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Finally watched. It was a good episode! Can I just say that my love for Eileen in her gross shoes/bag/denim jumpsuit glory has returned in full force? I love her girl crush on Erika but at the same time bellowing "WHO TOLD HER? WHO?" Eileen has no time for BS -- including from HWs who claim they don't have time for it either.


It is so clear that Yolanda is looking for any excuse to pin any kind of blame for anything on LVP. Lisa Rinna and others are merely collateral damage. LVP listening quietly to Erika scream at Lipsa was a picture in of itself. She knows who told Yolanda. And she knows Yol and Erika are trying to make her look bad. Her blog this week slayed them all. Basically she told them to BRING IT BITCHES:



Erika looks really bad screaming at Lipsa in the previews. I don't understand the BFF friendship between Erika Girardi and Yolanda Foster. They... don't seem to have all that much in common. I would imagine that normally Yolanda would look down on someone as fun-loving (or "superficial" as Yol sometimes terms it) as Erika, who adores her labels and make-up, her flashy clothes, botox and boobs -- just like Yolanda has shaded the other women for enjoying.

I also think it is very telling how somebody like Yolanda (and Erika) view friendship. 'Don't question me. Just worship me. Just tell me how saintly and brave I am. Stroke my ego. But don't ask questions of what I am doing because that is WRONG and BITCHY and MEAN.' Clearly Yolanda never met my (European) mom -- a woman who believes honey, lemon and ginger can cure the flu! -- who is all up my ass whenever I get sick. "What did you do? Did you dress warmly? Have you been eating enough protein? Here, take some eucalyptus!" All my family and friends have opinions on any sickness that befall us and what you should do to treat it. That's not being mean, that's actually trying to contribute other options!

Erika, too, seems more comfortable being surrounded by her minions that she pays to rub bronzer on her tatas and whoop "Pat the puss!" than women who wish to voice an opinion or call her out on something she did. She could easily have defended herself by saying "Yes, I told Yolanda. She asked and I answered because she's my friend. I told her I heard Lisa and Kyle mention it in passing..." It would have been no biggie as everybody knew anyway and in any case, LVP and Kyle were more than ready to drop the issue. Eileen thinks Erika is fab so she would probably have dropped the questioning after that. Kathryn does not care. Lipsa would have likely backed down, too, because she is a people-pleaser. 

Edited by Cat
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Yolanduh and Erika have a lot in common. Namely opening their legs to wealthy men and possessing no real skill or talent. Yolanduh latches on to these types of girls as they are the only ones truly beneath her that will worship the ground she walks on. All that's missing is Brandi Glandville then we would truly have the trifecta of worthless gold digging bimbos. 

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Exactly. That's where Erika's really lost me. Had she just said "Yes, I lied, it was MY night and I didn't want to deal with any of the women being hysterical" I could have accepted that easily. But Erika didn't do that. Instead, she took the position that she did not lie, when it was blatant that she did. She blew her credibility to smithereens. 

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RHOMelbourne taglines:


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Dubai? The promo makes it look like they are pouring even more money into the series bc it looks good from a production standpoint


Susie...her tagline is so cliche. Petty....lame. Overall not impressed with them but Janet has the best one. Delivery will be everything to help make these pop

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I think Gina, Chyka, and Gamble have good taglines. Janet's is OK. The rest of them? Meh. Susie's tagline is similar to Ana's (RHOM) and Kathy's (RHONJ) taglines. They could've came up with something better b/c Susie seems like a little spitfire from the previews. 


I envy how Arena goes all out for Melbourne. Evolution Media, which produces RHOBH and RHOC, goes all out too in production and vacations too. It pisses me off how True Entertainment, which produces Potomac and Atlanta, does not do the same. Sad because those two shows are the flagship shows of Bravo, and those ladies get the cheapest vacation spots. For once, I'd like to see the women on either of these shows go somewhere further than the Bahamas next season. Atlanta's Thailand trip was stellar--the best since South Africa (s4), but Carlos' broke ass could send them to more exotic or historic places. Madrid! Lisbon! Rome! Rio de Janeiro! Athens! Saint Tropez! Sydney! Another location in Africa! Spend some money on these women. Damn!

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Where are you guys seeing RHODubai? 

And I think Dallas would be so entertaining but we'll see. 


Look at that Cynthia is being the ADULT in this situation and she fully explained her position and what she actually SAID. Sheree is running around out here trying to get that peach hardcore...


And of course the commercial turned out excellent! Kenya meanwhile is sitting there in tears and sadness so jealous that she had NOTHINGVl to do with it. Such a great episode. 

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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Ain't nobody checking for Cynthia and Kim's struggle commercial. I ain't seen it aired yet and probably won't. Bravo will probably air it a few times and that's it. 


I'm petty like Kenya. I would've supported Cynthia from a far. Kim didn't have her on the call-sheet, which was amateurish, so why beg to be part of the commercial? She still was there in person. That's good enough.


Going back to the call-sheet, I am so glad that Kenya clocked Kim on that seeing as Kim is such a 'professional.' Kim would be slaughtered with that half-assed call-sheet by real professionals. Now I see why she isn't booked....:P


Peter coming for Matt was so pathetic, but his ass stayed glued to that seat. He knew he didn't wanna follow Matt outside. He would've gotten folded up with ease. I gotta give Matt props though for being the adult and mending fences with Peter. God knows that Peter wouldn't've done it. :rolleyes: Kenya made a good point too that the women need to take note on how to reconcile matters. 


I actually found Nene likable tonight. The first time in a LONG time. This is the Nene I loved. I hope she continues to stay this way. 


However, Kim needs to dig into Phaedra, Nene, Kenya, and Porsha's asses. Not just Kenya. They all alluded that Chris may be gay, but Kenya just outright said it. She should at least be commended for being honest while the other women were being shady. Furthermore, this isn't the first time this has been heard. It's been rumored and on the blogs for years about Chris being gay and I believe it. 


:lol: at Sheree being her usual, messy self. Sheree is working hard for that peach (and check). Girlfriend gotta get the paper to finish Chateau Sheree.

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Child if the best you and Ken Mora can do is the CALL SHEET all i have to do is laugh. I highly doubt there's some industry standard when it comes to call sheets and I bet different directors/producers have different formats/styles/standards.


Kenya was SO desperate to make that production look bad and it utterly failed. Meanwhile she and you threw a complete fit over Cynthia saying they weren't "best friends" and that they're just friends..yet the first thing she does on set is row into the ocean with her man...prob to perform some scandalous act. 


Kim needs to dig into all of them for laughing at what Kenya said but lets not kid ourselves. Kenya is the one who brought up the rumor. So if anyone is gonna get destroyed I think it should be Kenya. 

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I am enjoying Sheree so much in this season. She deserves a peach and a raise. She has brought it this season.


Kenya is a deluded, stupid bitch. All she could do was try to belittle Kim's efforts when everyone universally praised her - which clearly drove Kenya's ass crazy. The comment she made about Kim's husband was homophobic and I hope she catches heat for it. 

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