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Wow, Lisa V. slaughtered them in that blog!  LOL.  I think, though fabulous, Lisa V. is a cold bitch only out for #1 and it's pretty amazing how bulletproof she is--no one can chink this lady's armor, and that can't be said for the other hw head bitches (Vicki, Ramona, Nene, Teresa, etc.).  However, I don't necessarily think Lisa R. is trying to "take her down" . . . clearly, all these hens, among millions of others, were talking about Yolanda.  And in private, I'm sure all these women speak about each other SO disparagingly and cruelly, esp. Lisa V. and that husband of hers.  Lisa R. was probably fed up TO HERE that she was catching all the flack for something that she was hardly the only one guilty of--I absolutely believe she, Lisa V., and Kyle (and EVERYone else) talked about "Munchausen" or something similar.  And Yolanda is the biggest liar of them all claiming she's never heard of it before Lisa R./this season.  Yolanda and Kyle play victim better than all of them combined (Eileen is inching up there, too).  But, ya, I do agree that Lisa R. is TRYING HARD and giving these producers their money's worth . . . the fact that she's doing it to expose Lisa V. and Kyle is stupid af, but I don't think she's lying.  It'll be interesting to see how likely successful Kyle will be at crying/outraging her way out of it and how Lisa V. will just not acknowledge anything and then deflect.  Lisa R. better be ready.


Eileen, on the other hand, is hard to watch.  I think she's coming off thirsty with forcing everyone to "confront their feelings" . . . it's a bad look, clearly producer-fueled.  And this thing with Lisa V. is sad.  I think Eileen has actual knowledge of Lisa V.'s transgressions (that she won't tolerate ever being brought up) and that soured her this year, AND Eileen couldn't handle Lisa V. callously and crassly hitting her Achilles' heel (the "unsavory" origins of her current marriage).  Lisa V. knows how much this affects Eileen and, when it suited her last year, chastised Brandi for going after her.  If Lisa V., in a moment of ignorance, misspoke, then she should have just apologized sincerely because she clearly knew what she did.  But this lady can't ever be wrong.  I get how this would dumbfound and upset Eileen.  However, if Eileen can't handle this very public part of her life being brought up, she has NO BUSINESS being on this show!  Lol.


And I thought the scenes with Yolanda at the gala were nice.  I completely believe she has it . . . it's just that she obviously uses it as a shield (like Lisa R. said) AND this woman is not only insanely stupid, but her language barrier (she obviously has difficulty picking the right words to articulate herself) makes her come off horrible re. Lyme.  That and she's as sensitive as Eileen and an incredibly paranoid person.  She's been acting like an attacked animal all season and she's been unfairly attacking back haphazardly and it's understandable how she's made real enemies, Lisa R. is just the only one with the balls to come forward.  And her scene with Brandi was so contrived--I get the show needs to thread a narrative, but for a woman who tirelessly goes on and on about "real vs. fake friends," she could've tried harder to not have come off so FAKE!  lol.  And however arrogant she was in the past, I feel humiliated for her watching her scenes with David (like I did with Ramona/Mario on NY).  It's too bad because I think in better circumstances, she seems like a very lovely woman.

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BRAVO wants to know who are your most missed housewives




Top 10 so far:

  1. Camille
  2. Brandi
  3. Kim Z.
  4. Gretchen
  5. Caroline
  6. Jaqueline
  7. Jill
  8. Nene
  9. Heather
  10. Adrienne

How the heck are Kristen and Heather (who is in top 10) in there when there hasnt been a season without them thats aired. How can they be missed?


LMAO at Cindy being the BOTTOM of the list. Im surprised she even managed to get that many votes

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RHOA's production team, True Entertainment, is cheap as f-ck. We see that as they never update the show's opening. RHOA has the worst promos out the franchise. The ladies never take lavish trips to Europe or Asia (with the exception of the trip to Thailand last season). Most of their trips consist of trips to the Bahamas with the exception of the trip to South Africa in s4. It pisses me off. 

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Being that I often lurk in this thread and I caught up on Beverly Hills marathon-style, I thought I'd throw in my two cents on the current goings on.


Lisa Rinna- This chick is all over the place this season.   I don't understand her outrage at Yolanda hanging out with Brandi & Kim in the least.  It wasn't her event, Yolanda has always been friendly with Brandi, and Erika gave zero f#cks that LemonLyme (I LOVE that name) didn't make it.  She didn't have a dog in that fight, so why confront Yolanda on it?   Makes no sense.   She was either egged on or took it as a personal dig/line in the sand that Yolanda hung out with Kim instead of her.  Either way, it rubbed me the wrong way, as does much of her wishy-washiness throughout the season.


Eileen- Maybe I'm in the minority, but I am on Eileen's side in this fight with Lisa Vanderpump.  It's plain as day that Lisa knew exactly what she was doing when she inquired (on camera) about the affair that started Eileen & Vince's marriage.  Her lack of an apology to Eileen isn't the issue.   It's the lack of accountability that's bothersome.   Lisa is an intelligent woman-  she knows what she did was wrong.  It rings false to me that she doesn't believe that Eileen has any right to be upset- she wanted to rattle her cage (for whatever reason) and accomplished her goal.  However, by holding onto it and continuously bringing it up, I do  believe that Eileen is playing right into Lisa's hands.  While I do believe she should let it drop, I do understand that feeling that it just festers there without any resolution, which is driving Eileen mad.  On the flip side, Lisa sees this and it makes her even less likely to give her any.  What Lisa doesn't see is it is actually making her look bad as well.   Lisa is facing much worthier opponents than she has in past seasons and they are savvy enough to illuminate Lisa's flaws as well.  So just who is playing who here?

Erika-  I love this bitch, I really do.  The only moment that I haven't enjoyed her is when she didn't admit from jump that she tattled to LemonLyme about Pump & Kyle.   Other than that, she is pretty flawless.   She is BY FAR the worthiest opponent Lisa has ever had and Lisa knows it.  I do hope that they do eventually become friends because I think they could learn from one another,  yet in some ways I enjoy watching them square off.  I like that Erika isn't totally anti-Lisa and vice versa, but they're clearly sizing one another up.   Beverly Hills finally cast a rival for Lisa that is fascinating to watch- their relationship (and lack thereof) could drive story for years to come so long as they continue filming together.    BRAVO PRODUCERS!!!   One little peeve though- I  would like to see some vulnerability with Erika and I do hope that's to come, whether it be this season or next.   I'd like to see what makes her tick, what makes her feel.   But she is my fave housewife casting in quite some time.


Lisa Vanderpump- It may sound like I don't enjoy Lisa anymore, but that's  not the case.  I still love her and find her more fascinating than ever,   This is a side of Lisa we haven't seen yet- on the defensive, scrambling a bit.  Though she's trying not to show it, her cage is  rattled, ESPECIALLY by Erika who she can't manipulate nor get a handle on.   It's old school soap watching her keep her composure but when you pay close attention, especially in the Erika confrontation at Wally's, you can see that she's been thrown for a loop by this chick and I, for one, am LOVING it.   Looking forward to watching it all unfold.


Kyle- Mauricio is still hot.   Ok, ok, there is one other thing I can say about her and it's that you can see how ELATED she is at being Lisa's sidekick again.   It's a role that she's quite comfortable in.


Katherine- Donnie is hot.  I don't find her very interesting.  She's rather transparent and has clearly drank the Vanderpump kool aid.  I wouldn't mind her as much if a genuine friendship was developing, but she obviously idolizes Lisa and Lisa is only going to use that to her advantage.   Tattling on Erika only amplified what I already knew- she's going to be blindly faithful to "Pumpy."  Even her confrontation with Faye was Meh, which sums up Katherine on this show.

YoLemonLyme-   I just don't care enough anymore to write anything.   Her tired tagline says it all.

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Ah Cheap I never knew you had a family member with LD. Yol's 'journey of Lyme' looks like a whole lot of grandstanding. Yol really isn't as smart as she thinks she is regarding this disease thing as everybody is pointing out medical and timeline inconsistencies in her statements going all the way back.


Brandi not only got a trashy talking head, but on the Bravo blogs section for BH, she also got an interview slotted in as "Brandi's blog" ! I swear somebody at Bravo really wants her and Kim "watching TV with turtles" Richards back next season.


OMG I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed that about Kathryn. She definitely has a masculine edge. At the gala, she was eating like a guy too lol. I can't hate her for being hungry though


Erika looks like... Erika, and Kyle looks like Wednesday from The Addams Family.


Hearing everybody's take on BH is so interesting. However, I feel that, in spite of the drama, this season has been underwhelming and none of the drama feels organic. EVERYTHING feels very producer-driven. I know this is par for the course with HW shows, but with BH in particular, it feels like everybody has nothing really left to say to each other and so the producers are running around trying to one or another HW up in arms about something.  It is very transparent this year. And you can read it on the blogs, especially if LVP calling up the other ladies ahead of filming is true. It feels like "Yawn, ok, let's do something to get this show percolating." 


The fact is, I couldn't give a sh*t if LVP asked pointed questions about Eileen's marriage -- because it feels like it was only done in order to create some kind of SL. Similarly, Eileen going after LVP for it -- storyline-dictated. Lipsa going after Yol about not coming to Erika's party -- let's create drama where there was absolutely none. The only time people look somewhat shocked (Kyle!) is when Yolanda goes hard and whips out her bag of crazy and throws medical documents at people. I can't take the fake outrage seriously because everybody is doing their bit to "bring the drama." Eileen, Lipsa, LVP, Yol, Brandi... They've run out of ideas and Yolanda's illness has given her a pass, so she cannot be the HW they attack this season. So we are back to the old LVP Master Manipulator story. If people are reacting in defense of LVP it may be more that they are tired of seeing this recycled drama all over again.

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Dang, that's a rough photo they used for Kimberly Bryant. I'm not familiar with her from OC, but that's a hideous photo. 


I would love for Jill Zarin to come back. She's a horrible person but I love to watch her. Just one more go against Ramona, Bethenny, etc. 

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The current Top Ten has shifted!


1. Camille.

2. Gretchen (!)

3. Brandi

4. Kim Z.

5. Caroline Manzo ("Lemme tell you something about my fambly...")

6. Jacqueline Laurita.

7. Jill Zarin (!!)

8. Nenester

9. Lizzie Rovsek

10. Adrienne Maloof.


Looks like Heather got bumped. Oh well! You snooze, you lose! 


Camille deserves #1 spot. I would love it if she came back! 


Brandi obviously is sitting at her computer pressing that click button for the past 9 hours now. But Gretchen is probably more sober and therefore more adept than her, hence her jump to #2 position. P.S.: I miss neither woman.


I can see why Kim Z is popular, but if I never see that lazy-ass excuse for an ex-hooker ever again, that will be fine with me. Speaking of RHoA, I thought Nene would be higher, but I guess it's like she never really left! :lol:


I don't know if I would want Jill Zarin back, it would be like rewarding bad behaviour and opening the floodgates to a shitload of toxicity and evil. I don't think she has learned a thing from being off the show. One thing I have appreciated in the more recent seasons of RHoNY is some of the light-heartedness in the women's interactions, and that is in large part because Jill ain't there.


I love that Lizzie is #9. Good does win through!


Adrienne, eh. Ok. 


ETA: Alex McCord scored lower than Carlton Gebbia?? I find that surprising.

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I'd love for Jill to come back b/c the b-tch is DRAMA. Much needed for NY. Same with Danielle on NJ. Both of them are needed back on their respective shows. Badly....


IDK why Nene was on the list when the writing is on the wall. She's coming back to ATL next season regardless. She missed them seven figures. 


My top 3 that I want to return are Camille (BH), Lizzie (OC), and Gretchen (OC). I miss Camille's humor, class, and slight haughtiness to situations. I miss Lizzie and Gretchen for the same reason--they were a select few of women on the OC that wasn't afraid to go toe to toe with Tamra and call her on her crap. Plus, those two are really good friends and do business together, so I'd love to see their friendship on the OC. It seems like a real genuine one. 

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I could go along with that. Gretchen has been off the OC long enough for me to forget why she annoyed me in the first place, and if it means Tamra gets a smackdown, I'm ok  with that. Lizzie is awesome, as far as I am concerned.


Please let me briefly celebrate the amazingness that was Camille in gif form (P.S.: dang, there were about a million gifs of Camille dancing)


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Camille, in retrospect, was awesome. She was the only true 'Hollywood Wife' (RIP Jackie Collins!) to ever grace a franchise that should have been filled with them. And her season 2 redemption - amazing. I would love a Camille return.


Im surprised Jeana didn't make the top 10 - I'd love for her to return to OC.

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Love her or hate her, Camille was a perfect Hollywood Wife and compulsive viewing during that first season (PLUS the houses and lifestyle were 100% legit Impressive Money level). She had so many great, self-absorbed one liners, but at the same time she was edited to be the Bitch (in order to make Kyle look good, I might add). Even though she felt she had to do a PR 180 in season 2, Camille in S1 was strangely human in her delusions, spot-on in her shade and reading of the other women and relatable in the way she tried to hold it together while Kelsey publicly shat on her from a great height.. Honestly, she was more sinned against than sinning.


Camille was also one of the few housewives to talk honestly and openly about her less-than-perfect marriage and divorce at Reunion, while still keeping it relatively classy. It makes for a contrast with many HWs who pretend everything is flowers and rainbows right up to the bitter end, then refuse to discuss it **side-eyes Ramona**


I'm surprised about Jeana too but I guess Gretchen was too busy clicking on her picture to worry about La Keough.

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I'll go against the grain and say it but Camille is one of the most overrated housewives. She wasnt all that! I remember hating her in season 1. She made for a perfect villian and her feud with Kyle was must see tv. However after that first season she became too self aware and she came back boring. I wasnt here for her as she wasnt bringing it the way she was and the divorce and backlash really humbled her. Good for her image, but not good for tv. She held back and to me came across more real and genuine with what we saw in season 1 than season 2. Im fine with her making appearances here and there and maybe as a FoH, but full wife? I really dont see her having much to offer. She doesnt need the money and she isnt a fame whore. I just dont see her exposing herself and making for an interesting cast member

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All of this. This season has felt very producer-driven, and that's why I'm not too mad at Lipsa or Eileen. They look like buffoons, but it looks like desperation on the show's part to have some sort of storyline, no matter how goofy you look.


I'm glad someone else mentioned Kathryn's hubby, cuz he's muy guapo! Something about Kathryn reminds me of actress Julianne Phillips (a.k.a. "Frankie" from SISTERS), only with botched up lips. And a penis. 

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