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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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The old focus of the housewives series is most apparent in RHOC season 1 through 3, RHONYC season 1 through 2 (though season 2 had some craziness due to Kelly but not to the heights of season 3 and thereafter), and even RH of Atlanta season 1 was pretty tame compared to later seasons.

I liked that the latest episode of RH of Beverly Hills was more of a throwback to old school housewives with the showcasing of Kim, Yolanda, and Kyle in individual scenes. The only housewife that seems to be shown with friends that aren't housewives or official 'friends of' is Brandi.. but that is mostly due to the fact that her kids can't be shown though I did enjoy the photo shoot for her book cover.. shame her book editor isn't able to advise her on personal matters.

Edited by Soaplovers
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I actually like Kyle's house. It's not a grand mansion with its own zip code like Yolanda, Lisa, or Camille, but it's a good size, nicely landscaped, and a big backyard.

Kim's and especially Brandi's indeed look sad. What a contrast to the oppulence of season one.

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I like Kyle's home too. It is large, it is a family home after all, and neat and airy. It's just not a palace like Lisa's or a luxury resort like Yolanda's. I'm ok with different type houses and styles of living on these shows. Like TayShanna had a comparatively modest home compared with Adrienne and Lisa, and that was fine. Brandi and Kim's condos depress me, for some reason. It's not so much the modest surroundings (though Kim has a nice deck and pool), it's that they feel like lonely, empty places. I don't expect these two to have manses, just the vibe I get off them is sad and anonymous-feeling.

Edited by Cat
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Watching BH now....lol at how desperate Yolanda is to keep this train rolling on. This lady just loves stirring the sh*t.

The difference between her and Brandi and is that Brandi genuinely feels hurt and betrayed and it shows on her face. With Yolanda its nothing but pure calculation. She doesn't feel like Lisa has let her "in" and so now she's trying to pay her back by turning everyone against her.

I do feel for Kyle tho and I agree that she should get a direct clear apology for Lisa. Maurico also has a right to be upset but his beef should be with Ken and settled privately.

I think Kim's talking heads are veering back into loony territory. Disappointed she turned into such a child with Ken and couldn't even send the text apologizing nor did she express remorse that they left.

I don't blame Lisa and Ken for leaving but they should have contacted Joyce before they left....

EDIT: Yolanda claims that Mohammed couldn't come to New York to move in one of his daughters into college? What a fiasco of a lie. What man and father wouldn't want to be present for that event?

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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Ultimately, it was another ugly episode.

Joyce was right that Ken and Lisa should have said goodbye to her. Reading her blog is interesting because now she sees why they bolted and says she would have done the same.

Brandi was relatively sidelined this episode aside from giving her parents a car which was rather nice of her.

Yolanda and "Hello My Looooove" (aka King David) just hit this false note. Something's off. Gigi has an amazing apartment. What a howler that Yolanda was on the phone with Brandi sniping away about Lisa even while in NYC, she couldn't help herself.

Now we know why Kim's daughter Kimberley (am I the only one who finds that truly bizarre that they have the same name?) is good looking. Her ex is a handsome man who seemed relatively down to earth.

Carlton scored points, she's been scoring them in my book since Kyle's Anti Semitic Dinner. Notice she didn't see the magazines Brandi spoke of.

Kyle, oh Kyle, the perpetual victim. The realtor's wife in the spacious house in that part of Bel-Air that's a lot closer to Sherman Oaks than it is to Beverly Hills.

Lisa repaired and renewed this episode. Is this the first time we've seen tears from her? Might be. Certainly the first we've seen the ugly cry. I really hope the previews for next week are on target and that Lisa comes out guns blazing and takes no prisoners.

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It definitely seems that way in the previews I saw, DaytimeFan. Her look. The inflections in her tone when she said to Kyle that this is done.

Sounds like she will come out swinging...and looking fab doing it cuz that white dress with her form was to die for.

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Lydia so reminds me of Christina from Vancouver except she has successfully dug her gold and has a ring to prove it. She was so messy to go back and tell Jackie what Gina said. Gina did say that stuff but she didn't tell everything.


Visually, Chyka reminds me of Jeanna Keough


Oh Gina. Her "partner" lives in FL, while she's in Australia and she doesn't believe he's cheated?


LOL...this bitch says the craziest things

Jackie and Gina are heading for a huge blowup this season if their coffee date is a preview of things to come. I can feel it. LOL at Gina calling her psychic abilities demonic. She's a lawyer and has a sharp tongue and knows how to be a bitch. "Poor Jackie. What is she gonna do? There's no battle; I've already won" LOVE Gina! "When I cross-examine, I usually stop when they cry" "Im a barrister; I don't deal in bulls--t; I deal in fact" So many great lines

OMG and in the preview, they are going to go at it again next week but drag Lydia's messy ass into it for her talking

Edited by Cheap21
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Cheap I LOVE those GIFs! Melbourne is giving me everything I need after this boring season of Beverly Hills. I'm going to be in heaven with NYC, Melbourne and the neverending ATL saga. Jackie is an ABSOLUTE NUT! I love her! I do agree that Chyka reminds you of Jeana, but she is so much classier than Jeana was. I LOVE her. I also am in love with Lydia who is so beautiful, but naughty and knows how to stir the pot.

I wonder what kind of reunion host they'll have. Vancouver did a good job of recasting Andy for theirs.

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