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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I was just shocked that she'd be so stupid to be the pot calling the kettle black.



Just as she should be. Absolutely roasted. 



Yep. Teddi recently did a podcast (Everything Iconic with Danny Pellegrino) and she said herself that she doesn't do well with criticism. It appears that Rinna has the same thin skin when the heat turns up in circumstances like this. We already know Kyle is back pedalling, and that will probably get worse too, to where she will try and play the victim, again. Dorit is trying to claim that LVP "betrayed" her...but we all know the real story with several multi million creditors pursuing her and PK.

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Kyle was already gearing up this weekend to play her favourite role, that of victim. She positively relishes it.


And Dorit still acting like the maligned one for dumping her dog with strangers/the shelter? I can't with Grifter.


As for Rinna...

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Kyle is sanctimonious and the worst kind of victim. I really need her ass to be exposed.


Doritos certainly left the dog with a nice family headed up by a family friend. I hear her name was Shel Ter.


And yes, Rinna could actually ride this one out if she'd just shut up and let the chips fall where they may, but her obsession with LVP and being the one to stir the drink is going to backfire on her spectacularly if she keeps it up. 

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Beverly Hills was dry tonight but learning about Giggy's situation on top of everything else makes sense why LVP is about to crack. 


Oh and Dorit moaning about LVP joking about her snoring and being gassy was absurd. If that's a jab then I hate to see what really offends Dorit. 


And next week's preview makes it even more obvious that these chicks plotted ahead of time to make LVP the target this season. So no looking forward for Erika being her usual, hypersensitive, overly aggressive self along with Teddi starting to turn on LVP and Rinna looking on with glee. 

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This week was boring as hell for BH! I felt last season it was dry because this cast just was missing something and with Denise I feel the same way. She feels more like a friend if anything. Of previous housewives who could’ve given it spark, I feel Eileen or Kim would’ve been helpful, but overall they need to cut at least two people next season and bring in strong new blood. These women have allowed their personas to become too controlled and as a result you get a bland show. Personally (and I know it wouldn’t happen) I’d get rid of Dorit and Erika. Bring two new wives with money who will actually showcase their real lives. More than anybody they are so controlled about what they present and it just rings false. 

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A nondescript episode of RHOBH except it was clear that the Housewives were laying the groundwork to slaughter LVP in this episode. The lunch between Doritos, Erika and Rinna was telling. Previously, they’d never have endured a lunch with Doritos but now they do? Transparent. 


Kyle crying about her kids growing up. Christ. Haven’t we seen this storyline two or three times already? Move on, Kyle, menopause is around the corner, get ready to cry real tears over that one. 


PK and Doritos are so fake in their scenes listing who would be invited. That was producer set up to the max. 


LVP and Giggy. Lord. First the brother, then the Giggster? No wonder she looks like she’s about to crack at all times. 

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I think we need to get Rinna some acting jobs, when she was briefly doing Days and other guest spots the previous season, her focus was on that plus her kids... which left her less time to focus on her one track minded obsession with Vanderpump.  If Vanderpump does opt to leave, Rinna always moves on to a new one track obsession.

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Good for Denise! Nene just scored a co-lead role on a prime time pilot: https://deadline.com/2019/02/marley-shelton-nene-leakes-david-fynn-pop-pilots-ride-or-die-best-intentions-castings-1202560683/


Denise being cast on a soap is smart and overdue, but definitely surprised Nene got something with an actual recognizable cast. I figured she was done with acting. Jennifer Landon from Y&R and ATWT is also on the show. 

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