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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Wow...these bitches have somehow made Dorit the victim?!? I can't believe it. Thank god Camille and Denise have brains. 


This take down was so damn obvious. Wow. Wow. 


Rinna is totally the new puppet master. I can't believe how obvious it is and these bitches are falling for it.

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For. Real.  It definitely seemed pre-rehearsed when she so swiftly "deduced" that LVP's employees were doing her dirty work. Remember when Rinna was a good actress? 


Last night's eppy had me fired up, too. I'm just glad it was blatantly obvious right off the bat what Kyle, Rinna, and Teddi's motivations were. They were so thirsty to bring up this "elephant in the room" that didn't exist between LVP and Dorit.  It's funny seeing that trio getting read for filth in twitterland. Kyle is so desperate to maintain her dwindling fan base. Meanwhile, it's team Vanderpump all the way. We know her, we love her, and to see this strong woman breaking down over something so personal, and then to see those hag vipers attack when she's most vulnerable is gross. 


And Erika's condolences letter, perfectly snap-shotted on her phone. Okay gurl... Was that photo taken in your bedroom or your husband's...? 


Edited by Gray Bunny
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Are we giving bravery medals now to bimbos who callously dump their pets at random shelters? That display where Rinna and Kyle hugged the whining (yet shockingly tearless) Dorit was truly ridiculous! 


It's not that LVP didnt want to punish Dorit for dumping the dog. Of course she did. Dorit did something that LVP in her heart and soul would be unable to forgive. That's why Grifter did it. To prompt a reaction from Vanderpump that would allow the other women to rake her across the coals. Dorit must really resent LVP. No wonder she hated the dog(s) from VPD. If only she realised how much worse her actions make her look.


Rinna is poisonous, as if her Twitter display this weekend wasn't mean-spirited enough. This is such a toxic group. They really hate LVP and can barely stand each other (with the exception of Denise who seems genuinely grounded and lovely). I saw more love between Jill and Ramona on RHONY than I've seen between these vipers. They would shank each other for an Erika hair extension or one of Kyle's dentures.


Btw Nicollette Sheridan is leaving her role on Dynasty next month. If I were Andy Cohen, I'd be on that like a rash.

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It was SO GOOD, and imo S2 is even better. Mainly because the crux of S1's drama was off-camera and she said- she said. Wasnt Kyle vile from Day 1, though? Always trying to belittle her sister in front of the others. I truly believe Camille about the off-camera remark, too. Ironic that Kyle was so busy trying to destroy Camille that she never saw LVP's popularity with the audience coming.

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The biggest problem I have with this is that Dorit is at the center of it. Out of any of the housewives she’s the most phony and hardest to relate to. I can’t muster up any sympathy for her even if Lisa did set her up, because she is always lying about something. I had suspected that PK decided he didn’t want the dog and they took him to the shelter themselves. I never bought that they gave the dog to a friend and the friend immediately sent him to a shelter. 


Cue this article trom the John at Vanderpump Dogs: https://amp.toofab.com/2019/02/27/john-sessa-denies-rhobh-conspiracy-theory-suggesting-lisa-vanderpump-planted-dog-drama/?__twitter_impression=true


Then Teddi is a disgrace acting so up in arms only for those damning text messages to be pulled out next week. The only real highlights involved Denise and LVP bonding. I thought Denise looked GORGEOUS this entire episode. Something about being at the beach, in the sun and just looking natural. I thought she looked like a total knockout, which I hadn’t felt in the first two episodes. I hope the girls don’t convince her to turn into a fake next season. She reminds me of Eileen in that she lets her natural beauty speak for itself. At first I found her a bit dull, but I’m starting to really enjoy her. She seems like such a good and down to earth person, which is shocking as she’s easily the most famous BH housewife ever. 

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So I’ve been reading up online and I think BH ladies really severely underestimated the viewing audience. There’s a few comments here and there supporting the takedown but the vast majority is all Vanderpump.


Again I have to ask what the hell were they thinking. Vanderpump comes with built in sympathy from her brother dying not to mention Jiggy’s health issues. Sooo dumb.

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I figured she was a good person when it came out that she took care of her idiot ex husband's children for quite awhile. I guess she couldn't keep it up because they had some serious problems to the surprise of no one.  I hope they are doing well and have received appropriate help.


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This in a nutshell. I heard one podcast commentator (who is not an LVP fan) say that she was being punished for her sins of previous seasons and that this was absolutely not the 'crime' to nail her on. They also said that Grifter's phony crocodile tears and fake story of a stranger knocking on her door and taking the dog away to a 'beautiful home' made it impossible to side with her.


The takedown really showcases what morons they are. No wonder LVP can find nothing in common with them. I thought at least Erika had a spare braincell or two, but she's clearly as vapid as the rest if she co-signed this. I also can't believe these nitwits spent the off-season doing victory laps around Twitter before the season even aired. Were they so coked up during Bahamas filming that they couldn't recognize how poorly they came across then and there?


FYI: still no mention of Dorit getting chased around the pool in the Bahamas by an angry creditor! It was filmed on someone's iPhone!

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I know this board loves LVP but F--K her! I got off that train a while ago. The nerve of her to criticize Erica for sending a condolence card. WTF?!? I see she's playing the victim. I personally wouldnt want people bombarding me with calls when Im grieving so I aint calling anyone, especilally one Im on shaky ground with. Totally on Erica's side here. LVP need to get over it


Go Rinna! She spotted LVP's BS and called it out when the ladies told her the story


Denise: "I dont even know what these bitches are fighting about" LOL

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I've missed you on this thread! Tell us how you really feel! Yes, I'm def on the LVP love train but I have always enjoyed the different opinions from you and JackPeyton and others back in the day.


I noticed the way LVP tried to say Teddi was gossiping, and the fuss with Erika was basically to piss her off. LVP tries too hard to get Erika to notice her when Erika is just not feeling her. Still, I do think losing her brother has genuinely devastated Lisa. And I am not a fan of the others trying to take her down at her low point. Also, Dorit and the dog... I can't with that half-assed negligence. I am liking Denise quite a bit, though.




My enjoyment of Jennifer continues to grow! She better get a second season! She is hilarious, and I liked the way she talked about her relationship with her mom and defended herself against the smug one.


For a while there, I thought Joe had been punched in the forehead. It took me a minute to realise he has been waxing his unibrow! That area didn't get tanned yet.


So... Teresa is def over and done with Juicy Joe, isn't she? 


Next week: the hubbies and ProstitutionWhore!

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