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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I love Monique but can’t condone her behavior tonight. She was out of control.


It’s weird: after that intense opening, Potomac almost immediately resumed their usual light, plucky tone with the scenes with Karen, Gizelle. Just feels off.

Edited by Faulkner
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Monique was definitely out of control. IT's disturbing how so many of her stans support the violence. I'm not a Candaice fan, but come on. When a producer has to sequester you, and you still have to run after someone, enough is enough. 


The other disturbing part was Gizelle's father.Wow. That ending. And the poor girls who look so uncomfortable and obviously don't trust their dad. Yeesh.

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Monique is my girl but she was out of control. 


However, Candaice learned a valuable lesson--talk sh*t, get hit. Everyone is not gonna sit there and take the verbal abuse and hand waving. Some people will let them hands do the talking, which Mo did tonight. 


I can't with Gizzy/Robyn/Wendy/Candi trying to make this into a monolithic issue about how we as African Americans are perceived by Whites. Do they not watch the other housewife shows? NJ? BH? Dallas? NY? Miami? All the shows have gotten physical. You're on a reality show. Bravo thrives on this type of drama. I hate those 4 are about to take it there next week. Especially when Candaice chucked a knife at Ashley last year and Robyn has a history of overstepping boundaries. Like enough. 

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RHOP delivered like I didn't know any show could deliver in a single episode. Talk about a franchise firing on all cylinders. And it all feels authentic and real. 


The producers must have been filled with glee as filming this season unfolded. It was truly a perfect storm.


Monique vs. Candiace. I am not fan of Candiace, but Monique was like a rabid dog and she was totally in the wrong with how she acted. When she bolted from the producer and ran outside it was clear she had lost her ever loving mind. However, I hope Candiace realizes that her mouth is writing cheques her ass can't cash. All of her perceived verbal might was nothing for Monique's fists. 


Ashley and Michael were also riveting to watch as Ashley started negotiating Ashley's New Deal...get your money, honey. Michael is such a disgusting pig, it boggles my mind why she's in this farce of a marriage, but she may as well take her sweet time planning her exit. 


Karen and Ray. Whew...that was a tough final scene where Karen was so obviously devastated that Ray basically pulled a Prince Charles with his "whatever in love means" statement. That had to hurt and feel humiliating in a sense that after 23 years of marriage, bailing his ass out when the IRS came knocking, that he couldn't be definitive. Marriages go through rough patches, but for her sake I hope they're on the upswing.


Gizelle, Jamal, their kids, and her Father...for me this was absolutely the highlight of the episode when Gizelle's father had his steaming hot mic moment. He kept it exquisitely real once the camera was off him. 6 or 7 baby mommas! He hates Jamal like only a father of a wronged daughter can. 



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OF course, the women of Potomac will be held to a higher stander than the white housewives. How many times have I heard a white HW say that they would not want to be on RHOA because the women are too scary/aggressive? They don't say that about the other shows. They don't say it about Lisa Rinna who tried to strangle someone and three a wine glass. Do they say that about RHONJ? Not sure. We all know that black women will be viewed as angry and violent. With that said, I agree Monique was out of control. Candaice did nothing the other women haven't done. They all talk trash. Who cares?!? IT was so childish. Monique had been taunting Candaice for a while. I'm sure predictable KAren will somehow make this about Gizelle.


Why Is NEne mad at Andy? He looked embarrassed by Wendy William's comments. Nene should be mad at WW who threw her under the bus and drove over her body to make sure she was dead. But NEne doesn't know when to stop. Using Breonna Taylor? She never knows when to quit.

Edited by chrisml
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Not a single wasted minute this episode.


What stood out for me was the crew. They rushed in right away to break up the fight. On other shows, they milk it before getting in there. Also, one of the producers called Candiace "baby." The mic lady comforted Karen after Ray doubled down on his ambivalence. Even Gizelle's dad went off on Jamal to one of the crew. Cast and crew seem tight-knit. Also interesting: no ki-ki-ki-ing talking heads during the fight. Production let the fight speak for itself and didn't try and turn it into comedy. This fight was serious and affected everybody.


The fight: It wasn't the fracas itself where Monique lost some audience sympathy. It was afterwards, when she ran up to Candiace getting into the car and tried to smack her again. I thought the producer had calmed Monique down, but that calmness was really a white-hot rage. Monique seems to be harboring lots of resentment, with her husband as well, and 'putting it in a box' is no longer really working. She needs to find a better way to confront her issues.


Having said that... I do agree with @NothinButAttitude that Candiace runs her mouth, both on Twitter and in person, and tries to provoke very angry reactions. Thus far, she has got away with it because Ashley is in full possession of her emotions at all times. But at some point she was bound to come up against somebody who would lose it. That's when you ask yourself: How far do you really want to push it?


Karen is one of my fave HWs of all franchises. These are both her friends fighting. I admired how she stepped in there and attempted to talk Monique down in the middle of the fight.


Gizelle, her dad, her girls, and Jamal. WOW. The ashen faces of her daughters and her dad at that restaurant opening/press-conference (whatever the hell that was). Their slow realization that this restaurant 'gift' is not about them, it is about Jamal packaging a business opportunity as some church-y Teachable Moment. The whole thing reeked. I felt so sorry for them. Gizelle's dad could not even look at Jamal and I don't blame him one bit for his words of deep concern.


All this begs the question: WHY would Gizelle agree to do this? Why would she force her daughters and her dad to play along with this farce? Is she really in love with Jamal? It is so hard to read past Gizelle's icy exterior. I feel like part of this is about greater financial security for her daughters and herself. But another part of this might be about Gizelle missing the First Lady life, when she had status and people deferring to her. If that is the case, it is sad to me that Gizelle (who talks the talk of empowerment) cannot see that she actually gained in stature when she first left him.

Edited by Cat
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I’m in the minority, although Monique took it too far, I thought Candiace brought it on herself. One of those loud mouths that talks trash and then turns around and cries victim after the fact. 

I suspect Karen and Ray are fine. Real Housewives most likely keeps her busier than La Dame and I think this is a storyline he agreed to for a boost. I could be wrong.

That restaurant business was so awkward! Those girls are in no way ready to “own” a restaurant. Jamal seems to have no connection to the girls or to Gizelle. They do not seem like a couple. At least her dad spoke up although after he excused himself. I think they should bring in some of the other baby mamas to film.



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Well since I'm already up...LOL!!!


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A lot to unpack.


@NothinButAttitude and @chrisml already touched on this. And I have to give the girls this...because it also applies to black men...black women do get held to a higher standard. No lies there. Moreso if they are educated black women. So much so that people forget...they are also human. With that in mind, they have to watch what they do sometimes. 


That's ironic really. Given that Karen has been hinting to pay close attention to the fight. One site mentioned that there's a thread going on here that also pops out on the cast trip. And given all the Twitter detectives and Karen's general attitude to Gizelle this year is actually harsher with NONE of the playfulness it tends to have lately...I see the puzzle Karen appears to be laying pieces down for. Given how great this show already is, it looks like someone is about to be unmasked. While it was not obvious what she did at the time, it is obvious WHO it is now and things are about to be good if Karen's clues are correct and I guessed right. For me...it was Monique's talk to Chris that clued me in and she has continued to mention how old school (and I'm old school, too) and no one should be up in your space. That includes NOT TOUCHING. But that fight happened so fast and tempers were so high, I don't think Monique noticed either. At the time. And she has also said several times that her accounts is not all there. That is key. And understandable. She saw red.


Those are my hints, I want to see the rest of the season play out to see if I guessed it right. And will own being wrong if I don't.


For now...the episode...I so liked it. I saw on Twitter that people thought it was off post-fight. I disagree. Yes, the first 15 minutes was insane, but even when the show went back to its 'normal programming,' there was this undercurrent. This tension. They gave enough of the aftermath drama to know there was some...and a sense of dread...that it could pop up in the episode at any moment. Even with all of the family scenes. THAT'S great production. They know we all will tune in next week for the REAL aftermath. So they held it until next week. *shakes fist playfully*


KAREN. THE STAR for me this episode. She was so Ride-or-Die for Monique and I was HERE for that. She talked Monique down. She took NO LIP from the Green-Eyed Bandits  post-fight. She verbally slapped sense into Candiace, getting her off camera to fix her weave. Karen was just a force to me. And she did not take sides. She laid blame on BOTH of them and kept her personal feelings out of it. She gave no comment...which a true friend would do...even if she was hurting over them falling out. And what hurt ME? Her scene with Ray. WOW. I felt that. And then her breaking down off camera. I was sad right along with her. 


ASHLEY. I hollered at the fact that all that drama happened and she was in the restroom. HAHAHAHA!!! And you know what? I cheered on her when she wanted to re-negotiate her deal with Michael. GET YOUR MONEY, GIRL!!! Cuz he will act up again. Like I said before, she is focused on the long game.


WENDY. I was not really feeling her this episode. While I also like she is ride or die for Candiace, I don't like she will be part of the 'Brigade' with  The Green Eyed Bandits.


MONIQUE. Well as someone who has seen red, and know what I can do...I relate. This one is a toughie. If anyone remembered me leaving my job that I held for 8 years last year due to dissatisfaction, not helped by someone acting like RHOD Kary...I said part of the reason was it was approaching where Monique got to last night. So overall I did what I had to do for myself (Update: The Kary is gone and suing from last I heard due to him getting fired cuz he felt discriminated again over a homophobic comment. The irony. And my former boss the Kyle...fired under a mess of lawsuits. Guess who they want back?  ).  Again, one can only poke the bear so many times before the bear reacts. So while Team Monique and understandable...yeah, that was pretty bad last night. She...SAW...RED. I am on her side of the fight. But it's what she did AFTER that she was out of control. Again, I understand the red. And going forward she needs to show some remorse ON CAMERA. Not for me, but the audience who was on her side from go who might not be now that they have seen the fight. I believe in RL she has been nothing but remorseful and has gotten help to figure out what triggered her since then. But I might be wrong. And I am not here for no gang-ups after BH. At least like @Cat said, the production here are tight knit (which kinda makes one side-eye Michael again since that again speaks volume on him as a person but I digress) and while they did show all of it...they are letting the fight speak for itself. Keeping things real. Knowing when to step in...and when to let the organic of the reality do its thing. BH, take note. I felt production was very much on everyone's side and played no favorites.



Yeah, I got she was upset. However, lest not forget what role we played in that fight. And it didn't help that she was STILL talking smack. No wonder Monique stayed red. I hope she can learn from this herself. So far this season, Candiace has been the work in progress and showing growth. Don't let this sense of embarrassment make you regress. Seeing how she feels next week in that therapy session may or may not be telling. 



Already trying to get everybody to turn against Monique. But I guess when one looks at the footage. One can see why, can't they? I think some good points will be made going forward. But you are the last person to be making them. Meanwhile, the tea her dad was dropping on Mr. Chocolate. WOW. If your father did not even show up at the wedding and does not clearly want to be around him and your kids do not even like him and he is their dad, what does that say about you really?


ROBYN. Just SHUT UP. You cannot even form an opinion without Gizelle speaking first. So annoying.


Overall...yeah. Going by next week's sneak peek already out...the dynamic is shifting. And it all started here. Great episode from start to finish. Again. Fingers crossed the ratings showed that.




As Dr. Wendy would say..."Nene, Wendy (and Andy) ain't your friend."


I still kept it on before I dozed off and yes, I saw Wendy Williams dogwalking Nene and Andy more or less letting her. And we know how I feel about Andy. Even watching it, I knew Nene would have a response. Trust THAT.


But I had no idea that I would wake up and she would overnight it. Damn.


Add on to that. My cousin has been messaging me while I am typing this. NOT the cousin who I converted to watching RHOP. lol. And she is spilling tea right now on Andy. I didn't know he was from St. Louis. And according to her, HE HAS NOT CHANGED and Nene isn't saying anything that is not true in those tweets on him. I...





Edited by Taoboi
Morning brain = heavy editing
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