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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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The annoying thing is that Leeanne is going to play right into Brandi's hands with this phone-cloning thing. This is going to allow Brandi to play victim, just as Leeanne predicted this last episode.


IA that Brandi needs to go. I am actually kind of stunned at how poorly she went after Leeanne, especially as she had all her ducks lined up (namely D'Andra). Brandi is a trashpot, but she is also a high-level manipulator and I expect her to do better!


I wonder if Stephanie -- who positively glows in the presence of everybody other than Brandi -- realises that she has outgrown Brandi? She and Travis are traveling in different circles now, and she is in her element. Brandi certainly realises Stephanie is moving in different directions, which is why she is acting out and trying to hold on to Stephanie at all costs.



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That guitar music is incredibly evocative and seems to sum up the bittersweet elements in these women's lives -- the picture-perfect yet sterile gated communities, the uncertainty/lack of fulfilment in their personal lives.


RHOC clearly should have been cut down to 11 episodes. We would have warmed to some of the newbies more quickly. I was very dismissive of Budget Jeana initially and now feel like she has a chance for S14. And as uneventful as S13 was, reunion is going to set us up well for next season.


I will be sorry to see Kelly go, she was a star this year. She + Tres Amigas = the core of the show. Is she still having an epic snit over the fact that Steve Lodge set-up her ex on a date? Or is Vicki's cocaine accusation at reunion prob the real reason she cannot forgive? I'm also guessing it is not 100% unfounded.


Steve Lodge's mother clearly cannot stand Vicki. Steve Lodge is never going to marry her.


Speaking of not liking people -- Eddie seriously dislikes Shannon. I really like how Eddie gives no [!@#$%^&*] this season.


Shannon is in a precarious place. OTOH, she IS the RHOC. She gives the viewers EVERYTHING -- the good, the bad, the ugly. OTO, she can never accept criticism, and this is a fatal flaw.


Tamra managed to hoodwink the newbies yet again into doing her dirty work, especially Gina. However, the Afghan Hound bit back, and Tamra was desperately trying to regain control of the narrative. I appreciate she has ditched the Chrishun with her Pasture baloney and is back to the pot-stirring Tamra we all know and... [fill in the blank].


Emily's marriage to Lil Shane is so dead. He could barely suppress a yawn when she was in that corset.


I think next year may be time to bring back Heather and possibly Lizzie. 

Edited by Cat
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Im behind and only now catching up


Im glad Cameron broke the 4th wall. They are all on a nationally aired reality show. What difference does it make if Leann took video with her phone when its gonna be on tv? Brandi is dumb


I dont like Cary but her trip and connecting with her family is cute


Wow who'd have thought Leann and Stephanie would be so good

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I'm two episodes behind on OC, but I checked the ratings, and their finale only got 1.1 million viewers. Ouch. I should check back on how they trended this past year, because in years past they'd always be somewhere around 1.6 - 1.9 throughout the season. 


Side Note: I have zero problem watching Kelly go bye-bye. Was she better and provide more material than a Peggy, Meghan, or even Lydia? Absolutely! Do I like her? Nah. 


But I echo the "bring back Lizzie" sentiment, along with Heather. I know some of us hold onto our hard-ons for Lizzie, but she had confidence, beauty, and the balls to go up against Tamra which is something I'd love to see return. 


Edited by Gray Bunny
Lizzie's balls
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I think a 13 episode OC season would have been better  ( 13 episodes plus 2 part reunion equaling 15 episodes).  In fact, I think when most of the shows went to 20 + (including Atlanta) is when the fatigue set in.


I'd keep Emily (how cute she came with receipt in a binder LOL) and ditch Gina (sorry.. we never saw her husband so why should I care she's getting a divorce... plus, she had nothing else to offer).  Emily offered an odd courtship, odd marriage, an interesting business model (law practice/party planner business), a sad back story, and a temper that even had Kelly scared LOL

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I'm shocked no one has talked about the latest episode, the fact that next week is the finale (which means a reunion trailer is coming), and the rumors coming out of the reunion that D'Andra is OUT OF THERE...or that the show might be cancelled...or who was the friend that LeeAnne made a comment about that really had her back at the reunion.




BRANDI. So unnecessarily messy. I can't begin to tell you how many times at that table I wanted to reach through my television and shake her. She's done so much that it does not even seem far fetched to me that she would steal LeeAnne's phone. And since it has been established this season how much LeeAnne can say ANYTHING and Brandi will run for it with some story it was perfect payback that LeeAnne claimed to clone her phone. Now egg on her face. 


CARY. Firstly, I want to say how much I loved her latest blog coming down on Brandi for her behavior. I do hope she was right in saying that what she has shown on the show in terms of where her friendship stands with LeeAnne is true. It takes a strong person to forgive someone for something as bad as what LeeAnne did. So go her! And I loved that she got some alone time with her family. 


STEPHANIE. I went AWWWW when she sent LeeAnne the flower. Class act. She has definitely come into her own. I only hope that she does not go back to drinking the Brandi kool aid.


KAMERON. I've been enjoying her all season. And that hasn't changed. Stay calling Brandi out on her bs.


ASHLEY ABBOTT. All the poking you were doing to LeeAnne all season and now that LeeAnne has started to take off the gloves to show her 'hands', you want to flicker? I rolled my eyes at her getting upset at LeeAnne's 'Queen Bee' comment at her fashion show. Is that what this feud has really been all about? I loved Cary checking her at that moment. Boo, it's not about you. It's LeeAnne's time.


LEEANNE. QUEEN. I looked like from commercials her showdown with Brandi next week is going to be vicious old school LeeAnne. And honestly, I'm HERE FOR IT. She has been going all season being on her best behavior and trying to get to a better version of herself. At some point one does say ENOUGH...and then you remind people who they are messing with and that YES, you are THAT CHICK. 


Now...will someone pleeeeassssssse drop the trailer for the reunion? Thank you.

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A lot of us have been saying this for the longest. I don't get how Bravo doesn't get the picture to trim the episode county to 15 (13 episodes and 2 part reunions) episodes a season for each franchise. Look at Dallas & Potomac. Both of them show the success of this format. We are already 3 episodes into RHOA and I am over it. They totally expect the fans to tune in to another 17 episodes? Doubt it. 

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Who are you telling?! Sh*t, I don't think I can make it past this upcoming episode. Eva & Shamari are not good additions, and Marlo is a one trick pony. 


I'm a GA boy, and I KNOW there are a plethora of messy ass Atlantians that could fit perfectly on this show. Instead, Andy would prefer to go for people with "names" instead of the nobodies that could really bring heat and life to this show. 

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Ok, I have to admit, I'm enjoying this season of New Jersey.  Margaret continues to be a great addition.  She makes me laugh.  There's just enough drama and comedy to keep each episode moving on a good pace.  Jackie is a great addition so far.  The other one though, is terrible - she reminds me of a spoiled little brat and clearly she's rubbing everyone the wrong way.  


Looks like Melissa is selling her house and moving to California... thoughts on her joining RHOBH??



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