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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Why do the women refuse to believe LVP? Don't answer that, I already know! However, this is not some S6 bullshit, with LVP prevaricating and choosing her words carefully about who said Munchhausen first. How much clearer can you be than "I swear on my children's lives that I did not leak that story and I don't know of anyone who did" ? THIS is the hill Dorit, Kyle, Teddi and the others are choosing to die on?


If it comes out that she leaked, or coerced somebody into leaking, this flat-out denial on television would destroy her credibility. I don't think LVP would say something which could easily be proven wrong.


I am ready to give credit where credit is due if the women-minus-LVP manage to produce some entertaining reality TV. I don't ask for much, just to be entertained! However, most of them are giving me crumbs thus far. I'll give it to Kyle, lord knows I dislike her, but at least we are seeing her family and her spectacular house. What's Erika's excuse? She was on less than LVP last night. I can't remember one scene involving Rinna. Oh yeah, we did see her hip-hop exercise video! Actually, I enjoyed that. As for Teddi, I have anxiety watching her. One heavy rainstorm, and her new house is going down the side of that cliff!

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The RHOBH aftershow on YT has more info puppy-gate.  However, an essential detail seems glossed over.  Dorit explains that the woman to whom she gave Lucy L-A-J had a dog car seat and a dog carriage that she regularly took to the dog beach.  But, when the woman's mother got sick out of town, the woman couldn't care for the dog and dropped it at a shelter.


However, why would an experienced dog owner not just kennel the dog or ask a friend to dog sit?  In fact, I can instantly think of at least three alternatives to taking a dog to a shelter, which feels like it would be humiliating for a dog owner.  To be fair, given these assumptions, nobody including Dorit could have predicted where Lucy L-A-J would wind up.


In the end, I agree with LVP that Dorit is using the Radar drama to deflect from the fact that what she did was wrong and LVP told her so the first time that Dorit told her the news. 


Also, Erika's rejoinder that she knew the details of the adoption since last summer negates the validity of the scene in the first episode where Dorit seems to tell the story to Erika for the first time.  It does explain why Erika always seems nonplussed about information because it is probably the third time that she's heard it.

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I am watching S6 BH right now, which imo is a fascinating, ambiguous, but v painful season. It laid the foundation for the current toxic incarnation of BH, and it was also the first season I didn't like LVP. She prevaricated and pretended she wasn't involved in Munchhausen-gate when she clearly was. Yolanda and Erika did a masterful thing, flipping the script away from 'Is Yolanda sick?' to 'Who spoke about Munchhausen?' It became like a witch-hunt as to who DARED question Yolanda's Lyme journey and who was throwing who under the bus. BH has never been the same since Munchhausen Season, and to this very day is STILL playing out the petty power games for control of the BH narrative. To its detriment. Most of the women clearly despise one another.


One thing that strikes me about THIS season is how much in common it has with S6 -- but how different LVP's reaction is. The difference is that LVP has been 100% consistent: I did not leak to the tabloids, and I did not make anybody close to me leak, and I know of no leaks from my camp. Unlike S6, she is direct and full-throated in her denial. There is no legal ass-covering. And the denial can very easily be disproved by both ROL and TMZ. These vengeful tabloids would NEVER agree to be used one against the other without striking back. They have brought down bigger names for less. ROL has also come out and said that LVP and her peeps are NOT the source of the leak.


LVP has been consistent in her message for the better part of a year. Dorit and the others OTOH? Their stories keep changing. Dorit at this point is hanging herself with her own words. "First, a kind stranger knocked on my door and took the dog off my hands. Then the stranger dumped the dog at a shelter. Not at a kill shelter. Except they do euthanize dogs there. I know because I talked to the head of the shelter. Oh wait, no I didn't, the kind lady whose name I don't even know called me and told me about the shelter!" It's like, Stop Talking, Dorit! Erika literally looks like she wants to take Dorit out back and shoot her.


I wonder if Reunion will air that clip from its BTS segment with Dorit outing herself as having dumped the dog at the shelter? If we think of Reunion as open court for the HWs to plead their cases, I consider Dorit's slip-up as evidence. Or will Bravo pretend it never existed, kind of like they are pretending PeeKay, Tom Girardi and Mauricio have no lawsuits against them?

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NYC has been a little overshadowed by the hate-watch which is BH recently. It makes me worried that this might be the last season that we see the NYC cast as it currently stands. Which saddens me greatly because even with a strange, filler-y episode like this, I still enjoy every second of the interactions.


Sonja is My Favorite this season -- putting that toddler on her lap, not worrying about poop, and participating spontaneously with the clown. She is also kind and supportive. She, Dorinda and Tinsley appear to have grown closer this season. I am digging this friendship group.


Tinsley & Shady Dale. Now, I read some recaps that went IN on Dale, saying she was cruel and uncaring to Tinsley during their talk. I did not see any of that. I saw Tinsley having reached the end of the line with Coupon King, and Dale giving her some tough love. Dale is right: Coupon King won't let her go but doesn't want to take her, either. This is absolutely not fair to Tinsley. I found her advice sensible and straightforward. And understanding of Tinsley's need for approval and support. 


It's weird seeing Luann's scenes about how her Cabaret show helps her stay away from the booze, esp given the news that she has violated her probation a second time. I never quite believed that rehab took fully with Lu. I think she saw that alcohol was prompting terrible decisions and a breakdown in her family, so she had to cool it, at least publicly. But I don't think she stopped social-drinking. Because Luann loves the social whirl and parties, and that's what this cabaret thing is all about. She is addicted to cabaret and is desperate to make it last IMO. If and when that is taken away from her, she will be crushed. And if Palm County make good on their threat to jail her on violation, that could happen sooner rather than later.

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I agree. I too am concerned that we'll see an upheaval in NYC when it's not necessary. This is the best cast of a RH franchise currently on the air and it's always a delight to watch. I cannot say that for any other franchise, save for Potomac which is still young enough to remain fresh.


This is Sonja's best season and she's been hilarious and game for anything throughout. Perfect comic relief and a good foil for Bethenny. I couldn't help but pity Tinsley when she was whining about what a natural Sonja was at the circus while Tinsley was stiff and awkward and all she was doing was introducing herself. Sonja has a natural charisma that Tinsley simply lacks. Her marriage with Topper was probably the best fit for her, but it imploded, and she's trying to figure out a second act for herself without much success. I didn't think Dale was harsh at all: I thought Dale was being real with Tinsley and not indulging her child-like self pity. 


The infomercial for The Hustle with Dorinda and Sonja was awkward and ridiculous on production's part, but they were wise to choose Dorinda and Sonja. Somehow, because it's them, I didn't even mind. 


I loved the Ramona/Barbara shopping scene because it was so awkward as Ramona appeared to have an 'ah-ha' moment over what an obvious ass she makes of herself time and again with her unrestrained opinions. 


Luann...Luann...Luann...Luann. I love Lu, but I don't respect that she's violated her probation twice while on this high from her cabaret tour. I don't believe she considers herself an alcoholic. She said as much in her tennis scene with Jill. This hasn't been Lu's best season as her ego is swollen beyond belief. Her parole is up in August, so I'm disappointed she couldn't keep her sh*t together for a year. Heather McDonald had her on her Juicy Scoop podcast this week and I'd highly recommend listening to it. Luann gives good interview, but it's clear that she looks back at the incident in Palm Beach pretty defensively. 

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What a great start to what I think is going to be a great season of Potomac. 


First off, that scene with Michael/Ashley...

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 It is so obvious that these 2 are doing damage control to the rumors about Michael playing for the other team. And that flash-forward by production to counteract this scene... That was some shady mess. So Michael is going to be the one to say he would suck someone's pee-pee! Oh my goodness. Ashley is lucky that Karen (via an interview with People Magazine) spared her this upcoming season. She truly could've nailed Ashley to the cross and still can if she does not play her cards right. 


Speaking of my previous Grand Dame, I loved how she handled Giz. The furthest she would've gotten with me is outside my gate. Does she really think Karen was going to let her in her home after all this time? C'mon now, Gizelle. 


Monique admitting that she handled the tea about Sherman from the last year was big of her. I am glad she is going to step forward and apologize to Gizelle. Do I think Gizelle's petty ass will forgive her? Nope. 


Candiace's mother... Talk about being a piece of work. It boggles my mind that this woman has ill will towards Candiace's half brother over something that is HER fault. No one told you to go on and marry Candi's low down daddy after he stepped out on you while y'all were dating. He showed you who he was then. You should've believed him versus going on to marry him and still end up miserable. In one episode, she has surpassed the likes of Momma Joyce in horribleness. 

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+1 to all of it. This was a great episode and it looks to be a promising season.


The Ashley and Michael scene had me throw up in my mouth a little bit. Gross. I couldn't believe it. 


The Grande Dame's new wigs are looking great. 


Bewildered at Gizelle being surprised that Karen doesn't want to deal with her and would rather spend her time with Matt - her loyal friend. WTF?!

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Clearly, Gizelle misunderstood all that Karen said at the reunion. Karen stated that Gizelle should have checked up on her when her parents were dying. Not months after all of this passed, and Karen has somewhat come to terms with everything. It's moot at this point for Gizelle to even try and play the role of 'doting friend.' She had Monique and Candaice to fill that role.


Gizelle is an idiot. Why would Karen want to see her now after all the fallout?  Gizelle can be a monster at times. Thank God, Karen is the one person that knows how to slay that monster though.

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The contrast between Monique (po) and Kyle's(bh) parenting style was remarkable.  I think you need to parent each child differently, according to their needs.  But, while Kyle is putting socks on her ten-year-old, Monique immediately shot down any disrespect from her four-year-old.  Both kids seem to love to test boundaries, but it is interesting to see how different families are trying to balance responding to their needs with trying to get them to understand the needs of others.


I'm also fascinated that Gizelle, (who is funny, but also petty, and doesn't value loyalty), has the girls with the nicest manners on Bravo.  She must do some major parenting gymnastics while the cameras are down.

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Me watching Whipped Cream with the Crypt Keeper:


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"Stick your tongue out." *shudder* Those words are now scarred on my brain! 

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 Was that some poor attempt at damage control?? At least when Tamra & Eddie splashed around in the tub, I believed they were genuinely into each other!



I noticed that too -- Monique spoke to her kids the way my mom would speak to me and my brother. It was instantly recognisable, that 'don't test me' tone! Man, I would never want to mess with Monique in mama mode. Her little girl Milani is adorable, though!


One thing I have to give Gizelle, she seems to be a great mom. Her girls obviously love her, and she is natural, funny and... human with them. No ice-cold lack of empathy here. 


Going back to Sherman after he ghosted her, though.... C'mon Gizelle. Have some self-respect.



If I was Ramona, I would be nervous about next season. The Big Apple Circus likely paid Bravo for the two-episode promo, and Ramona did the bare minimum and left.


Unlike Sonja. Sonja considers this stuff to be a perk of her job. Ramona might consider it a hindrance to support another HW's paid promotion, but Sonja knows that what the Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away just as quickly. Got to enjoy life while you can and the opportunities that come your way. And that is why she is such a joy -- she is a good sport and a team player. Without that albatross of a town house around her neck, she can now truly enjoy herself, and finally be herself. That's why she did such a good job with the clown. She was totally un-self-conscious.


I liked The Hustle promo with Sonja and Dorinda because both women started talking about the others with a lot of understanding and, dare I say it, even love. It makes a nice contrast with the bitchiness elsewhere. I find I don't miss Carole much, either.

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Great start.


I'm living for Karen's hair this season. And ha at Gizelle. No, gal. It aint' that easy to get back into the Grande Dame's good graces.


Well...Robyn seems happy. That's all I got.


Ewwww at Ashley and Michael.


And that last scene with Candiace and her mom (shades of NY Tinsley and Dale which I also found raw last week) was all kinds of raw. I am happy to see her stand up for herself though.


Monique is love.


Can't wait for next week.



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That Judge Judy gif / Darby scene thing is hilarious. That scene was so gross. 


Robyn is boring and done - she needs to go. 


First non-LVP episode last night and I didn’t hate it. Camille isn’t doing herself any favors this year although I appreciate that she’s bringing something. 


Anyone watch Vanderpump Rules?  I feel like Ariana and Tom S. are seeing the real LVP too and it’s eerie how similar she’s treating these situations. I really think if LVP weren’t bankrolling their lives with the show and giving them a platform, that half of them would outwardly speak ill of LVP and hate her. 

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