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Filming extended three weeks due to whatever drama is currently going on.




Should be wrapping up filming in a week's and a half time. Sounded like online they are not only doing the confessionals, but getting ready to shoot the cast picture maybe...?




Apparently Kary said premiere date might be in January. 

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Yeah I had not heard about Tamra. So thank you.

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  So OC is going to have to float. But that is not cool about BLM and Braunwyn. If true, then I expect people to come for those OC chicks with the quickness. Now that part I feel will be too dark for me, but we will see. The Covid stuff I honestly want to see how Shannon handles that. So I am curious.


Yeah, same on Gizelle. She has never liked Monique since 'I have four homes.' (Karen *snap*) I definitely hope Monique gets her together at the reunion. And I think we both know Twitter will be dragging Gizelle later on today.  


I hate to say it but I could see them keeping Ex Soap Star because as of right now, the show would have no 'clear' villain (though we all know that villain is Kyle) just because she would revel in it. Then you have Garcelle who is not getting along with either of them. And Dorit and Sutton who get along with both so that would be good enough. And if Erika is gone, would Ex Soap Star finally turn on Kyle like she appeared to try to do at the start of this season by having Garcelle, Erika, and Dorit in her corner. The takedown that could have been...le sigh. 


I LOVE that idea...re: Sheree. One of my favorite scenes on BH this year was Garcelle hanging with her girlfriends. THAT is how friends act. And people wanted to see more of them. 

It really does seem like it has been a month. This season has been so easy breezy.


I think this season people have said it is 18 episodes. And other than one episode (that was still a good episode) there has been NO filler. 


Other shows should take note. 

She'll be at the reunion.


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I think some viewers and Bravo tend to think that housewives like Cynthia are boring, but I think they're the foundation for what makes a good reality show. You need the housewives who are willing to share their lives and that aren't always trying to be colorful or out of control for the paycheck. Speaking of: I have been watching past RHOA clips, and I have no clue why Phaedra was so popular. She was such a fake and a liar. IT was so obvious, but people ate it up. I don't get it. I do get why Apollo was popular. Yum.

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Tonight’s Potomac may be the single greatest episode of any HW franchise (that I’ve seen IMO).

The flashbacks, the different roles each HW played, the parallel of Candiace’s therapy (and her typically immature resistance to taking any personal responsibility), Karen’s principled compassion while absolutely holding Monique accountable, Ashley’s support of Monique and desire to help her through friendship, and just the exploration of morality from all the women’s perspectives. It just brought of lot of complexity to what happened so that you couldn’t easily vilify Monique, let her off the hook, or pick a side. I wish the race issue had been interrogated a little more, but a minor quibble, and I’m sure it’ll come up at reunion.

Even Gizelle, who is awful and had it out for Monique since Day One, brought a lot to the table by just laying every out. It’s one of the reasons why, even though she’s terrible, I would never want to see her gone like I do a Kyle or a Bethenny or a Nene.

Still, per usual, she made it all about her. Her bringing her personal security guard was absurd theater. And, of course, her line about protecting her and Jamal’s image—that ship sailed a long time ago, sweetie.



Edited by Faulkner
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Well damn! RHOP is further solidifying they are the IT girl. In regard to tonight's episode, Wendy, Gizelle, and Robyn irked my soul. For one, Gizelle was a clown that whole scene. Her image? B*tch, what image? Your own daddy thinks your relationship with Jamal is a farce. And as Karen tweeted, Gizelle was there for theatrics. Wendy... She's starting to irk my nerves. Every situation is always somehow made about her. Boo, it isn't about you. And we get it... you're a commentator. I didn't care for her bringing up Monique's actions like she's bringing down the whole race. Robyn should've remained on mute the whole scene given that she's been in TWO near physical altercations. I am glad folks are reminding her how she had her finger in Ashley's face and has a history of threatening to whoop people's asses too (Katie, Ashley, Monique). Candaice feeling like she has no fault in the altercation shows how deluded she is. Honey, your own mother busted you in the mouth last year because of your mouth. If further p*sses me off that everyone (minus Ashley) keeps forgetting that just last year Candiace chucked a knife at Ashley. The hypocrisy of this show. I just hope that Monique is gathering her receipts. If I were her, I'd be taking everyone down with me.
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It's easily Top 5 episode...hard to rank them, but this episode just shot up the leader board.


TEAM KAREN...she displayed a maturity, humility, frankness, and compassion not often seen on these kinds of shows. Karen kept it real, but did it with love, not harsh judgment. 


I am appalled at Gizelle acting like she has some reputation to protect when she should be busy knocking Jamal's d*ck out of the "6 or 7 baby's mommas" he's got out there. She is so high and mighty when we all know she's all talk and styles herself as a 1996 B Grade Vanessa L. Williams wannabe. 


Wendy was another one who I did not like. She was so angry over something that had nothing to do with her. You'd have thought Monique dragged her...I haven't really warmed to Wendy all season long, and this episode displayed a lot of why I can't get on board with her. 


Robyn, in contrast, I have to give some credit to. She listened. She had her preconceived ideas, and she probably isn't wrong to hold onto some of them, because she was pretty objective about the facts, but she did listen. And I cannot say that either Gizelle or Wendy bothered to do that. 


I was impressed with Ashley. She had an open mind about all of it, as she's been on the receiving end of Candiace's crap. I think bringing the baby was an inspired choice, he kept things calmer than they otherwise would have gone. 


Obviously, Monique was dead wrong to lay hands on Candiace, but I was glad she admitted that she didn't feel remorseful at that point because she didn't know how to feel. That was honest. 


Candiace remains absolutely deluded and got on social media this evening real quick to try and justify why she said she didn't think she had any role in the physical part of that fight. She remains a stupid, spoiled, entitled brat. She is her worst enemy when she opens her mouth and starts flapping her gums. She is just not that sympathetic a character.

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