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Shannon needs to be on meds after tonight's episode. I just found it odd that she went to Heather's house to scold her but came out expecting to be the victim. Heather tripped me out when she told Shannon to leave her house. I just found it odd that Shannon went for Heather instead of Trashra, who started the entire thing. Shannon is one deluded heifer. She needs to go after this season. I can see more than one season causing her to have a major meltdown. I am so glad that Lizzie saw through that sh*t. Lizzie is clearly the voice of the audience on this show. She calls out everyone's bull sh*t and I love it.

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Crazy Lady is ridiculous! I cant believe she stopped by Heather's house at night UNNANNOUNCED. That is all kinds of RUDE. I do not like people stopping by without calling and especially not someone I don't like. Shannon should have arranged a meeting with Heather instead of ambushing her at home with her kids around. She kept saying she was trying to relate to her mother to mother, but didn't seem to give a damn that Heather's kids were in the house and could have heard them arguing


Heather OWNED her in that scene. I was LMAO when Crazy Lady started crying and Heather told her to get the F out (you know I gotta put my spin on it). This episode redeemed Heather for me. That scene was glorious. I honestly don't know what Crazy expected from her. I do have to say Heather was wrong to repeat this to strangers

OMG, the fake baby did look like Vickie's grandson

Eyeroll at Tamra and her "baby storyline". I cant with these women pushing 50(whom already have kids) that conjure up a fake storyline about wanting to have a baby


Dang, didn't expect to hear her call irrelevant Danielle judgemental.

Dang at Christian being sick meaning his hot ass was absent from the episode

What was the point of Tamra lying in her talking head about telling Heather when she did it? Ooohhh at her throwing Heather under the bus after admitting she lied to Crazy

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So far, Shannon seems to be the only housewife on the OC bringing any sort of storyline to the show. It seems like Tamra, Vicki, Heather, and Lizzie haven't bought anything to the table except to talk about Shannon.

I actually like Shannon. She's fascinating and so far she doesn't seem to be hawking a product like the other housewives in the past have done. She seems authentic and at least she owns her flaws which is more then I can saw for Ms. Whoville Heather. What a witch.

I'm curious to see 'fame whore' Danielle in action since so far, she seems nice.. if a tad boring. Tamra had gone on and on about her before the season started so I'm wondering when this side of Danielle comes out.

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Danielle comes across as very basic and bland. I'm not surprised she didn't get an orange. Lizzie may not be heavily involved in the drama, but she's got wise things to say. Brains, beauty, and a beautiful family. Definitely the quiet voice of reason whom I hope gets louder...

Shannon is messy and I like it. Soaplovers, you're so right about not hawking a product or trying to start a music/acting career. Very refreshing. I think she'll be back for another season. It seems there's a genuine friendship that can develop amongst some of the ladies, and not just a fellow castmember. That's when I think there's a good fit, casting-wise. If they actually seem like friends instead of being paid to go on trips together and have lunch without food, it's a success.

Heather definitely owned that confrontation, but she was wrong to go about talking about Shannon to a bunch of non-castmembers, although it was all too convenient that Shannon's husband happened to be at the same restaurant and overheard it (that's what happened, right? Did Heather not see him in the background?)

Tamra's eyes look different in her talking heads. Whatever she had done in between filming and doing Talking Head remarks, she shouldn't have done.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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Heather's not wrong. I gossip about b-tches I dont like so I cant judge her. Shannon's issue should have been with Tamra who was supposed to be her friend and ran and told it to Heather. She did NOT have to reveal that Shannon was going through marital problems. She should have kept it cute and say Shannon is going through a lot and so when she comes at you it may not necessarily be you she's just going through a tough time right now. Tamra is messy and a liar.
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Most women don't come on this show hawking a product! They usually try that once their husbands dump them and they need to start making some money. Crazy's story for her season 2....lol. In all honesty though, I cant stand her but do think she's provided good drama to give the other women material to feed off of.

I like Lizzie, but she is coming across very irrelevant. To be honest, the show could have done with just 4 housewives like NJ season 2. Lizzie's contributing as much bland Danielle (okay slightly more), but really the other 4 are carrying an amazing season. I don't think Lizzie really adds to it. She's just there. She could have been a friend

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I think Shannon made it clear her problem wasn't with Heather, but Heather was so aggresive that it derailed the conversation. Shannon was trying to get conformation that Tamra was spreading the gossip so she could confront her. When Heather lied about that things went downhill. Still have to say this season is rocking mainly due to Shannon and Heather. Also love seeing Vicki without such a dark and sad storyline. She needs to stay in the sidelines for a while and be more of a talk to. They do need to find her next big rival though.

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I do like that next week Vicki tries to teach Shannon how to woo hoo :)

I have a feeling Lizzie was supposed to have filled the gap Gretchen left. Especially with her being snipped at by Vicki, but the problem is that Lizzie is more intelligent then Vicki and especially Gretchen so the feud was basically over before it started.

I do like that LIzzie is friends with Heather but did state that she could see why people would be bothered by Heather's tone of voice. Me thinks it would be fun to see Heather and Lizzie go at it. I think Lizzie could wipe the floor with Heather.

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According to Naughty but Nice Rob Princess Kristen got to sit next to Andy at the reunion :D newbies rarely sit next to Andy unless they make an impact like Kenya and Aviva.

The reunion seating is supposedly



Apparently Carole and Heather were on the attack and came for the other couch pretty hard.

Edited by Eric83
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oh please Tamra you trashy bitch we all know you told heather about crazy lady's email from her husband. Not that I care. I finally made it through an entire scene with Shannon again and it was awful.

Vicki isn't as bad so far this season however every time is see her all I think about is her standing by her man after he encouraged another man to beat her daughter and I am truly disgusted.

Heather & Terry. Love. Who the hell just shows up at someone's door? Queen Heather is slaying this crazy lady and I am here for it all. Terry literally laughing was hilarious. Shannon came for the truth and heather gave it to her and she couldn't handle it. "We are just not friends like this" B O W. omg at her calling Shannon out on trying to act like this is mother to mother but that Shannon trashes her character. Then kicking her out. Omg this keeps getting better!

So Shannon breaks down over Tamra be trying her then talks [!@#$%^&*] on heather? Heather didn't say she had a drinking problem did she? Didn't she said Tamra said that? Lol. Love how Lizzy knows this bitch is cray and is defending heather.

This massage scene. I wanted to vom and I just saw it on FF.

I can't decide if I am feeling tamras bangs. Lizzy/Heather is WIN. Blondes vs Brunettes! Let's go. I am legit shocked Tamra told the truth. I do like the use of cuts to scenes that were filmed before hand for the story. It's an interesting choice and kind of new but it works IMO. I do believe heathers story of her lunch - up until the lets shut it down lol. It's not cool to sores gossip but at the time I can see where she'd come from if her friends are asking her if Shannon is still always on the attack. Shannon issue here needs to stay with Tamra and not on heather who didn't betray her as they are not friends. Shannon's story of heathers house is so far off from what happened. I'm not just saying this as a heather stan but the person most in the wrong here is Shannon. She should have called heather and set something up or asked to speak outside not in the house with the kids right there. I would never and I'm not even a parent. Shannon was aggressive and confrontational and now she's trying to act like the worst thing anybody could ever do is kick you out of their house when you attack them. Stop it.

Edited by JackPeyton
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