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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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It was a very solid premiere episode...seeing Adrienne, Camille and Taylor was interesting, for the Botox observations alone.

Kyle continues the same whiney, victim, woe is me crap she's been pulling for years, as if anyone cares anymore. I just find Kyle so tiresome. Her reunion with Lisa is doomed to fail. She's not over anything and she's jealous as hell.

Kim's drunk/pilled out ass really didn't need to surface. I didn't notice she was missing for 3/4 of the episode.

Brandi is trash. Messy, stupid, immature trash. She's 42, her kind of crap isn't cute anymore. Brandi has no whit or natural social charm. She's like a canker sore. I'm glad Lisa said Brandi burned that bridge. Good!

Lisa Rinna is a delight. I have always liked her.

Yolanda, selling the same faux bliss as usual. Yawn.

Lisa continues to be my absolute favourite. She just makes so much sense to me. If someone wrongs you, decide if you want them in your life, and if you don't, cut them out. Make your own deals. Old school English common sense. She puts these women off kilter, in the English sensibility Lisa puts to them the premise: you say you're over it: prove it, be over it, stop talking about it and beating a dead horse. And they just can't help themselves, they can't stop doing it because they're not over her at all. They just can't quit Lisa.

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VictimKyle still has no clue about what makes Lisa tick. (Of course, why would she -- this self-centered, self-appointed "star" is all about MeMeMeAndMyHair). She's the one who invites Lisa to lunch -- but then shows up expecting an apology and some grovelling... for what? A rumor which Lisa denies ever happened?

Brandi is a baby, you've put your finger right on it. The "They're all 78 years old" comments were especially childish. Girl, you ain't no spring chicken yourself.

Brandi is someone who, like Kyle, also cannot see past her own self, and that makes it difficult for her to understand the motives of others. During her chat with Adrienne, Brandi was talking about herself the whole time "I was in a really bad place... I was drunk... When I'm hurt, I lash out." Classic non-apology apology. It's "This is the way I am, and I don't plan on changing or evolving or showing that I learned from my mistakes. I'm sassy and a truth-teller, y'all." She logically understands that she has hurt people but at the same time won't own to it. "That's just Who I Am." rolleyes.gif

I also get irritated by women who talk about "my gays" like they are her pet chihuahuas. Usually hair/makeup people, they are her personal cheerleading squad who cheer her on when she's on her 10th Sambuca and dancing around her handbag, flashing her ladybits.

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New clip from Sunday's upcoming episode:


Basically, Porsha [of ALL people] calls Cynthia a 'thot.' Yes, the same b*tch that leased her puss in a loveless marriage for bags, cars, bundles of weave, and a come up. :rolleyes:

First of all, Cynthia's shoot was classy and was for Ebony--a respectable magazine. Not Booty Butt Magazine, which we'll most likely see Audi Porsha in.

Porsha is doing too much and it's too late. I hope this is the last season we have to endure of this mule-faced, ignorant ass bitch.

If she think that Peter ain't gonna come for that a**, she's wrong and I cannot wait!

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I seriously doubt that Peter gives a f*ck about his image at this point. And he'll still come for Porsha, spilling that truth tea and crushing her ass yet again [like the roach she is] like he did last season. She'll once again cower to her nearest corner and play victim, and I'll grin with joy.

Porsha is the main one bumping her gums in interviews as of late, not failing to realize that they'll pile up on her ass at the reunion real quick. Kenya was already too much for her. Just imagine Kenya, Claudia, Cynthia, and Demetria doing it. And Nene nor Phaedra will intervene as they both only care for themselves. So Porsha needs to zip it become she is dragged off the reunion set kicking and screaming because she was mind-f*cked [yet again].

And this whole 'blowing the wind' crap is old. Everyone on all these shows blow with the wind. No alliance [with the exception of Sonja and Ramona on RHONY AND Kandi and Phelony on RHOA] is tight. Cynthia ain't the only one that has flipped on this show. She won't be the last. And I would've flipped on Nene and that bacon strip looking wig on her head too if she dogged me and my significant other for daring to not follow suit.

It boggles my mind how everyone was all for Cynthia when she didn't give Nene grief and co-signed tons of her bulls*it, but when she does act like a true friend and tells Nene some truth to better herself [like maintaing grace under fire at Kenya's charity event], she's a flip flopper.

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Cynthia has always had a voice. She confronted both Kim and Phaedra when she had issues with them. The only problem I have with her is her throwing shade atNene's stripper past. It hasn't mattered the past so it shouldn't be an issue now. I don't think she kissed Nene's ass in the past. She didnt tell any lies. Nene does NOT know how to take criticism and expects people to kiss her ass. She's had an argument with every woman on this show.

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Exactly. But now that Cynthia has an issue with Nene, everyone #TeamUgly wants to deem her as a flip-flopper. It's hypocritical because all these women have flipped more than a gymnast performing in the Olympics.

Going down the history of RHOA:

Lisa flipped to Team Nene when she grew to see how shady Kim and Sheree were. [s1]

Sheree flipped to Team Nene when she realized Kim was shady. [s2]

Phaedra flipped to Team Kim when Nene would not acknowledge her. [s3]

Sheree flipped to Team Kim when Nene didn't want to do an event with her. [s4]

Kandi flipped on Kim when she didn't provide her funds for Don't Be Tardy. [s5]

Phaedra flipped to Camry's side AND Kenya flipped to Nene/Cynthia's side over the workout tape.

Nene flipped to Phaedra's side when Kenya was deemed the new star. [s6]

Cynthia flipped to Kenya's side when Nene disrespected her and Peter. [s6]

All these heifers are flip-flopping b*tches at the end of the day. :P:lol:

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Maybe I shouldn't have said argument but she has fallen out with everybody. A petty argument is one thing but she has torpedoed through friendships with Sheree, Kim, Marlo, Cynthia, and Kenya not to mention how she treated Kandi simply because she took to Wig instead of her. Her entourage is full of sycophants.

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^ With Kandi it wasn't even about Wig. She was seething with jealousy from the moment she met Kandi because she knew Kandi had more money and status than her. She was SUCH A HATER! It was crazy. I just re-watched that season and couldn't believe how one-sided that feud was. Nene is a very entertaining hater though lol. That is when I like her the best.

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