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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Joyce has come alive in the last three episodes...Brandi's irrational hatred of her is the best thing that could have happened to her for storyline purposes, otherwise she would have been one of the dullest housewives ever. But now, she is a hair tossing, pageant queen, Puerto Rican diva who takes no nonsense from no one. She has become the most relevant housewife on the show in the span of three episodes.

Kyle, for whatever reason, is looking particularly aged in her talking head interviews, she might just be pulling odd facial expressions that she thinks are 'cute'...whatever. It was such a pleasure to see Jamie Lee Curtis, who I think is just dynamite, but I had to laugh as Kyle and Mauricio bought their way into LA society, at least for a couple of weeks, with that $100,000 donation. That said, at least it was to a good cause and not a new car.

Lisa looked STUNNING at the fashion show and she was one of the audience members. She can wear a pair of cigarette pants like nobody's business. She just radiates glamour. And I agree with Lisa about Joyce's husband, Ken would have done exactly the same thing, to his credit. Lisa's already scotched Kim's stupid claims for next week's episode about skipping Kimberly's graduation (she invited Lisa? someone she openly dislikes? to her daughter's graduation party?) and being in town by posting a link to the alopecia event in Missouri that she was at the weekend of the party.

Kim remains as irrelevant as ever. I cannot fathom how the editors at Bravo thought we wanted to see this much filler about Kim's dumb dog.

Carlton is also irrelevant, but at least she does something different (though always within the same sphere of witchcraft, tattoos and swearing) in each episode. Unless something drastically changes, I think Carlton is safely a one season wonder. And she should take Kim with her. I would so have preferred Taylor stay on the show, even if she is basically living in Colorado these days, she could have hosted one heck of a girl's weekend.

Yolanda gave it the old college try with Brandi, but it's clearly falling on deaf ears. Yolanda is a good friend in that she is quick to defend, but also realistic in how she handles Brandi after she's cooled down. I would say that, between Yolanda and Lisa, it is actually Yolanda who is maternal to Brandi. Lisa is more of an etiquette teacher to Brandi, one Brandi has rebelled against.

Brandi. She is a dumb, messy, drunk, whose also probably struggling with her mental health, if not an addiction or two. I don't know what it is, but something is definitely off with Brandi. Her racist statements to Joyce are absolutely ridiculous, her zero to sixty behaviour implodes her credibility and her general ratchet behaviour is either a symptom of something else very wrong in her life (and the Leann and Eddie excuse is wearing very thin, it's been YEARS) or the reason her life is the way it is, who knows who Brandi really is.

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and she needs to get over it. Im SICK of hearing Eddie and LeAnn as an excuse for her outlandish behavior and the awful way she treats people. At some point you need to take responsibility for yourself and your life, pick up the pieces and move on. She's not the first person that's been cheated on and she wont be the last. I liked Brandi and gave her a pass when we first met her but its been years now and she hasn't changed. In fact she's gotten worse. So no Eddie's affair making her depressed does not fly with me.

And simply saying the F bomb isn't what makes Brandi trashy.



That's trashy. How many times does she can publically wasted and has to be helped out of whatever event she's at? The way she talks about her sex life is trashy. Any man that hears her would think she's a sl-t and easy and you know what? She puts it out there! Remember her Howard Stern interview? There's stuff you don't put out there bc she didn't care. She makes herself look trashy. She's a miserable drunk, sleeps around, hurls comments that can be perceived as racists, AND she's constantly throwing the F-bomb. You can take out the F bombs and she's already does a good job at presenting herself as a trashy individual. What man wants that?

Besides YOU keep focusing on the F bombs but Joyce NEVER said that its the reason she cant get a man. Go rewatch the show. "if you were a more pleasant person, you would have a man bc you're a gorgeous girl, but I hvae news for her. No guy is going to want to be around such negative energy and negative drama. You don't want to come home to that negative stuff". She didn't call her trash or mention that her foul mouth is why she's single. That statement is completely different from what you're saying and IA with her. Brandi is very negative and her attitude, behavior and drama is a turn off

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I am probably around the same age as Brandi and also swear like a sailor, especially when I see red. When I get angry, it's like words literally fail me and I can only choke out the worst swear-words. However, I have never, ever resorted to angry tirades referring to the skin color/ethnicity of the other person. I would have thought the F-bomb would be bad enough, especially when other people are present.

Also... I just cannot get wasted and party the same way that Brandi does anymore. Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks and all that, but my body just cannot recuperate the same way. I'm not saying I don't get giggly with the girl friends over cocktails and wine, but I can't make it through to 3am and then jump out of bed at 7am, splash some water on my face and show up at work ready for a meeting. It just doesn't cut it anymore, not when firms are fire-happy because they know they can get new people in quickly to take over your position.

The fact that Brandi does not have a steady 9-5 job perhaps plays into her partying. She doesn't have that responsibility of getting up early and rushing to work every single day. But she does have one responsibility I don't have -- children. Personally, I think she is probably a pretty good mother and is there for them when they are around -- that is one of the things that struck me about the Howard Stern interview. The way she was talking about them, with a lot of understanding and empathy. She gets her kids. She is crazy about them. She loves hanging out with them.

But when they are not around, she gets very bored and lonely, and because she is an extreme person, she goes from one extreme -- pizza with the kids at home -- to another -- getting totally wasted and topless with her tampon string hanging out. People are looking at her and wondering "At her age? And a mom of two kids?" It is judgmental and a double-standard but it also stems from concern, IMHO. Concern for her and her two boys.

Plus I wonder if she is abusing prescription medication and using roofies to help her sleep at night. That is going to produce further irrational behavior and add an additional toll to both her mental and physical health (hello, look at Kim).

I even understand the depression. 2012 was probably an awesome year for Brandi. She got lots of attention, her book became a bestseller, she was truly starting a new life for herself with opportunities and potential. And this show was making her famous. By the latter part of 2013, though, Brandi had become depressed and more self-destructive. Maybe she felt she was becoming old news (hence the attention-seeking behavior seen on this season's RHoBH). Maybe she had expected LeAnn and Eddie to have broken up by now while she would be moving on with some rich, hot guy who would take care of all her money problems. That hasn't happened. Maybe she is down because celebrity has not offered her the happiness she just assumed would go with it.

In any case, I hope (despite her defensiveness that she has done "nothing wrong") that all this backlash is wake-up call. Maybe it will prompt her to rethink a few things and a few bad habits. I hope so but fear her resentment at Lisa and Yolanda for trying to "make her into someone she's not" suggests she wants to hold on to Bad Brandi as a defense mechanism. It is a sign of low self-esteem -- people already think I am trashy and self-destructive so I am just going to prove to them how bad-ass I can be! I hope her friends at Bravo succeed where Lisa and Yo have not.

Edited by Cat
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Brandi drunken antics are trashy, absolutely.

However, the discussion was specific to her using the f word. Since she came on the wives and some fans have acted as if it's the most appalling and trashiest thing of all time. It's far from it. And I don't think her saying !@#$%^&*] is why she's single.

For the record JD rather be single than married to someone like Joyce's husband, at least based on what we have sen so far.

And no I don't think all the Brandi is going through is a played out excuse. First of all it's a reason, not an excuse. It doesn't make it ok at all. However this was filmed when? Last summer? When it was all very public and the attacks started on her again due to the airing of last season, I think. Also, things may all be hitting her at once now. Things she was denying or glossing over even when discussing it. Her kids have a new mom, her dogs missing, she's 40 something single and not exactly rich. I get why life would be overwhelming for her. It is on her at this point to fix all of that and drinking won't do it. Hopefully she has a good set of friends who push her to fix things, like Yolanda se emus to, as opposed to going out drinking, like some seem to, or treating her like a child, like Lisa.

I think her pig gets problem as as you stated, Cat, she's living two lives. She's a full time mom when she has them and seems to be great at it. But when she doesn't have them, it's like she's a 21 year old in cabo. And she has no job. Well she has rhobh but that's it. Not a real job like some others do. Yolanda needs to get her obsessed with health and fitness lol. Speaking of, I want another shot at the lemon tree garden.

Also can we talk about the editing. Is someone new behind the scenes? Kyle is coming off great, for Kyle, Kim is getting a ton of screen time. It's odd. And I don't like it.

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Do you think they keep Kim because of a contract deal with Kyle, or because they see her as being a contrast to most of the glam women without being excessively trashy, or because she doesn't like Yolanda and Lisa and that means the "team" thing keeps going without them having to bring in someone new who wouldn't like Yolanda and Lisa?

Kim doesn't bother me when I watch the show, but the whole thing with the dog does, because she really shouldn't have a dog like that, ever, and it makes me uneasy.

Edited by DRW50
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Kim is here cuz she's comedic relief and she's related to Kyle. I also think Andy Cohen feels bad/sorry for her and wants her to succeed and continue on this path to recovery. I happen to agree/see his POV (if indeed that is part of the reason why he keeps her around). While I agree her storyline is so useless and that dog is psychotic and needs to be put down I have a soft spot for Kim and will always welcome her back to RHOBH so long as she wants to return.

And yeah Lisa's outfit at Kyle's show was beyond stunning. That white top with the center flower was just amazing and she looked even younger than ever which is incredible. I thought both Joyce and Brandi did well on the runway..

As for Brandi I could be friends with her but her overall trashy behavior and cursing like a sailor for no reason would get old very quick. And I did NOT say it was okay for her ex to cheat on her. I only said that I could understand his motivation given what might have been occurring at home. And despite what people might think I don't think its just as easy as pie to say "I'm Done" and walk out the door when there are two kids involved....despite Brandi's antics he prob stayed for the kids and to maintain the image for as long as possible for their sakes. He is a douchebag but at the same time he's a father.

So excited for this RHONY trailer you have no idea....Ramona baby I'M READY.

Re Kim: Hey its Andy/Bravo's money. If they weren't interested they would have dropped her a long time ago. And she's harmless and hardly takes time away from Lisa, Brandi, Joyce, and Yolanda so I'm okay with it. Frankly they could have dropped Carton's strange useless butt and featured another girl or kept the girl from last season....Kyle's friend who basically hated her husband. That b*tch would have fire this season.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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