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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Cheap 21,

I now know who the person in your signature is!

I happen to find the Real housewives of Melbourne on youtube and binge watched 8 episodes in a two day period. I think there is one or two more episodes to the season, but I think my thoughts won't change too much after watching those episodes.


I love her! She seems very laid back, and kind of reminds me of a heavily made up Shockard Channing. While I could understand how she could rub people the wrong way, I don't think the attacks toward her are warranted. Me thinks production had a hand in her being late for tennis match since she did indicate that she said that she was caught at work, and when the women said they didnt hear this, she said then it's a communication issue. I'm thinking she told production she would be late and they didn't tell the other women knowing that if they didn't it would increase the drama factor.

Granted she is late, wears high heels, and probably didn't clean up make up in the bathroom.. but I don't think her not owning up to calling Lydia and Andrea the c word makes her any worse then Andrea/Lydia/Jackie for making fun of her behind her back.


She's annoying, but I could see why she would have an issue with Gina in the first place especially the way Lydia relayed what Gina had told her. I do see that she and Gina warm toward each other later. Though letting angel's advise her on business decisions...umm.. that's a new one :) Plus, saying her husband is a rock star countless times is a drinking game ready to happen :)


I'm confused with her sudden shift from liking Gina to wanting to strangle her. In episode 5, she and Gina are having fun.. but in episode 6, she wants to strangle her. Even Gina was confused and blindsided about Janet's anger toward her. There is enough other stuff to like about her, but she needs to lay off the botox.


The lesser of two evils. She seems to be slightly less harsh toward Gina, but she did stir the pot by blabbing to Jackie about what Gina said.. and twisting it. I like that she is in college, but the way she spoke to her professor shows how disdainful she views authority and shows how superior she thinks she is over others... I bet she will display that toward Andrea one day.


I love her! She is a peacemaker, wanting to see good in others, which means that she will get dumped on. She has a great husband, and seems close with her son. I do hope she can advise Jackie and husband on business matters.


What a two faced witch. Nothing likable about her at all.

Also, Lisa should have watched how Gina handled the gang up... She was doing her makeup while the women were bickering and ganging up on her LOL I love how delusional Lydia and Andrea were thinking that Gina was afraid of them, but I think she just doesn't care and is willing to watch them hang themselves.. or turn against one another :) Plus, I wouldn't stay either.. not cause I did something wrong but I figure if you don't want me there then I'll just leave.

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Sonja automatically has me forgiving her for EVERYTHING just for dragging LuMann through the dirt like the cheap wannabe that she is!!!!

And rollseye at the double standard re Porsha/Kenya from certain people....

Ramona has always been Queen of RHONY despite Jill wanting that title. And Ramona will stay Queen until she's ready to bow down and leave on her accord.

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I'm calling major bullshit on Nene acting as if everything would be fine if Cynthia called her wife Greg a bitch. The double standards this woman has is mind baffling. I don't believe for a second that Nene knows how to have a true real genuine friendship with anyone. How miserable it must have to be to be around her.


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What I'm saying is Cynthia still allowed a friendship with Nene to happen even after her calling Peter a bitch. If it were the other way around Nene wouldn't of given Cynthia the time of day. And if she did, I'm sure it would be at productions request. It's not front page news that Cynthia lacks a backbone when it comes to their friendship. Hell, all of Nene's friends lack backbones around her which is why she's able to maintain friendships with them. But the moment you have a differing opinion its done. See Kim, Sheree, Marlo, Lexie and everyone else that's had the misfortune of calling Nene (Meme) a friend.

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They did, but Lexis still tweets/instagrams about nene and says stuff like #TeamLeakes. Not to mention She was just an event held in honor of Nene's son a couple of weeks back and he mentioned her, calling her "auntie" and stuff.

Edited by Mr. Vixen
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I think that their friendship is on life support like Marlo/Nene's was going into this season. I think like Cynthia, Lexis still doesn't appreciate the comments she made against her on IDON, and I can see Nene weeding her out her clique too because Lexis (besides Marlo) was one of the few friends that would call Nene out on her sh*t. At the end of the day, if you aren't dirty, d*ck riding Diana then Nene ain't checking for you.

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I definitely think Lexis and Nene are having issues. My guess is that the problem Nene had is that Marlo and Lexis were her real friends OFF camera and when she brought them on the show she expected them to co-sign everything she did. Problem is, you can't introduce people like Lexis to Marlo, have them hit it off and then be mad if they continue to like each other. YOU introduced them. I think that's what caused a rift between Nene and Lexis because all during I Dream of Nene you had Lexis supporting Marlo (as she should, Diana was wrong) and I could tell as Nene fell out with Marlo, she was upset with that. That's probably why she started to get passive-aggressive calling Lexis a "hoodrat."

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Agree. But that's been Nene's game always. You like who she likes when she likes them, and you better fall in line when she despises them too. Lexis, like Marlo, is too strong-minded and independent that she can't do that, and I commend that. As long as she remained loyal to Nene, which she did, then why should it matters if she remains friendly with Marlo.

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You are one of very few Mr. Vixen. It's so crazy. I feel it was an obvious stunt to save her job attacking Kenya and it may have worked. Before people weren't featuring her at all and now there is a sudden interest simply because she has "wronged" controversial Kenya. It was her last ditch effort and it may have worked. She's clearly fooled a lot of people.

I feel like if Porsha IS brought back on the basis that Kenya provoked her, then that ruins the entire franchise. What is going to stop Nene from punching Kenya because she didn't like the way Kenya talked to her? Or Cynthia says something about Mama Joyce and Kandi decides to punch her. It's just silly. These shows, especially this one, are about talking shyt. That's what they do to each other, even when they like each other. Porsha had no right to hit anybody and trying to justify it is going to be the downfall of this show.

Team Ken!


Edited by Chris B
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