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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Kenya posted these photos of her countertops arriving and of her new closet chandelier! Her house is looking gorgeous! Love all the trees! Wonder how Chateau She-can't-pay is coming along...



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That is insane! Wow. Rinna has lost the plot with this one - talk about biting the hand that feeds you - the public makes or breaks someone like her with a relatively vulnerable career and public image and QVC line to sell and promote. 


However, I hope this gains traction and she pays for this latest outburst. She has gotten away with her mouth and lashing out on social media way too much, all in the name of "truth" and owning it. She's the one whose about to get owned.

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She's an idiot and definitely did not think that through. Sure she deleted it but of course someone was going to capture that. I could see this hurting her QVC brand as well. 


I I will be so glad when BH is done. This season has been draining and annoying. I'm absolutely over Eileen and Rinna. And I HATE that no one ever called Erika out on her clear disdain for Vanderpump. She says that Kathryn is drinking the LVP Kool-Aid, while not acknowledging that she's totally Yolanda's bitch.

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Not shocked that Rinna has snapped. I see it only getting worse come reunion time. Vanderpump and Kyle fans are gonna drive her bananas. :P Same with Eileen too. 


I am also glad that this season is over. I am over HW shows focusing on ailments. The sh-t didn't work on OC. It ain't working on BH. If any other show was smart, they'd just not go there. 


With Erika, she'll get hers in due time. People like her b/c she still has that 'new car smell' to her. She'll have her downfall come next season too. It's written all over her and it'll be epic. 


At this point, I want Vanderpump to pull a Nene and let these broads have this show until midway into the next season where she returns rejuvenated and ready to reclaim her spot at the queen bee. I want Brandi and Kim to return so they can turn on the likes of Yolanda and Erika while still showing disdain for Rinna and Eileen. Just let them six broads annihilate each other while Kyle and Kathryn can sit back pretty and just wait for LVP to return. 

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Lol oh Rinna.....I mean I kinda feel her on the haters cuz 98% of them who are hating on her now were kissing her ass this time last season as a "truth teller" and for going against Kim....we won't name names of course.


now that she's trained that fire on Lisa V who can apparently do no wrong she's now the witch and the villain and "crazy" even though I've seen that since her first scene on the show. She's the quintessential fair weather fan. The problem is she caught up in all the mess and couldn't keep track of all the bs she was spouting to various parties. 


I am shocked though that she didn't see the writing on the wall when it comes to fans and Yolanda. Picking Yolanda over Lisa was definitely the wrong decision. And all this flip flopping just doesn't help her at all. 

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I don't know if it is... Waiting to see if Reality Tea or Tamara Tattles follows up on this because they do check sources before announcing that a HW has been fired.


Personally, I feel a bit sorry for Lisa Rinna. LVP's fans are very defensive of her and I do understand why they went in on Rinna on social media. LVP is being targeted for this Munchausen thing so that the other women can pretend that it was all her Evil Plan and they were just pawns. In addition, LR is so volatile and easily provoked on Twitter. Kathryn did the right thing by immediately pulling herself off SNS when the first wave of hate hit her mid-season (P.S.: I have found Kathryn's clear, no-nonsense blog a breath of fresh air this season).


The reason I feel sorry for LR is that we just do not know whether what we are seeing on BH constitutes genuine reactions, or how much is producer-driven drama. How much is scripted and how much is real. IMO, everybody has been talking about Yolanda on the quiet, especially given her contradictory statements and IG postings. However, it soon became clear with filming that OPENLY questioning Yolanda's 'health journey' was going to be a hot mess. So lots of people backtracked and did not want to get caught talking out of turn. Unfortunately, Yol and Erika started a witch-hunt about this and, with the producers hungry for drama to sell the season, the result has been the current clusterfuck of blame. In terms of starting drama, I would imagine the producers' first go-to would be Lipsa and possibly Eileen (just like Brandi was their go-to in previous seasons).


BH imo needs to be rested a season and re-tooled. Nobody is coming out of this smelling like a rose. Fortunately for someone like Lisa Vanderpump (who has v successful and thriving businesses), Yolanda Foster Hadid (angling for two alimonies), Erika (married the cash) and Kyle (married to a secure breadwinner), they don't necessarily need the Bravo cheques. But for Rinna and Eileen, the cheques may be a necessary part of their income. (I know Eileen has her Y&R job, but given that she's 50 and on a JFP show, I have to believe that her Emmy win and being on RhOBH has helped her stay on contract and in a SL). I actually don't want to see Rinna fired just because she was doing what the Bravo honchos asked of her and then she got worried that she would be crucified for even raising the M word and backtracked. As Rinna said this season, Yolanda scares the sh*t out of her. She scares me too, Lisa.


Bravo needs to be a lot more careful. I don't think Potomac or Dallas are winning any big plaudits out there (and LBR, the 'charity foundations' these chicks head up are covers for tax-avoidance/Ponzi scams -- #FelonsByBravo). RHoOC almost derailed their OG with a fake illness SL (possibly started to sell a herbal supplement on Vicki's website??). RHoA has a walking Assault & Battery lawsuit waiting to happen in the form of PorTHOT (who may or may not have slept with another HW's husband for a discount rate -- if the rumors are to be believed). And now BH has gone completely dark and toxic and it is outright threatening the reputations and livelihoods of most of the women involved. A big rethink is in order. Otherwise your other franchises are going to end up like RHoNJ.

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And THAT is how you check someone when they are coming for you when you are not sending for them.


Katie has been annoying the hell out of me during this reunion since she was so meek during the show. Is this how Lyidot is over on Melbourne? Fake? 


Go, Gizelle!!!!



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Oh IDA. Katie may have come across a bit ditzy and quiet in the early episodes but by the end she was throwing shade, being confrontational and wasnt here for Gizelle or Robyn. What we are seeing at the reunion is consistent with her during filming. She is nice and cool if she doesnt have an issue with you but if she feels you are coming for her, then the claws come out. She felt those two kept prodding and poking at her over the race issue, which is why she felt she had to check them. The reunion, as it is for every series, is heightened emotions bc you finally get to see the bigger picture wiht the sh-t talking behind your back and in talking heads, so thats why people get turned up. Gizelle had alot to say about her, so Katie trying to come for her is kind of a natural response to that. I dont think its fake like some girls are to secure their job; she is genuinely bothered

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Beverly Hills was such a fail this season because both "big" storylines were centered around things that should've never been brought up on camera if they were genuinely such a big deal. The whole Munchausen thing started because Rinna felt compelled to admit, on camera, that she engaged in an off-camera conversation with someone who is not a castmember and she felt sh*tty about it. Firstly, her acting when she said that was off. I've seen her pull off more convincing performances as MP's Taylor and DAYS' Billie. It was obvious she was bringing it up on camera for a reason/storyline purposes. It reminded me of when they try to organically introduce a new castmember (i.e. OC's Tamra and her poor acting, inviting her new client, Heather Dubrow, into the group). 


Then, there was the "B" story of Eileen offended by Vanderpump's questioning. Been over this one already. Again, keep it off-camera or don't make a big deal of it if you don't want discussion of The Affair blown up. 


It's crappy because we all come from a soap opera fan base, so we *want* to root for Eileen and Rinna, but they were handed bad storylines. "I won't stick to your script," is Eileen's tagline. Clearly, she did. And it was a poorly written one. 


Meanwhile, each and every season, Kyle Richards comes off smelling like a rose. Even when she poorly acted bringing up Mohamed's children at the dinner table (again, a Tamra bad-acting moment, for reference).  And she got a free pass talking ish about Camille in season one. Who's the true numero uno at manipulating the audience....? 



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MOHAMED HADID: " Lisa Vanderpump Is DEAD TO ME!!!

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Lisa Vanderpump's calling BS on Mohamed Hadid's kids suffering from Lyme disease, and her accusation is having major repercussions for the 'Real Housewives' shoots.

Sources tell TMZ Lisa and Mohamed's 20 year friendship came to an abrupt end when Vanderpump, for the umpteenth time, asked about his kids, Bella and Anwar, and their Lyme disease. We're told Hadid was embarrassed because Lisa asked while taping at dinner with friends.

Sources close to the situation tell us Hadid will be cordial during shoots, but ANY attempt to renew the friendship -- even for the show -- is out of the question, as far as he's concerned. 

We're told Lisa's husband, Ken, even tried to patch things up, but Hadid's not budging ... and hasn't even been to any of Lisa's 3 restaurants since the drama.

Lucky for him it's a big city.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2016/04/15/mohamed-hadid-lisa-vanderpump-lyme-disease/#ixzz45vGYoK5z

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