Karen has all of you fooled. 

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Fooled? I'm not sure that's correct -- let me explain myself. I can definitely see the wrong on both sides with The Fight. It's not B&W. And none of these women are B&W either. Gizelle is stirring her ass off, and I know Karen is too, and so is Ashley. All these women have their own agenda, and all of them are trying to present the best possible face to camera.


The issue (for me) is one of preference. I cannot stomach the GEBs. They never get called out on their skulduggery. I need a nice karmic moment of accountability for once! This has coloured how I view the fallout from this fight, because it has been in their interests to ice out Monique and The Fight is their perfect excuse. They gave us the offended-virgin routine about how they hold themselves to a higher standard -- even though we've all seen Robyn tussle with Monique/shove her finger in Ashley's face (gotta give it to Ashley, as hard as she stirs the pot, she doesn't back down from any physical intimidation).


It's true, I prefer Karen. I prefer Karen to all of them, even though I know I'm being played to an extent. She is presenting an image of herself. With Ray and HSN and with her alliances with some women over others. I see it, I get it. I still enjoy her. I always have, as delusional as she has been in the past. The delusion is balanced with the tongue-in-cheek and a wink, like 'I'm on a TV show, everybody.' I'm also aware that she has an alliance with Monique, and Monique has an alliance with Ashley, and that is being played out. Will all these different alliances hold (hello, do we really think Wendy & Candiace are BFFs forever and ever?) ? We will see at reunion, or next season, if the cast return to the show.


As for Candiace and Karen, I believe Karen was trying to be somewhat supportive of Candiace. But Candiace was leaning hard into her victimhood even after she admitted to instigating part of the fight. Not to mention some behind-the-scenes planning and plotting which IMO is very evident. I worry this is taking RHOP down a deeply toxic path. Do we really want a repeat of RHONY S4 or BH S9?


As for Monique -- I have no doubt Monique had an agenda since Day One. Gizelle, Kyndall, Sherman, befriending Charrisse, promoting the podcast/brand thing 

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, the fallout from her friendship with Candiace where it seems there is a lot more to that story. Maybe she will spill at Reunion.


Is she sorry she got physical? No, I don't think she is. Even though her position on the show is not as secure as she likes to front with the laughing and happy-happy on WWHL. However, Candiace could have won over the audience, but she lost it because she has zero humility, zero chill and zero accountability for the part she played.

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