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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Damn. I didn't know they already filmed their reunion. I guess the season is nearing it's end.

I was thinking Eileen, Lips, Lisa, Andy, Kyle, Kim, Brandi, and Yolanda if she is able to attend. Last I heard, she was still suffering badly from her ailment.

Kenya verified that they are filming the reunion towards the end of March. You know that is going to be a knockdown drag out.

I bet the seating for Atlanta is going to be: Demetria [when she comes out], Claudia, Cynthia, Kenya, Andy, Nene, Phaedra, Kandi, Porsha [when she comes out].

ETA: Some tea spilled on the RHOBH reunion I saw post on another forum


Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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Well I checked over all of the ladies Twitter feeds and Lips, Lisa, Kyle, and Brandi all bandwagoned what Andy said--it being the most stressful reunion yet. Eileen, Yolanda, and Kim have yet to comment.

Brandi said she was taking a break from Twitter today. I guess Eileen mind f*cked and tore that ass up.

I bet this reunion is full of tears ... Coming from the usual suspects [i.e. Brandi/Kim/Kyle]. :rolleyes:

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I was hoping for the reunion not to be so stressful and toxic, I hope that some fun moments were filmed and will be shown to balance out the toxicity.

I was afraid with Andy there that Brandi and Kim would be protected to some degree.. but I'm hearing differently, so that might be good.

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I think it is interesting that Brandi is getting the brunt of the hate. Not that she shouldn't -- her behaviour this season has been vile, immature, bullying and despicable -- but I don't think it should be the shield that the Richards sisters will use to deflect any wrongdoing from them. Again.

Already Kyle is treading very close to the "Brandi is turning Kim alcoholic again" and that is not true at all. Kim is not some delicate innocent child who is being turned towards evil by the wicked Brandi. She hasn't taken accountability for her actions since this show started (when everybody pretended there was no problem -- oh wait, no, Kim has a drinking problem how dare anybody say different -- oh wait, no, now she is picking up bags of white powder in her car -- oh, no wait, now she is taking pain medication the doctor prescribed her -- oh, wait, no, that would be Monty's pain medication she is stealing). It is about time people stop pretending somebody (Brandi, Monty) is holding a gun to Kin's head and forcing her to scratch around for a high.

Edited by Cat
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I'm sorry but if LIsa Rinna doesn't bring it and they fully address Kim's so called sobriety or lack thereof then the whole reunion will be a let down. That and if Brandi isn't held accountable for what she's done to and said about Eileen all season long. This heffa deserves an epic read and I'm tlaking on the level of Phaedra destroying Kenya last year. Or Nene destroying her.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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BINGO. Especially all the stuff about calling a whore that doesnt respect the sanctity of marriage. Look at Phaedra now spreading her legs and stepping out on her marriage. Phakedra may have thought she had a victory but karma came back to bite her in her lopsided donkey ass

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Sad part of it all is that majority of Twitter fans will have some excuse for Phaedra actions and excuse them. And on the other hand, they'll still slut shame & blame Kenya for Phaedra's issues. :rolleyes:

Kenya can't win for nothing.

But I cannot wait for next week so I can drag Phaedra's ass on Twitter for filth and I dare one of her fans to step to me. That hussy has been lying since she popped up on this show 4 seasons ago and hasn't stop. So why wouldn't she lie about an affair and being behind the scheme of slut shaming Kenya.

All I know is that Kenya, Cynthia, Claudia, and Demetria better dog walk Porsha, Nene, & Phae's hypocritical asses at the reunion.

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We really don't have any proof of that beyond Apollo's claims...

As for Phaedra she didn't go around peddling for sperm...she's got two beautiful precious kids that are the center of world. She has never pretended to have a husband or boyfriend only to find out that they were bought and paid for like some cheap whore. More to the point she made the decision to rid of Apollo and at the very least she can claim that they had a couple of good real years together versus some imaginary relationship that Miss Moore still claims she had.

Lastly Phaedra may be jack of all trades with all these hot mess businesses but at the very core she at least has a law degree and a career to stand on. Unlike Kenya who keeps cliaming that she is some name in the acting industry. Girl bye. Phaedra completely obllterated her on national tv last year and you can see it dead in Kenya's own damn face. I don't even know why its an argument. Phaedra's words clearly got to her and what she said was the absolute truth.

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Oh puhlease. rolleyes.gif

First of all, Phaedra's law degree ain't sh*t. We all saw how abysmal she was in the courtroom against Bob Whitfield, who isn't a lawyer. He pulled one over on her. She also lost the case for Kandi against Kim for the rights for Tardy for the Party. Phelony sucks a lawyer and any sane person knows that. And I live GA and its been proven that Phaedra does not have a law office. You couldn't even find her law office in the phonebook at one point. That office is set. Supposedly, she rents it out when they are filming RHOA.

Phaedra's 'businesses' are nothing more than cover ups for her illegal actions. Angela Stanton let that be known. And mobsters have been using funeral homes as cover ups for illegal actions for decades. How ironic.

So if Kenya is a poser then Phaedra is right there beside her. Hell, she is worse. Kenya at least has receipts for her acting career. Phelony does not for her attorney or these businesses she has. She's been talking about them for seasons and we still haven't seen the payoff. When it comes to her attorney work, all we know is that she worked for Bobby at point, which if I am not mistaken, Whitney fired her ass. Like Nene said [in s3], her attorney work must not be working or she wouldn't be on the same show collecting the same check as everyone else....

Phaedra's words [re: the sperm bank] only got to Kenya b/c it was a low blow to the fact that Kenya may not be able to have children b/c of her age. Not because of the way she is going about it. There is nothing wrong with going to a sperm bank. Again, Phaedra should've went there. It would've saved her all the grief and embarrassment her lumpy booty ass is getting now. Especially how Apollo was acting last Sunday. And let's be honest, Air mattress Amy was peddling for sperm too. Miss. Conjugal Visit Parks just did her peddling and selection through the system or while waiting outside the prison gates. So Apollo was her sperm bank. Instead of him getting $10 to buy a pizza, he got to reap the benefits of her mastermind crimes. She, on the other hand, got a husband ... in name only.

Miss. Ankle Bracelet Parks knew he was dolt fresh out of prison, who just happened to be attractive. She wanted kids with that good looking man and that's it. Apollo was nothing more than Phaedra's crony to help commit crimes and be a vessel for her 'perfect and fair skinned kids.'

Let's stop acting like she some damn pillar of the community. Even your girl, Nene, didn't believe that sh*t and still doesn't. She only tolerates Phae b/c they have a common enemy at the moment. If she made up with Cynthia and Kenya [and they agreed to kiss her ass], Phaedra would be put back on the back burner again.

I think it is low-class that people think it is an abomination for a single woman who wants a child to go to the sperm bank to look for a donor. I'd rather have a donor and raise my child alone, instilling good qualities in them by myself than being in a loveless farce of a marriage to a criminal, who's bad habits will inherently be picked up by our kids.

And no one knows the arraignment between Walter and Kenya except for them two. He only spoke out against Kenya when she gave him the boot. Walter knew what he was getting into from the start so it pisses me off when people try and paint him as so victim. She ain't the first one to force or fake a relationship and she won't be the last.

Furthermore, as I stated before, Phaedra's been faking from day one.

Faking about being a 'southern belle.'

Faking about when she conceived Ayden, which Apollo debunked earlier this season.

Faking a friendship with Marlo so she could use her against NeNe, which failed miserably.

Faking the fact that she got caught dissing Cynthia on that phone call.

Spreading slanderous rumors about Kenya that have been proven to be a lie, much to the chagrin of bitter Nene and Phaedra fans, who hate to see the truth.

Lying about dating Chuck Smith when all she was a f*ck buddy and nothing more.

I could really go on but we'd be hear all day. This hussy is one ass faker who is shaped and looks like a Tasmanian devil.

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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RHOBH Reunion News from Tamara Tattles (nothing major, but a summary of what's known): http://tamaratattles.com/2015/02/22/news-from-the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills-reunion/

The curious thing is that she said based on what she knows, there are only two episodes left, the Amsterdam episodes. I don't think that's correct (she doesn't either). My guess is that there are at least 3 or 4 episodes left. They have to have some sort of wrap up in Beverly Hills. Even if it's just one episode like New York did in season 3 after Scary Island. Either way, the good thing is that this must mean we'll be getting RHONY info soon!

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That's weird if they ended on the trip. I'd at least expect them do like last season and have a wrap up after the trip with a party with all the ladies before the reunion. But seeing how this trip went down, I am not surprised that they might've pulled the plug soon.

But I am glad to hear from TamaraTattles that Lips and Lisa dug into Brandi's beanpole ass too.

I don't see how Brandi is going to bounce back after this though. This might be her last season or she may have one left in her b/c I don't see Kyle, Lisa, or Eileen giving her the time of day next season. Same with Kim too. I feel like this is the end of the road with her too. Needs to be. She's long overstayed her welcome.

Brandi, Kim, and Yolanda [for health reasons] can all be given the boot after this season. Cast three new bitchy and wealthy women to replace. Or at least bring back Camille and two new women. I don't want Adrienne or Taylor back ever again.

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