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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I feel indifferent until they show me a reason to be excited. Love it hate Kenya, the level of shade, glamour and chemistry with the cast is going to be hard to top. Same with losing Phaedra. Last season Eva was pretty blah so hopefully she’ll be more interesting now that she knows the girls. The two newbies look sooooo tired to me. Weaves and outfits in all the pics I’ve seen just horrific. With that said, ATL is the worst at bringing on new wives so I’m glad they finally did. We just need to see if they’re good or not. 

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I'm with you. I don't care at all about Atlanta's return...whereas I cannot wait to see Potomac return. The reason for that is simple: Potomac (like NYC) retains a level of organic tension that relationships that the other franchises distinctly lack. 


BH, ATL and NJ are manufactured bile. OC sits in between those shows and NYC/Potomac which remain relatively organic. The key is to get these shows back to organic interactions and if that means following each individual woman, like the original seasons of OC, then all the better.


The group photo of the ATL women looks awful. Nene has a stylist who hates her. In regard to Marlo: the difference with her is that she was convicted of a very violent crime. Not all crimes are equal and what Marlo was convicted of is truly heinous.



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No problem. It is all on public record. 


The way Bravo/WWHL treats this issue, it's like ha ha she got nine mugshots! They never say why, and the implication is that it is no big deal. Last year Bravo had a lot of polls asking fans if Marlo should be made a full HW -- polls she lost by upwards of 80%! I figure some of those NOs (though not all) were from people who knew about her violent record. Anyway, Bravo are trying to have their cake and eat it too, because they got her working like a regular HW, and gave her a raise, apparently -- just no peach for insurance reasons.


I don't want to 'convince' people not to watch ATL -- I myself have watched since the beginning. Last year, though, I dropped much of the show until reunion because it was a bore-fest -- and because I don't like Marlo. I may check out this season just to see how it is doing. But it bothers me that she has become a local celebrity while her victim is forgotten.




IA with you. Phaedra should have stayed to face the music, but my understanding is that Kandi blocked her return. Kandi has a lot of heft over at Bravo (hence all her spin-offs). On the one hand, I like that Kandi shows us her real life (unlike, say, Porsha and her paid-for 'boyfriends'). OTOH, I can't stand Todd (short man who muscled in on his wife's business, like 'Awww, that's so sweet, the lil lady is running her own little start-up! Now a man is here and he's gonna run things properly!'), and sometimes her Kandi Factory SLs leave me bored. But her relationship with Phaedra was always a good watch! Because (again, at the behest of Todd), she dumped her BFF at her lowest point, and Phaedra slowly, methodically, plotted her revenge. It was Shakespearean! There is still unfinished business between the two again, and anyways, I want to see how Ayden and Dylan are doing.


I have not always been Kenya's biggest fan, but for the life of me I do not understand WHY now, at this point, when Kenya is actually married and about to have her long-awaited baby, did they fire her?? They had to hire THREE newbies (including one pregnant one we don't care about) to replace her?


I was ready for Sheree to go, but I respect what that Wig-siding idiot brought to the franchise.

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So I am enjoying RHOC lately, and I'm not sure why? Maybe because it is an easy watch. And also because it seems like Tamra and Kelly are back to their old sh*t-stirring/fight-starting ways and I'm good with that!


On one hand, Gina's divorce from the Invisible Man is watchable and authentic. She is pretty clear-eyed about what is going on in her life as well as about the other women. OTOH, I still confuse her and Emily by name! I wish the producers had invited Alexis back onto the show this season with her divorce, not to mention Tamra and Shannon poke holes in it (because the rumor out there is that a near-bankrupt Jim Bellino is divorcing in order to transfer assets directly in Alexis's name and therefore protect them from being sold off).


I enjoyed Vicki this episode. Vicki's sense of humor about herself came out. Nice to see Billy back. I don't know what to say about Vicki & Steve -- I'm not sure I 100% trust him, but neither do I think he's a Brooks-in-waiting. He doesn't make Vicki go cross-eyed with lust like Brooks did, but Vicki did say he brings her peace, and that is probably what she needs right now.

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Damn. I really liked it actually. I was just glad to see Alicia Silverstone in something fun again. 


Playing catchup on this thread finally. And I'd have to agree this was the only "refreshing" thing about Part 3 of the reunion was Ramona & Sonja's mutual admiration for one another, despite a season where they were nearly pitted against one another. The genuine friendship shined at the end. Same with Sonja/LuAnn and hell, there IS a special friendship/understanding with Ramona/LuAnn despite all their petty ups and downs. At the root of it, they look out for each other. 


Carole had me and then lost me by downplaying her friendship with Tinsley. I gotta say, despite seeming so much younger than the other cast members, this "youngster" has ended up blending quite well with the ladies, and veterans like Ramona seem to genuinely like her. 


The big question for Season 11 is just how ugly it will get with Queen Bethenny still calling all the shots behind the scenes. And Dorinda, PLEASE clean up your act. This was such a bad season for you. You were the golden girl for three solid seasons but fell hard this year. 

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There is definitely a comfort factor between Ramona/Sonja/Luann, where they can have a major falling out and still look to each other. Even Ramona and Luann, the old enemies, have both taken the same journey of a cheating spouse and divorce, and they have more empathy for each other as a result. As for Sonja, she is compassionate and understanding of Luann and Ramona's moods and flaws. She was as clear-headed and kind about Luann this reunion as Luann was with her back in S5 when Sonja made the decision to take down the portraits of her and her ex-husband (a hugely symbolic move for her). Have I mentioned how highly I rate season 5? 

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Sometimes I even want Aviva and Heather back on the show.


Dorinda's inability to admit that she has a drinking problem lost me, and her bullying insistence that none of the girls better DARE say that she does made her look very bad. I am sad that she and Luann have fallen out because they were close and Dorinda was there for Luann more than anybody else when she was down.


ITA, Carole could have won me this season by speaking truth to power, but she lost me with the petty details (that she is STILL fighting about on Twitter) and by throwing Tinsley under the bus. Her obsession with proving Bethenny wrong literally consumed her and made her even meaner and more bitter. As a result, Bethenny won by default. 


I am dreading S11 to an extent, especially if it was anything like seasons 8-9, aka The Bethenny Show. Ramona does not have the vocabulary to handle B, while an unsober Dorinda loses her way (which is probably why Bethenny spent a lot of time in S10 showing up Dorinda's drinking). Everybody else will toe the line but I'm hoping they rebel and claim their rightful places on this show -- as stars, and not supporting cast to Bethenny's word vomit.

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Barbara looks interesting:


-She ran a construction company

-Current CEO of her own company, Evergreen Construction

-Her own line of tools (although they're all suspiciously sold out coughGretchenChristinecough )

-Has written two books

-She's been in the WE network


Bethenny will immediately feel threatened. 

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She vaguely reminds me of Cindy Barshop (whom I actually liked). 

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