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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I saw Karen on WWHL last night. She said they were both on various boards in the area, and that when Karen saw Wendy speak at a board meeting, she wasn’t impressed. There’s obviously a story that we’re not hearing.


Ashley certainly needed an image-rehab season, and I think she’s doing it well. I watched her IG Live after last night’s episode, and while she always has been smart, she feels a lot more mature and thoughtful. 

I know a lot of black parents are trying to instill a strong sense of ownership being passed on to their children, but I’m like Cheap... a restaurant? I don’t know anything about the place, but that’s a tricky prospect even in the best of times. Those scenes with Gizelle, Jamal, and their kids are some of the most awkward I’ve seen. 

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The way Karen snubbed Wendy last night was disgusting and I can see now why Wendy keeps dragging her on social media. She was unncesarily rude and Id be offended if I were Wendy as well. There definitely is more to this story bc Karen is acting out of line

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I have yet to watch last night's show, but this had me LOLing! 



Re: Ramona & Dorinda on shaky ground... I know Ramona got called out for bringing up Leah's medical condition (bipolar), but what other negative feedback is Ramona receiving these days? I mean, yeah, I know she's a snooty 1% Trumper, but anything specific? 

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Basically this. The bipolar reveal, and Ramona keeping on Ramonaing. I think her attitude during the pandemic has not endeared her to viewers (running from NYC to Florida and back again) hence her new nickname of Corona Singer. I mean, it's not a great look, but honestly, I think some people are just over her and looking for an excuse to call for her dismissal. 


I personally enjoyed Ramona the last episode. I hesitate to say "Fire them all" on RHONY because IMO BH is more in need of the cast revamp. But Bravo won't because... BH's ratings.

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RHOC will be 12 episodes, down from 22! I say YES! I prefer shorter seasons epsecially when the shows dont have enough content to drag on drama for 22+ episodes. Thats one good thing that COVID will have on the scheduling. In related news Tamra and Vicki are shading this decision


https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/tamra-judge-vicki-gunvalson-shade-rhoc-for-shorter-season/?utm_campaign=likeshopme&utm_medium=instagram&utm_source=dash hudson&utm_content=www.instagram.com/p/CD_0KYnF182/

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Hmmmm that's a really interesting idea. IMO the S2 cast was the best -- LVP, Kyle, Adrienne, Taylor, Camille, Kim, plus Brandi + Dana as FOHs.


If they were to brind back the cast, IMO it would have to be the whole cast and the FOHs too. I really need to see what Dana aka Twenny-Five ThouZIND has been up to the last 10 years. She was in jail at one time for fraud!


The problem is the acrimony. Adrienne will never forgive LVP and Brandi, really. LVP will never forgive Kyle and Brandi. Camille still doesn't trust Kyle (I know she said she did in that episode a few weeks ago, but she doesn't). Who knows what's going on with Kim? (Although I have missed her awkward, quirky presence amidst the sea of glammed blow-up dolls afraid of showing any physical imperfection).


Not that acrimony is a bad thing on these RH shows. It just risks devolving into a massive settling of old scores. And again, that's not a bad thing, but these women will never admit to having done anything wrong. LVP will never admit she leaked Adrienne's surrogacy secret to Big-Mouth. Kyle will never admit she set up Kim and Camille again and again. Adrienne will never admit that she herself sells stories to the tabloids.


So production would have their hands full getting these women to appear all together, as so many of them have thrown the others under the bus for the sake of this show. Moreover, many of them will prob only agree to appear under certain conditions which involve them (and only them) controlling the narrative.


Also Brandi, who was a breath of fresh in S2 (one of my favourites actually), has devolved into somebody much darker, much more toxic. By S3 she has become a weapon-for-hire for some of the Richie Richs of the cast, and that has only continued through the years. People like Kyle denigrated LVP for 'preying on the weak' but they use Brandi and her private life as a pawn in their own games. 


I'd be interested to see Taylor's life after all these years (fired too soon IMO), and to see LVP and Brandi together for the first time since S5.



IA, 12 episodes is very reasonable for RHOC, especially with the cast as it currently is. No Tamra to stir the pot, for one thing.


Also, yes, in answer to your other post, Nene is probably trying to get Gregg killed.

Edited by Cat
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@Cat You bring up an idea that we've tossed around here before... a Super Housewives Show. And in all honesty, I could see this happening eventually, as these shows have become so scripted and planned, with castmembers scheming and bringing in their own agendas. I could see them doing a "reboot" or multi-week special with original cast-mates, or a blend of cast members from various Housewives show that come together for one gigantic vacation special. 


Agreed on 12 episodes for this season's OC being a wise move. Seeing that cast lineup [I'm unimpressed, to say the least] I imagine it would be painful to watch them squeeze out nearly two dozen episodes. 


POTOMAC: I don't try to keep up with the social media shenanigans of the Housewives (that's a rabbit hole that'll end up taking way too much time), but I saw Gizelle came back up from the rock she was hiding under, making some generic remark about the audio of Monique on Sunday's show somehow "proving" something. Okay Giz... 

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IMO, RHOC and RHONJ always suffered from generally unlikable people.  I don't know if it's a Republican thing or what, and New Jersey has finally rebounded with a solid cast after struggling for years, but I think this is going to be a tough year for OC, COVID or no COVID. 


Edited by Gray Bunny
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For the most part with OC, I never hated the majority of the cast the way that I have BH for years now. This current cast of OC is just not enticing at all. I don't hate Shannon but she's not enough to carry a show with Gina, Kelly, Braunwyn on it. I don't even know why Braunwyn got a second season, she's one of my least favorite newbies ever.

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So basically the RHOD (and even Potomac) formula. We have been discussing it for ages. The foreign HW shows definitely prove that it's a sound idea. And perhaps OC will get some of their identity back. I would maybe add on one more episode and then 2 part (ONLY) reunion for a 15 season maybe?


I thought Tamra had weaseled her way back onto the show. Something changed? 




So much good. I looked at the clock at one point and realized I only had 15 MINUTES. Time flies when you are having fun. And this FLEW.


I am actually going to start with the promo for next week. Interesting. Someone already mentioned would it not be funny if while the focal point was supposed to be Monique vs Candiace if it turned into Gizelle vs Candiace. Perhaps a possibility which would be hilarious.


Oh...and Twitter already revealed that the restaurant shut down, opened up for a minute, and is now permanentely closed. I felt sorry for Gizelle's kids.


I didn't have much to say about Sunday's episode. It was just that good for me. And I hollered at Karen and the singing tellegram. Hollered.


See, other housewives. Light fun with the drama. Not so hard, no?


KAREN. She continues to bring all kinds of fun (her vs T'Challa) and wisdom...how for the most part she has stayed out of the Candiace gang-ups. Been there, done that, made a movie, got new money. LOL!!! My own worry about her is that this tension between her and Wendy is building and I like Wendy so far. I thought they made up so I am sadden to see so much drama online. Hope it settles.


GIZELLE. STOP TRYING TO KILL THE DYNAMIC BY FORCING PEACE BETWEEN ASHLEY AND CANDIACE!!! If it happens at all, it will be because the two girls want it to. Not because you want it to. And we know no friendship with her and Monique will last as long as she gives shady THs. Shades of this past season's Kenya/Porsha?


ROBYN. Hehe at Candiace telling her to STFU and then going on to treat her like lint. I don't know. Juan seems sincere this time around. Is this for storyline for real or maybe he just saw how he was coming around on film?


ASHLEY. *cough*mustbetter*cough* Yes, she is still stirring that pot (with baby on her breast), but maybe it is the fact that I watched the Season 2 reunion that day, but Ashley has definitely softened this season. Old Ashley would be right all up in there, poking the bears...and walrus. But this Ashley is much more about her baby and I loved that she followed Candiace to at least try to mend things.


MONIQUE. Queen. Knows what she is doing. Nuff said.


CANDIACE. I give her this...she is at least TRYING to not fly off the handle. And I felt she had good points. She wanted to apologize to the Ashley private. Nothing wrong with that. What is wrong is the group thinking they need to keep picking at her for it. At a baby shower no less. I could care so much less about the mike talk given how producers like to manipulate. That said...I am curious to see where the producers are going. It seem like they were Team Candiace and want to get rid of Monique. But Monique is coming up roses, especially in light of her IG LIVE talk. So if someone is going to be taken down...will it be Candiace? Or do the producers have someone else in mind *cough*Gizelle*cough*


WENDY. HER FACIAL EXPRESSIONS ARE EVERYTHING in these fights. And I love her intro with her family. And her husband...between him and Chris...I could use some more chocolate in my diet. js.

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 I am going to need her and Karen to get along.


That is all I got. Can't wait until next week.








Oh. I started to binge from Tinsley's exit. Not liking that even til the end Dorinda was messing with her. Let it go.

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