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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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That was a lot of LemonLyme dominating the episode with her Golden Lyme Awards and then having the long goodbye to her fridge while her marriage was obviously imploding like a stadium on demolition day. Brandi looked awful in her talking head interview. Tacky and uncouth.


I was surprised at Eileen's choice of long haul flight clothing. Odd.


Otherwise, not much else to say about this episode. LVP looked regal in that caftan and her real diamonds with her hair piled casually on top. I really do see a day when LVP leaves Beverly Hills, moves back to the South of France and just relaxes dripping in diamonds and exotic caftans. It's really gotta grate on Kyle that she's never pulled off a caftan like LVP did on her first try while she's been wearing them for years.


Next week looks awful for all involved. 





Pettifleur. Honestly. What a bitch. She is so thoroughly unpleasant it's no wonder no one wants to be around her sorry ass. What a disgusting dress to wear to someone else's wedding. 


Chyka's earring game in this episode was awesome. She has a treasure trove of costume jewels and she always looks chic as hell. 


"Alin just broke up with his girlfriend so he's giving me the wedding he planned for himself" - Gamble. Was anyone else surprised Alin had a girlfriend? He's been a bigger bridezilla than Gamble ever could have been (she's actually been incredibly restrained and relaxed)...I really love the dynamic between Gamble, Rick and Luke. Rick is so proud of Luke - the whole thing is heartwarming. THAT is how you do an epic Real Housewives wedding.


Janet - LOVE Janet. Her talking head interviews are so witty. She looked gorgeous at the wedding. There was a particular shot as Gamble walked down the aisle and the music swelled and the sun hit Janet and she just looked drop dead gorgeous. A very classic Australian beauty. I also have to say, I really do enjoy her and Brian together. They've been there, done that and bought the t-shirt. I say, if it makes Janet happy, what the hell, it may be sweeter the second time around.


Gina, Gina, Gina...oh dear she did not come off well in this episode. Very insensitive to Gamble's wedding to be so focused on Celebrity Apprentice. And for lying straight up to Gamble's face. She should have just swallowed her ego and PVR'd the show. 


Jackie is going to expose Gina. And that's Jackie's role on the show. And she fills it well. And I like seeing her and Ben together.


Lydia moaning about how miserable the last year was - is that why she's such a gossip bitch? Please. That just wreaked of whiney desperation. She's not a great fake crier.


Susie is totally irrelevant.

Edited by DaytimeFan
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RHOMelbourne S03E05 link:


I am sorry but Gamble is an idiot. This wedding was laced with failure before it even started. Why the f-ck didn't she hire a REAL party planner? Hello, Chyka is sitting right there!!! Why didn't she ask her to plan the wedding?! 




So stupid.... Who hires their dress designer to plan the wedding too? And for him to not know that they needed a podium on the sand for the guests, wedding party, and bride and groom along with mics was just stupid. Gamble would've did better had she just asked Gina to plan. Thank God, Gina was there to assist. 


Gina is my girl so IDC about her being big-headed. That's Gina. I also don't see the harm in her ditching Gamble's get-together to go watch Celebrity Apprentice. I am sure that Gina, like most reality show stars, was obligated to live tweet. It is in a lot of their contracts, so she had to go and watch the episode. If Gamble gets butt hurt over that then oh well. Gina only upset me when she talked about herself when Gamble and Rick were signing the marriage license, but again, that's Gina. When the celebrant changed the subject back to the wedding, Gina dropped it. 


Moving on, I cannot stand that b-tch, Jackie. I never liked her ass but this episode just solidified it. She's like a rampant dog when it comes to any and everything Gina. She can't stand that she can phase Gina like she does others (Lydia, Pettifleur), so like a dog with a bone, she always has to come for Gina. 


I typically don't care for Pettifleur but how Jackie talked to her pissed me off. I wanted Petti to reach across the table and ram that bitch's head into the table. Jackie is a f-cking twat and I cannot wait for the day that she gets her comeuppance. 


Plus, I am over her 'psychic readings.' That sh-t is farce. Like Gamble said, she just simply states the obvious. 


Lydia is a moron for trying to appease Jackie. Screw, Jackie. I don't care for Lydia that much either but forget Jackie. 


Who made Jackie God in this group? 


I enjoy Janet when she is not with Jackie, but when she is, I quickly go back to hating her. 


Good to see that Gina gives them bitter trollops the business next week. They act like Gina missed the damn wedding. She just skipped dinner and drinks. It ain't that serious. 

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I never really got the "Yo favors Gigi" talk until this episode. NotGigi#1 and #2 were completely ignored in favor of the beautiful Gigi (who I think IS adorable BTW -- though last time I checked, she is dating Zayn Malik, not Joe Jonas). The fact that the ONE Hadid child who does NOT have Lyme/Chronic Lyme/Neurological Lyme/Brain Inflammations was chosen to introduce her mother at the event spoke volumes. Regarding Lyme, I think I've gotten to the point where Yolanda could well have the illness she claims. That doesn't stop me from thinking that she is milking it to an exaggerated degree and for her own ends. And, sadly, illness does not make saintliness. Yolanda is still cold, mean, manipulative and so, so jealous of those she thinks are trying to usurp her own 'amazingness'. This is a woman who needs constant validation and devotion to maintain the facade. The fake artichokes in her glass fridge are amazingly symbolic of her marriage. David looks SO *done* with everything.


I understand Kyle crying because she was moved by the Lyme event and seeing Gigi speak, but I also understand that Kyle is a cowardly person who is constantly assessing which person has more power and money that she can get behind and kiss up to. She was also crying a little bit because, surrounded by Pissy Schoolmarm Erika and Kathryn playing both sides, Kyle was pretty much told off for being in Rinna and LVP's camp and not drinking the lemonade. 


The way Erika talks down to all these women is really off-putting. She really cannot stand them, can she? I guess she only likes paid, gay minions.


Brandi looked like she is auditioning for bad porn in her talking ahead. And telling Lipsa she needs to eat something? Brandi looks like a hungry, de-skinned chicken bone! With fillers.


Eileen's outfit, woah. Look at everybody lying at LAX saying she looked great. :o She did not. On Reality Tea somebody described it as "looking like she comes from Dogpatch, USA."


Interesting that they showed the clip of the Eileen-Lipsa conversation where Lipsa said she wants nothing more than to be best friends with Yolanda... but that every instinct is telling her to run far, far away. That would be my instinct too, because Yol would not hesitate to turn on you in an instant! Also interesting that Lipsa wants to be her BFF. That maybe explains why she is trying to pass the buck and say LVP Made Me Do It. It is such a change from her blog about a month agao where Lipsa was all "COME AT ME BITCHES. I HAVE BONES TO PICK WITH ALL OF YOU." I loved that blog!


I can't with next week. It is (as Judge Judy would say) a whole lot of Who Shot John.



Edited by Cat
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OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope Lisa goes in as hard as she is on those blogs at the reunion! Lisa Rinna and Eileen are SO STUPID for going against her. She was the best ally they could have and Yolanda is going to push them aside as soon as she doesn't need them. That's why Kyle isn't trying to mess things up with Vanderpump because she wants to keep her Diamond. They need to accept she is the queen, pure and simple. 

In other news, Bravo's website had a list of upcoming shows and one of them was Real Housewives of D.C.: Five Years On (Summer 2016). When their attention was brought to it, it was removed and they said it's not coming back. I'm wondering if they were planning a catch up special or something, since they've done so many. They even randomly have a special planned in a couple weeks for RHOC the season where Lydia appeared. I find that so odd that they're doing a special on one season and even bringing the housewives back to film interviews for it.

Going back to RHOBH, I believe Yolanda WAS sick, but now I feel like she is suffering the effects of menopause and Munchausen's and that's it. She is VERY manipulative and is using whatever illness she does have to get sympathy and attention. I hope it's worth it for her because she has lost her husband and many friends over this. I HATED her Lyme gala and all the misinformation she keeps putting through. There is no evidence that you can get Lyme from a horsefly, which is how she claims she and all her kids got it, it IS curable with the majority of cured with antibiotics, it is NOT a sexually transmitted disease, there are not nearly enough cases to justify calling it an epidemic on the scale of AIDS (which is sick and insulting of her to even say) and this "Chronic" Lyme disease she claims to have isn't recognized by any reputable doctor. I want someone to just be firm and call her out. I would be firm and say "Yes, the bitch got Munchausen's. I SAID WHAT I SAID AND I AIN'T CHANGING." I would be pure Nene Leakes on her ass and she would hate me. I was hoping that would be Lisa Rinna. Let Kyle, Lisa and Kathryn be there to support you and go in and let have. I would not be beating around the bush. 

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I haven't watched this season but wow, Eileen and Lisa must be dumb. Even though I no longer care for LVP as much as I once did, and generally find all accusations about her to be true, these women have to be IDIOTS to go up against her. Have they not seen or at least heard about the countless other women who have tried and failed to take her down? LVP is a master manipulator and she will manipulate anyone right off the show. Best believe if my ass had a diamond, I'd be pretending all day that LVP was God. Lol!

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I felt Yolanda going to that Lyme Disease event was a crock of sh-t. Bringing awareness to it? Yeah she's done that but I think she's made a mockery of it and done more damage to people with LD. I have a sister with it and when I interact with her and then look at her, I think you fake ass bitch



who said Brandi could come back and why would they give her a talking head?


Lisa and Kyle's suite was $40,000/night. Times 5, that would be $200,000 total. Really Bravo? They probably spent close to $600,000 on the rooms alone


Rinna didnt bring up Yolanda's issues; Erica did so I dont like how she was treated like she wont let go or keeps bringing up Yolanda's stuff



Kathryn looks like a man, Kyle looks like a pilgrim and Erica looks alright. I dont think I realized Kyle was so short

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