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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Glad for Denise! And Nene.


I liked Denise in this BH episode. In fact, despite the fact that it was filler, I enjoyed this episode. It was light and pretty to look at, and did not have the looming tension of the previous episode. We even got a cameo from Charlie Sheen! Well, his voice.


I especially liked the scenes with Kyle talking about her kids, and Rinna with Amelia. Much better than them all together trying to out-chess each other. Rinna talking about Amelia's anorexia in the VTs was slightly defensive, though; the way she discussed it suggests to me that she may have her own deep-rooted issues with food, but is terrified of confronting or even acknowledging them.


Next week looks yikes. All the women in a swimming circle away from LVP. And of course Rinna's smirk as the takedown gets underway. 


Btw what is Erika's purpose on this show other than looking bored and disdainful? Girl, please.


In other Erika news, I heard Mikey is no longer working for her. Hmmm. Will this season touch on that, or the fact that Tom, PK and Mauricio have lawsuits pending against them? I wonder.

Edited by Cat
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I need Jackie to return next season. She destroyed Teresa without breaking a sweat. So smart, so cutting, so quick. Good for her. 


I also enjoyed how she pointed out Delores is a Yes Man to Teresa...and then Teresa let her mask slip as she declared that those who've gone against her aren't on the show anymore. Andy moved on from that statement very quickly because he knew how bad that sounded. 


Teresa is really too stupid for words. Her command of the English language is laughable and her ego knows no bounds. She is a convicted criminal and has served jail time, how dare she act superior to someone like Jackie? That comment about eating? Awful. Good for Melissa for standing up for her.


Marge was, as usual, a delight. 

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That's the rumour I heard on an LA-based podcast where they said he was now working, or looking to work, elsewhere. I was SHOCKED when I heard it, and it could still be false gossip. I thought Mikey would outlast the Girardi marriage TBH. I guess when the spending cuts came down the pipe, he Noped out of there.


I sometimes wonder what happened to permanent-sunburn Brad too (which shows how long I've been watching these shows). Jill seemed increasingly annoyed and bitchy about him. I'm assuming that as she got swept up in the franchise, she became insufferable to deal with. Last sighting of Brad was in MOROCCO! Season 4! He had attached himself to some older French woman who had a house in Marrakech. He invited the HWs to a party at this house, and Jill bitched and moaned about how tacky it was. This was the same party where the Moroccan palm-reader told Ramona in French that there was another woman in Mario's life! Good times.



Looking forward to catching up with RHONJ later. I'm actually looking forward to it more than BH!

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LOL'ed at that smirk perfectly edited in at the end. 


Other than Erika's Krystle Carrington look in her talking heads, you could forget she was even on the episode. 


I enjoyed the episode overall. I appreciated the family life aspect with Rinna's daughter. I feel for Vanderpump and Ken with Giggy. I can personally understand the worry over your dogs, especially the very small delicate ones (see my toy chihuahua in my photo, my darling pride 'n joy). 


I wonder if this will be the year Camille is no longer revered as the former 'wife we all wish were full-time. What, with siding against Lisa Vanderpump, plus defending Brett Cavanaugh.... hmm, I dunno girl.  We may need to sic the morally corrupt Faye Resnick back on her 

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My God, that was a toxic episode. IMO, Teresa's behavior even outdid Nene at her worst or Bethenny last year. If she's trying to drive away what remains of her dwindling fanbase, that'll do the trick. She was turnt up and everyone, especially sis-in-law who still has to deal with her outside of camera life, was aghast at her ridiculous behavior.


If I didn't know the circumstances of Melissa/Joe getting onto RHONJ, I'd be stanning for Melissa all the way. I *love* the way she has finally stood up for herself and her friends and basically anyone who's being treated unfairly by Teresa, Jennifer or Danielle. 


Unless Teresa is indeed pulling rank behind the scenes,  this reunion guarantees a second year for Jackie. I too was proud and impressed and how she composed herself and came back with amazing retorts to Teresa (appreciated the "yes man" quip towards Dolores too). 


Teresa was ugly, insensitive, and stupid as all hell. God, she is SO dumb. Would Bravo finally be open to axing the last-standing OG of RHONJ?  Tre's all up in arms over Jackie, when the real threat at dethroning her is Margaret, whose personality is fun and fresh, and she provides a NEW family dynamic, versus Tre's tired old crap from the last 9 years. 


Jennifer also went below the belt and you could see on her face she knew when she stepped out of line about Marge Sr. and people's children. 


BTW: Margaret's facelift looks great. 


Can't wait for next week! 


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@DaytimeFan @Gray Bunny Agreed. Teresa donned the Fonz's leather jacket, strapped on some water-skis and jumped the shark this episode. She tried to pull a Vicki Gunvalson and it failed.


I have been more Team Teresa than not over the years, in large part because I enjoy Juicy Joe, the kids, the Italian parents -- all that backstory helped outweigh the fact that Teresa is not smart. In a weird way, not being smart was Teresa's strength over the years. Now, however, with Margaret, Melissa and the one-woman entertainment machine that is Jennifer (Tre's mini-me in smarts) stealing the show, Teresa is on shaky ground.


I don't believe Jackie's story that she HAPPENED to see Teresa in a bookstore with only four people in line. Teresa was in full Skinny Italian era, the peak of her popularity when Jersey came out strong for her. Jackie was definitely following RHONJ closely. But yeah, she performed well this episode.


Thought it was harsh when the left couch said Dolores was Teresa's Yes Girl. Sure, Dolores has Teresa's back. They grew up together. However, more than any of Teresa's friends, Dolores yells at Teresa, defends her other friends -- Siggy, Caroline, Jacqueline -- to Teresa's face, and Teresa is ok with it. I will always like Dolores for being a steady hand and incisive observer.


Margaret is just fabu. I love huh. 

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@Gray Bunny I always wondered about the significance of your photo/avatar! He/she's a beauty! 

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Personally.. Teresa should have been barred from coming back after getting convicted.  Letting her stay on the show and focusing the show on her, plus holding off filming a season because she was in prison helped swell the already huge head of Teresa.  It's time to cut her loose because she has overstayed her welcome.




Still too early to tell.. but I would have cut Erika and Dorit from the season because neither one bring anything worth watching.


Kyle and Vanderpump's friendship has never been the same since season 1 when Vanderpump became the break out star instead of Kyle.  I think Kyle has always felt second best given that her child star career paled in comparison to her older sister Kim's... and she had viewed the Real housewives as her time to finally be a star in her own right... but first Kim (with her kookiness and train wreck potential) and than Vanderpump stole her thunder.


Kim left the show, and Kyle's story was still not interesting.. and if Vanderpump left, no one would be that interested in Kyle's life/story because she doesn't have that it factor.  Instead of counting her blessings with her family and kids, she still can't get past child hood issues of feeling second best (since Big Kathy seemed to lavish her attentions on Kim.. the more successful of the two).

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This is the problem I have with many of the women’s upset over Vanderpump not filming with them in the second half of the season: If you feel she didn’t do her job then why is it that every interview anybody does to promote the season is centered around Vanderpump? Whether it be the storylines or the fact that she stopped filming it’s about her. How can you argue she didn’t do her job if y’all are still saying the show is centered around her? Also, if rumors are true she did continue to film just not with the majority of them. 


These women are clearly feeling the sting of the audience taking her side, but they’re not helping themselves by making everything about her. Especially Rinna, but it makes sense when she’s the only interesting story she has. I’m very curious for the episodes after Lisa films. I can’t wait to see them implode without her as the punching bag. 

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This this this. The cast is doing nothing but talking about Vanderpump in EVERY interview/article/social media post. The funny thing is, Vanderpump not filming and going on trips with a bunch of women she hates is the most real thing about the show.

Edited by Antoyne
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Meghan is an OC legend. She orchestrated Vicki's downfall (albeit, with heavy support from production), which quite frankly, Vicki has never fully recovered from.


I don't think she's back full time, just a cameo or loose friend status. Her IG shows her living a happy life with her three kids (I'd forgotten she had twins)

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