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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I find this drama between Cynthia and Kenya fascinating. And while Kenya shouldn't be acting out...to this degree, the fact that there has been a lot of secret keeping from Cynthia has put her in the bad light. ANd there's Nene stirring that pot. And doing it well I might add.


Loving all the comments. I have to admit Sheree, Poorsha, and Phaedra are giving me life with their shade.



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That was definitely not a good look for Kenya. Her behavior with Kim was beneath her and she shouldnt have let them run her off the table. Unfortunately, she just wasnt fun and came across petty in this episode


Cynthia is a fake ass bitch. Not only does she choose Kim without telling Kenya, she then invites Nene without warning her. Those were jabs at her so called friendship with Kenya. To make matters worse, she backpeddled and denied how close they were just bc Nene was there and didnt approve


Sheree and Bob. He's no good but I kinda like them together


Kandi...her scenes were irrelevant


Phaedra was messy as f--k bringing up the commercial the way she did. She wanted to cause trouble and she did.


Porsha, actually came across fun. She was light hearted and didnt bother me




"I was Gucci'ed down to my toes" Line of the episode! LOL


I like Ashley and dont like how some of these women are coming for her


Posters come for Katie but I like her as well

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It really doesn't take long to figure Kenya out.  Excuse after excuse for this vile delusional piece of garbage.  


B, just because Kenya admitted she was wrong doesn't make what she did any less disgusting.  A murderer admitting murder is wrong doesn't make a killing any less heinous.  Kenya is unraveling, and I'm love it.  


Cheap, we sure want to make quite a bit of concessions for Kenya when she would never do that for anyone else, huh?  Had she attended the first meeting at the restaurant, Kenya could have gotten her pitch in.  Kim did the work and she has more experience in the business than Kenya.  She showed Cyn no consideration but Cyn owed her more respect?  If I'm not mistaken, Cyn had to call Kenya to find out where she was for the meeting.  Kenya responded that she is doing work on her house.  No?  Her behavior at the table was...I have no words.  


Good news is Kenya hired another man to play her boyfriend so she'll have a storyline that doesn't involve stalking her mother.  We just have to hope Kenya did her due diligence and this guy doesn't have a husband and child.  Fingers crossed

2nd time I've seen this.  What does that mean?


Edited by ChitHappens
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Oh please. You all stay reaching. Kenya knows she isn't famous ... well not Beyonce famous; however, in the world of reality TV, she is famous b/c she stays a trending topic on forums and blogs. Also, she has had a successful career. Yeah, her career wasn't stellar like Kim Fields but she stayed working in movies and sitcoms from the 90s onwards. 


Kenya is playing a character to evoke emotion from you all and she's succeeding. Y'all give Kenya so much power and that's why she's never going to be fired in the foreseeable future. Her breathing is enough to get you all in your feelings and that's why Bravo will make sure she stays in the lineup. Kenya = ratings. Regardless how you feel about her, people take time out tune in and then express their hatred for her online. Now that tweets and Facebooks posts are factored in Nielsens, Kenya is the gift that keeps on giving....


To address your earlier comment, Kenya still owned her sh-t, and whether you like it or not, it is a lot more than what others have done. Did Nene apologize for choking Kim? Nope. Did Porsha apologize for laying hands on Kenya? Nope. Let's not be selective when it comes to violence. Either it is all bad or all good because if I am not mistaken, weren't you one of the ones advocating Porsha getting physical with Kenya? 


Furthermore, Kenya said on WWHL that the call between she and Cynthia was a bit wonky and production had something to do with it. She claims that Cynthia knew beforehand that she wasn't coming to the meeting and production (along with Cynthia) spun it into something more, so Cynthia did play a pivotal role in things escalating. She could've told Kenya she was going with Kim and squashed it but whatever. All three of them were in the wrong at that dinner. Kenya was wrong for getting out of character. Kim was wrong for acting like she's above everyone, which she's not. She's collecting the same check as Kenya. Cynthia was wrong for stirring the pot and doing production's work. She knew Kim and Kenya loathed each other and wanted to capitalize on it. She isn't innocent at all. 


But seriously, the hatred y'all have for Kenya is scary. I don't like many housewives but I don't wish ill will on them. Y'all be wishing that she won't get married (as if that is the end all, be all) or have kids. It's like y'all wish nothing but eternal unhappiness for this woman. Hell, you all might as well wish death on her b/c you're borderline there. 

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Lol.  You are biased and you know it.  When KenYAWN is disgusting, it's production.  When someone else is rancid, they are just rancid.  Can't have it both ways.  


KenYAWN is going after Kim's husband next week, and that's production right (you said it in a post a few pages back)?  When Nene had the slumber party and that animal Apollo got violent, it was all Nene.  Pffft!  Phaedra is foul for bringing up the commercial?  Production had nothing to do with that?  How many times has KenYAWN sat at a table and brought up something for the sole purpose of getting chit started? LOL


Nobody on this board cares enough about KenYAWN to waste hate energy on her that way.  Bitch is still unraveling, tho!

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First off, I am not biased. I am impartial. Yes, Kenya is my favorite but I have called her out on her sh-t countless times. I've also said countless times that she is production's pet and stirs the pot. This is nothing new. However, she is not the only one that does production's bidding. As you said, Phaedra did last night. So did Cynthia. Nene was production's pot stirrer the first two seasons along with Sheree and Kim. Kandi and Phaedra did their fair share in seasons 3-4. All these women stir the pot on all these shows. It's the name of the game. They all have choice to choose whether or not to do the bidding and they all openly agree to do it, so that says something about all the women's characters. I just think many of you hold these women to high standards and I don't. They are all thirsty and hungry for fame. That's why they are on these shows. 


Secondly, Kenya and all the other women (b/c they were commenting too) along with production are bringing light to Kim and her husband. It ain't no damn secret. It's been speculation for years. Sorry but this flaming homo (talking about myself) sees that Chris is screaming and kicking to get out that closet. He's gay. If he didn't want it to be addressed then he shouldn't've taken his ass on a reality show. All things are open territory on these shows. 


You care or you wouldn't watch, comment, and openly express your hatred for her. :P Otherwise, you'd pay her in dust but you don't. 

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I don't recall wishing anything bad to happen to Kenya. I don't find her to be entertaining and I'd be perfectly fine with her leaving the show. 


And I'm confused how you've managed to put Kim in the wrong in that dinner when Kenya instigated everything. She condescendingly asks Kim about her credits, and please don't pretend she wasn't being a bitch when she said it, and then got mad because Kim wouldn't respond to her....somehow THAT's Kim's fault. And Kenya is absolutely lucky she did that chair pulling [!@#$%^&*] with Kim and not someone like Porsha, cause she deserved an ass whooping.


And you best believe if ANYONE else had done the same [!@#$%^&*] to Kenya, she'd play the victim and probably call security. 

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