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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I'm Team Carole during this entire Bethenny/Carole feud.  Carole's reactions to it all really irk Bethenny and she doesn't know how to deal with not having the control.  Sonja being up B's ass is annoying too.  


Dorinda was really mean and showed her ass last night.  However, watching her with Carole back at the house, completely wasted and trying to talk - was hilarious. 


Still, this trip is pretty epic and this season has been so good!


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The only times I’ve ever been Team Bethenny have been in her fights with Jill and Kelly (because they were both so awful and not just with B). Maaaaybe Ramona at moments. But Ms. Frankel is just so obnoxious and definitely uses tears strategically more than almost any HW, which Carole called out.


I’ve always given Dorinda a lot of slack, but  she needs an intervention badly. I missed the part where Dorinda did something and someone screamed. Did she throw a drink at Luann, and did she just knock something over?



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Now TMZ is reporting Bethenny has a part in Carole leaving. Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised. I remember she made it clear she didn’t wanna film with Kristen, she didn’t like Jules and you can’t convince me Heather just decided to leave. Even if Bethenny didn’t outright push each out, I do think her pull with production might scare others off. The only people safe from her wrath seem to be the vets. Still I do think this gives them an opening to do a light reboot next season. Let Tinsley leave as well and bring on Jill and a new housewife and they wouldn’t miss a beat. Kenya would be epic but also unlikely. 

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Choosing between Team Bethenny or Team Carole is like making a choice on Game of Thrones: neither choice is great, and you'll probably end up as roadkill whichever team you go for.


On one hand, I feel for Bethenny being rejected by her BFF. Carole kind of is America's Houseguest, slinking through wealthy and connected people's lives. When things are great, Carole will hang with them, but when they go through a rough patch, she doesn't want to know.  


OTOH, when Carole told Sonja that friendship with Bethenny is "a lot about Bethenny, and not much about Carole," she hit the nail on the head. Bethenny is exhausting. She is an emotional vampire who sucks the air out of a room and has to make everything about her. 


I haven't liked Carole since she became all about Mouth-Breather. However, if as @Chris B says, she has been chased off the show by Bethenny (another one bites the dust!), that's too bad. Because she was the only one standing up to Bethenny and getting the best of her. When she goes, who will be left to keep Bethenny from devouring the show? Drunk Dorinda? Ramona? We know that if Jill comes back, she will buddy up with Bethenny again because she is desperate for Bethenny's love and forgiveness. In some ways, Bethenny has become the new Jill Zarin.


Speaking of Dorinda, my girl has aged so much in one year. The drinking is a serious, serious problem, and it is driving away her friends. She needs to seek help


Finally, I love Sonja! She is funny, upbeat, humble, kind and sagely understanding of the whole group. She really showed her best side this episode.



ITA about BH and ATL. IMO both need a total reboot and revamp. They really have lost the magic. I have fallen out of love with all the women on BH, to the point where I'd rather watch RHONJ *with* Siggy Flicker than one more episode of S8 RHOBH.


On ATL, I still feel a lot of affection for Nene and Cynthia. But even they are not bringing much to the table in recent times. Sigh. 


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Yeah, it’s not so much wanting Carole to stay, but there needs to be a check on Bethenny. I felt that same way when Nene’s ego grew to the size of an asteroid on ATL. There were always people who could get under Nene’s skin (Kim, Sheree, sometimes Phaedra), but they weren’t rootable figures at all. Kenya couldn’t really hang with Nene. Claudia could go toe to toe with Nene verbally, but that was *all* she brought to the show, and she came off as a one-note thirsty pest. I think Nene, since her return and some career ups and downs, is a less condescending, more likable presence now, so there isn’t as much need for a counterbalance. (That could change.)


Bethenny, on the other hand, is more out of control than ever. 

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IA the power trip has been largely unchecked, and this was the first season at least one person was standing up to her. Ramona tried last year and almost lost her spot. 


As I said, I didn't like Carole in recent years, her laxy ass was happy to use Heather and Bethenny as her attack dogs when she didnt like somebody! However, this season is different. She has no f*cks to give. This season has been an emancipation of sorts. The tone of her press announcement suggests that it might be her decision to leave, and to not look back.


But if Bethenny is the new Jill Zarin, then S11 is going to be like S4. The ego will be left unchecked, and she will make Dorinda and Ramona PAY for backing Carole up. The difference between S4 then and now is that production had no love for Jill and were ready to cut her loose. Bethenny basically has power over production at this point, and that is bad news for the audience, the other women and the show. 


I'd be interested to see what transpired at reunion....

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Yep. It’s sad. Bethenny is very funny and immediately brought energy to a flagging show with her return, but it’s not enjoyable to watch a bully constantly get away with it IMO, whether it’s Victor on Y&R or Frank Underwood on HoC or Queen B. We see it all the time in corporate America. It’s not something I like to see in my entertainment. She needs an equal, but it appears that she won’t allow that. If next season is Bethenny streamrolling over the other ladies, I’m out.


Lol, yeah, I compared Bethenny to Frank Underwood, but her body count is getting up there.

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