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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....

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LOL! I like Nene but I mean she needs to play to her strengths and Freak Show would definitely be that for her. I know people wanted her on Coven and I was like No ma'am, you shall not. I know you can picture her there!

Wait, have I missed the discussion of the RHoNJ twins' mom sleeping with one of their husbands? So messy.

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I brought it up, but, it's just not that interesting. It all just looks too desperate, on the part of the producers, to dig up any and all scandals of the past for these new ladies.

I thoroughly enjoyed the OC reunion. I loved Vicki standing up to Tamra, and Shannon holding her own against Heather & Tamra. Shannon looks like she's about to break, but she doesn't, and I love that. You'd think Tamra would trample her, but Shannon holds her own.

You could tell that Lizzie was traumatized over the whole vile bitterness from Tamra, and wanted to hightail it off that stage. I don't think she'll be back next season, but I hope she changes her mind. I think she could really bring it next year, if she really wanted to.

I'm all about the Shannon/Vicki/Lizzie side of the sofa, but overall, I think these 5 ladies work well together because there's a lot of back 'n forth and give 'n take in who's getting along with whom. I know you all want Jeana back, as does my hubby, so I say bring her back and keep these 5 for next year.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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Thanks Gray -- but they're saying there might be some truth behind it. Dead at Victoria Gotti bringing it up though. I didn't know how far to go back and after awhile I just give up.

I hope Lizzie is back simply because I think she looks very pretty!

Edited by London
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