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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I'm late for the party.


Jen: seems fun to hang with..wouldn't want to be married to her nor work for her.


Heather: Hot mess, but in a fun way.


Lisa: A snob that likes Taco Bell.  Although I thought all of them in the car spending time together as they got fast food would count as quality time.


Meredith: marriage issues galore.  Her son seems to be her surrogate spouse.  Even so, not the oddest vibe on the show.


Mary: Blunt like Sheree from rhoa with an odd dress sense like Kim Richard's.  Her and her step grandpa makes Meredith and her son's interactions seem conventional.


Whitney: Seems sweet so far.  Interesting backstory.  Will see what future episodes bring.

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Book of Mormon is fab. Written by the creators of South Park and Team Anetica World Police, and I love their wacked-out sense of humor. It is more heart-warming than South Park, though. When I saw it, the audience gave it a standing ovation.


My Mormon friend saw it too, and really enjoyed it also, even though she felt guilty laughing, she said. Said they got a lot of details right about Mormon culture. Good songs, too.

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Other than the scenery of Portugal and some truly funny moments, I felt meh. And I cannot put my finger on it. Perhaps it is now the first sign of the season stalling. Perhaps it was the fact that now that we know the reunion has been recorded I am ready. Perhaps it was the teasing (not in a good slow burn way) of the reveal that Ashley wrote the statement for Monique. Perhaps it was just a long Sunday yesterday. I was just feeling meh. For the first time I did wonder how many episodes do we have this season. And if next week was the end of the trip with the following week being the finale. My bad? We have one more episode in there and THEN the finale. Wow. 


KAREN. I didn't like when Kenya did it with Cynthia on RHOA so I didn't like Karen being messy about Juan's engagement. I doubt she would spoil it, but still. SMH. I loved her running joke of forgetting she is in Portugal. I loved her being open WITHOUT alcohol. Other than that, it was nice to see her sit back and watch them play out around her. 


ASHLEY. What baby bod? Ashley was looking hot at the bar before they went to the big dinner. WOW. And then the dinner itself...? Hmmmm...on one hand, it just felt like Messy Ashley was back, wanting to keep a fight going that she herself said was done. On the other hand, I thought she had a point due to her last talking head...she has Candiace's number. She knows Candiace's number. Even if she admits it or not, she WAS Candiace. She knew how vicious Candiace can be cuz Ashley HAS been pretty vicious, too. And I was Team GreenEyed Bandits when they called her out on that. I hollered at the producers for the rollback. 


CANDIACE. SMH. I will say this much. Good friend to Wendy. But I felt she missed the point of what Ashley was saying. It was the point that we all have been making about Monique...accountability. Can she even be accountable for herself and ADMIT she was in the wrong? Own it? And most importantly...MEAN IT? While I liked Karen continued to be the mother figure to her afterwards, I could not help but feel Candiace was putting on an act. In fact, I felt like she was a self-absorbed act for the most part. She only showed a hint of accountability and apologize for show. And that was why Ashley was uneasy.


GIZELLE. I hated to say it, but she was right at the dinner. Ashley cannot be picking on Candiace for acting like how she used to act. Ashley is having a great season and motherhood definitely becomes her, but no one should forget that she has always been messy and cannot hate on the current placeholder of mess. Loved her prank on Wendy and that the producers let them watch. They really are pretty tight knit there.


ROBYN. Stop hating. You know good and well La Dame is going to drag you for that. And I will be here for that. Ashley should drag her (and Monique, too) for saying 'assassinate' Candiace's character. Don't be messy, Robyn unless you want your history brought up.


MONIQUE. Only mentioned.


WENDY. Who knew you had a sense of humor????????? I laughed at the prank. Good for facial expressions.



Decent episode, but I guess I am feeling fatigued...


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Finally got around to watching it. And 2 for 2 on the meh. At least with Potomac though, I felt there was still a direction it was going in. Everything connected. This past episode felt like such a patchwork of stuff. Like the producers were throwing things at the wall to see what would stick. As a result it was just disjointed.




LIZZIE. I am always happy to see her. And I found it funny that Tamra STILL does not like her. I will always know her as the one who was closest to giving Tamra her comeuppance.


BRAUNWYN AND HER SON. Like Shannon and her daughter, OC (and NJ) have always had some stories with their kids. I love Braunwyn and her family being so encouraging of her son exploring his sexual identity. And listening to him explore it as a way to come out of depression I found inspiring. I enjoyed it so well, I wished that Braunwyn had not told Kelly about it. Moreso if that rumor is true. Speaking of Shannon...


SHANNON'S DAUGHTER. Look at her having her mother's sense of humor. And it was interesting to see one of Shannon's daughter express her thoughts on David who is nothing but a 'hot' mess online so...more of that.


ELIZABETH. I like Vicki 2.0. And it was nice to get more of her backstory. I was sorry about her sister, but liked that it allowed her to have a different prespective on Braunwyn that the others did not. And it allowed her to get through more to Gina...who I respect for being open to Braunwyn. 




KELLY. If she says something stupid about Co-Vid one more time... But even more seriously...is she just going to be focused on her wedding? Cuz she seems like she's just there. Not a bad thing, but odd for her. Makes me wonder if it's editing. 







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Kelly and saying something stupid go hand in hand.


Brownies son seems sweet... so unlike his parents.  Not a bad debut, but I think the dark haired wig would look better with his skin tone.  I was hoping he would have chosen that wig.


Shannon's daughter Sophie was the one that David gave the wedding ring to when he wanted to end things years ago.  So makes sense she has the perspective she does.  And she's right about her mother.



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Lol. Tru, but I feel that is going to FINALLY bite Kelly on the butt.


When I've tuned into OC okay and NJ I love seeing the child's prespective. I think OC lost that when Brianna moved cross country so I don't mind that showing back up at all. And I like Sophie and Brunwyn's son.  It is so fascinating to me seeing how his family is reacting to him vs me growing up. It's fresh...something needed on these shows for sure.

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Nah girl, I loved it.

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No Potomac fatigue here. I agree with your write-up though. Ashley has shown growth and I don't have a problem calling out Candiace for the way she doubted Ashley's sincerity about starting a family last year. Yes, Ashley needs to own her messy pot-stirring ways of yore, but I feel she had a point about Candiace. And Candiace's reactions and replies are always stank and emotionless. She thinks way too highly of herself and her position on this show. 


The prank was hilarious and I loved their breaking the 4th wall and watching the producer cam footage. 


Karen continues to mother and guide Candiace, but I feel her efforts are falling on deaf ears. Meanwhile, years after Ashley's first comment about Ray's dick, Robyn reveals a lil truth bomb about Karen not wanting to go home to Ray's dick and how she dreads having sex with him. GULP! Awkward! 


Candiace/Gizelle/Robyn need to understand that Ashley coming to Monique's defense is to help keep Monique out of jail, potentially. In no way is Candiace in danger of the same fate. Shedding light on Candiace's butterknife-weilding ways isn't going to land her in the slammer. 

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Nah girl?



LOL!!! But seriously, I think it was just me cuz I totally rewatched the next day. Usually, Sundays are my actual off day so I get to chill, relax, drink a lot of wine and clown with my cousin as we watch POTOMAC. And this Sunday, my boss had me working, and I'm seriously getting worried about California again since we went into Purple alert a few days ago. And people are STILL wanting to be stupid with masks. I've also been worried about family so I don't think I was in the right mind set. Not the case THIS Sunday.  Ready for the mess.


Yeah I cannot believe the turnaround with my feelings over Ashley. It's like Porsha on RHOA since she had PJ. Both people I disliked on their shows except for the humor they brought and mess, but now seem like human beings and totally relatable now. 


Right now, I really feel like Candiace is just putting on an act. And it's sad and very transparent. And judging from the little reunion tea that's out there about her unfollowing Karen, I agree with you that it sounds like Karen's advice fell on deaf ears. At least on Karen's end she still follows Candiace so there's SOME hope. But...she needs to grow up.


Robyn needs to quit. While Karen has take the high road with her once, Karen has been gathering Robyn on the show AND online all season. Last thing she wants to get it again. 


Yeah, Ashley is being a friend to Monique. And Monique has shown remorse. So she is doing the right thing IMO. A good friend should not be having friends pick a side over a conflict when said friend is only heightening it.



ETA: I almost forgot...




So from what little I know about the upcoming season...it sounds like Jackie got her wish of having a feud with Teresa. And the sticking point is a rumor about Jackie's man cheating. And at the moment Jackie...rather than facing Teresa like she claimed she had the balls to do during her very first reunion...has taken to running, hiding, not filming with the group after some group event? 


And...is it a new housewife and two friends or is it two new housewives and a friend?


Anyone know the real tea...?

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Wooooooooooooooo. TT has an article transcribing a Reddit post about Mary's Faith Temple shenanigans and IT

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Seeing all these churches wielding so much power, especially on the political stage, religion really is a conman's game to rake in $$$$$$$.




I have a psychologist friend and if she watched RHOP, I know what she would say. Candiace has mama issues. My friend would be like: 'Candiace is punishing/rejecting the mother figure in her life because she feels powerless to do that with her own mother.' 


@Gray Bunny Candiace's reactions bother me and you have put your finger on why. Her attitude *is* stank, and it also feels like she practiced it in the mirror beforehand. If those Sunset Boulevard turbans are anything to go by, she thinks of herself as some kind of seen-it-all RH diva.



I know no tea but I did hear about this 2 months ago. Jackie had a hissy fit about her marriage being this season's parlor game. Sigh. Honestly -- and this is a highly unpopular opinion -- I kind of wish Siggy would come back with her hormonal crazy. Margaret would be so pissed!



What would be great would be to see a dissection of Bravo and how it treats POC, but with the exception of Nene (who will probably be dropping elephant-sized 'naming no names'), I cannot see G and E deciding to anger their new employer.



Lisa Rinna would argue that she is doing all she can to secure her daughters' financial futures. I've said for a long time that she strongly emulates momagers like Kris Jenner and Yolanda Foster. What makes me sad is that Rinna does not have much imagination. She does a copy-paste facsimile of whatever KJ and YF did, but she cannot conceive of any other avenues for her kids outside of Instagram 'model.'


Amelia Hamlin seems like she has a couple of braincells to rub together. This past season she came across as self-aware and introspective. If she didn't have her anxiety disorder, I imagine she would thrive in a college setting. But now that she has dropped out, maybe she feels that this fame-game stuff is all that is left open to her. And that's too bad. Because her eyes look as sad as Scott Disick's. Scott Disick (who I actually like) struggles with addiction and depression. This is a tough one.


I hope it works out ok... Perhaps Kris Jenner is just doing Rinna a favor and this is a fauxmance for the blogs.

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Since next week is Thanksgiving, Bravo is going to be releasing Episode 3 early online!!!



Hmmmm given they are managing to keep it all under wraps, I admit that I'm intrigued though I was hoping the storyline would be old favorite (Teresa) vs new favorite (Marge). Especially what to see how Marge's edit will be since it was long rumored a producer was giving her the good edit and that producer left this past season. 

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