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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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With the political climate I decided to buy RHODC on Amazon and give it another go. I always liked it, but I'm loving it now. It's so weird to have a show centered around Obama in office considering how wild things are now. Had this show never happened and they did a version now it would've probably been a typical Housewives show considering how crazy DC is now. Still, it's a fun re-watch. I'm 5 episodes in and it's much better than I remembered. The cast of five was a very strong first season cast. Everybody had an interesting story from Lynda with Ebong, her kids and business to Stacie finding out her mom is white and her dad is from Nigera to Cat's young and troubled marriage, Mary and her huge family and of course the crazy Salahi's. The Salahi's make Taylor and Russell seem normal. They are the ultimate in famewhores and it's amazing to see what a good job they did at first of fooling the new wives into thinking they were normal, wealthy people and then watching the facade slowly crumble. The trip to the winery was epic! The heavy security, the grapes from the grocery store, accusing Mary's daughter of grand theft in an FBI investigation! It was wild! These ladies definitely deserves a second season! I'll also say Stacie was a unique housewife that I don't think we've seen repeated, especially with Black housewives. She's a foster child that went on to graduate from HARVARD and is a successful real estate agent. I loved that she wasn't all into the wigs and fashion and just was a smart, cool lady. People like Stacie and Lynda are really why I wish they had another season. They were among the best!

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I totally agree with you.  This was actually my first housewives series to watch, after hearing all the hubbub about them.  It hooked me and I started watching reruns of New Jersey and Atlanta right after.  I gave DC a rewatch a couple years ago and you've energized me to watch it yet again.  It totally deserved a second season and the ratings were just fine (yes, behind NJ/Atlanta and it's predecessor BH, but still ahead of today's standards).  I think the Salahi's just killed it, sadly.

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It would have gotten a second season if Andy and Bravo weren't obsessed with thinking the Salahi's were the only interesting thing about it.  You had Cat and her British abruptness that threw everyone for a loop especially Stacie (I loved how Cat totally read Luann for filth on WWHL).. Mary was such a ditz yet had a nice husband and her oldest daughter had some fun stuff going on (back when the show gave camera time to the kids).. and Lynda was such a boss.. the greek chorus with a great looking boyfriend and fun career... and Stacie was the normal one (with a fascinating backstory).  When Cohen and co opted not to do a second season was when I first thought that Cohen should have been replaced with someone that could see the bigger picture and not focus on just the train wreck factor.

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Andy would've gotten the train wreck factor had he given it a second season. 


Wasn't around the following year where they would've possibly filmed, the year where everything went to sh*t? Michale running off with that rocker, Cat/Stacie/Mary parting ways with their husbands...


Had Andy given DC another season, it would've been a juggernaut. 


Much like Miami, Andy pulled the plug prematurely. 

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How did D'andra become the villian of the season? She had such a great showing her debut year but I couldnt stand her at all by the end. She came across as such an elitist snob with this "society" talk.



Im so sick of Kandi talking about Porsha and Dennis. Just leave it alone already.


Cynthia is so boring and not bringing it this season. She should have left as her arc is done

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RHOA was good again I thought. There’s nothing major because you have so many newbies so they’re still getting to know each other and developing relationships. I like how people are gradually realizing how Eva is which is in turn causing her to be less shady and hopefully more transparent in the future. 


I agree with @Cheap21 that Kandi needs to stop talking about Porsha. This is so unlike her to be so messy and such a hater but I’m looking forward to Porsha hopefully digging into her ass later on. I also agree with u that Cynthia is useless this season. She need to move to CA as rumored and focus on her businesses at this point. 


Shamari gets better each episode but nobody is hating when they say she needs a makeover. The wigs and “fashions” her stylist brought were shameful. I’m a drag queen and I wouldn’t wear them. I will say she finally looked good in her confessional with the black wig that actually looked natural on her. The feud with Marlo looks juicy but tbh she should’ve let Marlo help her. They’re trying to prevent her from looking a fool on tv...why she so mad?!


Also have to give Nene a shout out for looking absolutely gorgeous this week! I loved her wig in that kitchen scene with Greg. It’s so rare Nene looks good so I’m impressed this year she seems to look fairly decent. 

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Teddi was on tonight's Vanderpump Rules (it aired yesterday in the USA) and it's interesting to see what's happened to LVP. Teddi seemed very aware of how sensitive LVP is.


She is legitimately overwhelmed with grief and admitted in her confessional interview that she took a few weeks off to gather herself, came back to work, and that she came back too soon and was trying to hold herself together. And then her voice wavered and her concentration was blown and she started waving the camera off, stammering that she didn't want to talk about it anymore.


If that's how she was, I can see why she bailed on RHBH since it's all enemies in that viper's nest. 

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The RHOBH girls will say she’s covering for  misdeeds but that’s kinda hard to prove if Vanderpump Rules started filming first and she’s already showing she’s upset and depressed. Just like always I predict it’ll be another “Take Down Vanderpump” season and it’ll blow up in their faces. 

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I don't watch VR but I'm glad to hear this footage is airing before RHOBH. Those alley cats are going to look terrible going after her for petty nonsense (P.S. I'd be pissed at Dorit's twat move too, dumping off a puppy like that) 


Edited by Gray Bunny
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