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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Interesting because I can see why Brandi has issues with Kyle seeing as how they've always had issues spanning over 4 season now. With Lisa it literally came out of nowhere and Brandi went so far on the offensive against her that it was disgusting. Yolanda only backed off because she's witness Brandi set out to destroy lives and doesn't at all want that happening to her. There's no respect in being a coward.

Rinna is going in hard against Kim and Brandi. I can't believe how quickly Brandi turned on Kim. That was low and dirty, even for her. Regardless, I want them to keep this same exact cast for next season. Bring Faye and Camille on as friends and we'll have even more fireworks come season 6!

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People tend to act like Yolanda went along with Brandi on the Lisa thing. Nobody was more off put by Lisa than Yolanda almost from the start. It remains in her character too (being off put by Lisa).

It's arguable with Yolanda. We don't know what goes on except in the face of 14-20 taping days that turns into 3 months of television. Maybe, Yolanda likes Brandi for good reason and thinks there's something worth taking the messiness for (admirable). Or maybe she's scared of what Brandi will bring on her if she pulls away (coward). You don't really know. I don't really know.

I don't see the Lisa thing as coming out of nowhere. From Schaena to her backing away - and going back to her former arch nemesis Kyle - when she saw Brandi being messier and messier. As I said earlier, though, Lisa comes off as having made an intelligent choice (having foresight) when you see Brandi continuously just being a careless wreck for airtime or whatever.

I see the Kyle thing as coming out of nowhere. Brandi didn't like Kyle and vice versa - for a couple of seasons - but they appeared to work through it even before Brandi started disliking Lisa. For Brandi to go from that to trying to help ruin Kyle's relationship with Kim in the blink of an eye?

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What reason did Yolanda have to try and take down Lisa? Just because she wouldn't make the 2 hour drive out to Malibu to have a coffee with her? Lisa was busy opening a restaurant because she actually works. All Yolanduh does is marry rich guys and live off their money. Lisa ain't about that life. She's a hard worker.

Kyle and Brandi have never gotten along except when Brandi hatched the plan to turn against Lisa. Mutual dislike for someone does not a friendship make.

Brandi and Yolanduh have both said they don't hang out unless filming whereas Brandi and Lisa were constantly hanging out whether there was a camera around or not. By Lemon Pledges standards what she has with Brandi is a Hollywood friend whereas what Brandi and Lisa had was an actual deep friendship. For Brandi to turn on Lisa so quickly for a storyline is gross. If she had issues with Scheana she would've brought them up long before the cameras were ever around since she is a supposed "truth cannon." In actuality she saw she wasn't getting anywhere with Joyce so decided to play on the insecurities Yolanda and Kyle have always had regarding Lisa and make a move. Pity for them all that it blew up in their faces and now they're all scrambling to try and fix their image. Well, except Brandi. She's just looking for her next storyline and found it in the form of the Bitchard sisters.

Meanwhile, in her mansion protected by swans, Lisa Vanderpump strokes Giggy and continues to be the most fabulous of the land. Stay insecure girls! :lol:

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Kyle: The frustration and rage with "It's not about youuuu Lisa!!!" as she could see the spotlight dimming from her in the confrontation with Brandi was hilarious. Yet again, Kyle threw a tantrum as Lisa was able to quietly remind the viewer, and Kyle, that she backed the wrong horse last season with her alliance with Brandi...all the finger pointing and "I warned YOU!" was ridiculous. Kyle and Kim were "perfect" the previous day? What the hell? Kyle is such a bitch, trying to make it seem that she warned Lisa about Brandi, no she did not! Squealing at that lunch with Eileen and Kim...good lord, she is like a jack in the box, ready to pop. Kyle is just brimming with rage and indignation and fury. She resents the hell out of Kim, resents that she's never going to be the star, never going to be the rich one, never going to be the relevant one. She's infuriatingly average. And it just kills her.

Eileen: Sitting in icy judgment of Kyle at the beginning of the episode. Twas delicious. She and Lisa Rinna are so on the same page about everything. It's like they made a pact before the show started that they were friends of 20 years and that those daytime bonds would NOT be broken...very smart. "I love the red carpet at the Burbank Film Festival. It's like a bathmat." It's interesting to see how mature Eileen is about life and what's worth fighting about and what's not worth it. So sad to hear of her sister's failed attempt at a homeopathic cure for breast cancer. Eileen has seen real life and she knows the truth.

Lisa Rinna: Oh, she is a smart one. So smart. So honest. So raw. She nailed the addict part of Kim to the wall. Yes, Lisa, YES, everyone close to Kim, that's YOU Kyle and YOU Brandi, are enabling her addict behaviour. And yes, Brandi is like a 3 year old, she just wants attention. "Raising daughters in Los Angeles, trying to..." hilarious! Lisa, like Eileen, has enjoyed enough success to be confident, but has seen real life and remembers who she used to be and isn't afraid of real life. She lets the light in. Whatever happens with Brandi and Kim, Lisa Rinna will emerge victorious.

Lisa V: Heartbreak at the liquor display. The stuff with Max and Pandora saying "But he's ours!" was so very sad. That's the tragedy of adoption, despite that fact that Lisa very likely rescued Max from a certain doomed future, particularly when she said to Pandora that Max's biological parents wouldn't likely get involved in his life, which said to me that she knows a lot more about them than she's ever going to say publicly, that child still wants to know who they 'are'...As an aside, Max needs to shave, he looks TERRIBLE with that awful facial hair. Lisa has something going for her that's very English: her steeliness in the face of uncertainty. She is able to think of England and just go for it. She's being brave. Fortune favours the brave.

Kim: She doesn't cry. She leaks. She's got the voice of a crack whore. Kyle's intentions are a little mixed up? Listen, I'm a fierce critic of Kyle, but when we get right down to brass tacks, she hasn't done too wrong by Kim. It seems she's kept Kim stable and functioning for a very long time. Kim feels like she's always in the middle? Get off the pills or the bong or the pipe or the glass and get a reality check...self entitled bitch! AND THEN she says "Oh Eileen, just stay out of this, I don't like people talking about people I love"...what a piece of sh*t Kim is. She is a FILTHY ADDICT and a FILTHY narcissist. She should be ashamed of herself.


Brandi: "Like maybe West Africa in that city where ebola started"...what a classless pig. Dragging Yolanda's daughter into things? Idiot. You're not mean Brandi? Really? Then what are you? Bitter. Tacky. Aggressive. Vindictive. Temperamental. Selfish. Stupid. All of the above. Brandi has really burned her bridges on this show. I don't see where she comes back from this. She has destroyed her reputation. Stick a fork in her, she's done.

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omg, Magali is that bitch! Can we steal her? She'd work perfectly on BH or NYC. She is a boss and LeAnn looks pathetic trying to go after her. I love, love, LOVE her!

Anyone know what Ampika's ethnicicty is? I cant quite figure out what her racial background is. Big WTF to whatever relationship she has with her ex husband

Remember how I said I had no opinion on Tanya? Well I dont like her. Her cutesy persona kind of irks me and I think she's too old to act the way she does. Her talking heads are annoying too. She's coming across like Porsha.


Dawn looks like a sober Ronnie from Vancouver

I like Lauren but she was a bit rude to Dawn. I thought she was unnecesarily cruel

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Magali would fit perfectly on BH & NY so well. BH more though b/c her and Vanderpump [and Gina of RHOMelbourne] would be such a joy.

And I'm thinking that Ampika has Asian in her but IDK. Hopefully she discusses it more in future episodes because it is something I've been wondering about.

I could see Tanya and Porsha being compared. Tanya talks about her marriage to her husband much like Porsha did in her first season. We'll see how long her marriage lasts. Men grow tired of trophies and aspire for newer models. Tanya is definitely giving me trophy wife vibes. Dawn, Leanne, and Lauren do too. Magali & Ampika's spouses are the only ones who spouses sincerely display unconditional love for them.

I forgot to mention in my original post that I felt bad for Ampika's ex. You can still tell that he loves her and wants to be with her. I think he's handsome in an older man kind of way. He's not as hideous and old as I imagined him. If Ampika wants kids, she might as well boink her husband and have more kids. He did say he'd always be there for her and their son. Might as well have more kids with a man like him with no strings attached [with the exception of the wellbeing of the kids].

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Anyone else seeing the news about Brandi quitting BH? She did an interview and said she doesn't have much left to give to this show. Thank God! But she also said she thinks Eileen is boring and shouldn't return.

And then Snooki is apparently trying to get on the NJ housewives. Oh boy.

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