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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Ronnie is now saying that she and Mary had a "one-night thing" way back in the day. Don't know if it's true or not but it's not like that never crossed my mind when watching them make up and break up.

Amanda's admission about having been abused in her past -- wow...

And then she spoils it all by talking about being a "strong woman" who "asserts" herself. Oh, Amanda. Making nasty comments about Mary, Robin and Ioulia during your VT is not being a "strong woman"!

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RHOV this week really popped off!

The psychic is Char Margolis who, if she watched even 15 minutes of RHOV, could easily tell Ronnie what she wanted to hear. How embarrassing.

Amanda's reveal that she'd been abused...well it was honest and sincere in the moment, but then her Talking Head interview reveals her to be as basic a dumb bitch as she could be.

Ronnie claiming she and Mary were sexually involved for a one night stand was major, it's a pretty big bomb to drop. Mary vehemently denied it, which is her business, her children attend Catholic school, so I can see why, if it's true, she'd deny it. I wouldn't judge them either way but if Ronnie's lying about it then she's worse than ever...I'm tempted to think she's lying because she seems to enjoy discrediting Mary whenever possible.

Then Jody acts like a total bitch to Robin, not once, but twice. But Robin, like a Texan badass, throws down: "COME AT ME WITH YOUR FEATHERS!" she boomed and it was delicious to notice Jody shut her filthy mouth and take a seat. Robin really shined this episode with how she handled Ronnie as well...Ronnie being a messy alcoholic who fell off the wagon with such ease. Ronnie is scary when she's drunk, yanking on Robin's arm and making a scene in public. Pathetic.

And Jody has the gall to shame Mary at all? Nutjob.

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For real. It's one thing to stir the pot, but Jody's hatred of Mary (not just annoyance but out-and-out hatred) is psychotic, and the way she brings her up with Ronnie ALL THE TIME to tell her what a traitor Mary is, that's just poisonous and evil.

As Ioulia said many times in the episode "These gorls... why they so UB-sessed vit Mary?" :wub:

Ronnie falling off the wagon and nobody daring to say a word? That's what money can do, y'all -- get you surrounded by Yes People. Ronnie is not a good drunk, either. She gets mean and maudlin and violent. Robin just gets ditzy and says whatever pops into her brain.

I feel for Amanda and her past, and applaud her putting those issues behind her. But ALL her VTs are so mean-spirited. Bitchy can be funny, but all the time? There is more to humor than just belittling people constantly. Like the way she acted over Ioulia's Russian jokes. Yes, it was unfunny but it was funny in its unfunniness. Especially the way Ioulia cracked up after telling it. "Nobody get Russian sense of humour." :lol:

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Jody's store was vandalized by an animal rights group who spray painted their initials on her store's front doors and then sprayed a noxious substance around the building.

Jody blames Mary. Please notice how Jody justifies selling fur while also claiming she would never condone killing innocent animals:


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InTouch is reporting that NeNe and Kim made ammends at the reunion, and NeNe is even inviting her to her wedding to Gregg Leakes. Kim Zolciak spoke to them and said "We were friends long before RHOA, and we will be friends long after if it is up to me"


brielle biermann ‏@BrielleZolciak 1m feels SO good to have auntie Nene back!!! @neneleakes

ETA: She still needs to stay away from RHOA though lol...

Edited by Eric83
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Just coming in here to show you guys this:

RT @Kimzolciak: My heart is at such peace @neneleakes best chat ever! See u soon! #onwardandupward

Well, I'm happy for them but I'll miss the drama.

I wanted Nene to go in on Wig at the reunion.

Another one:

Just had the best chat wit @Kimzolciak! Now I see @BrielleZolciak is following me! I just pulled off the road 2 cry. This is 2 much

Edited by Mr. Vixen
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Damn them for waiting until Kim leaves to make up! Seasons 4 & 5 would have been so much more interesting if they had been able to put the bus fight behind them.

Those tweets warm my heart though.wub.png Its beautiful that Nene was able to reestablish her relationship not just with Kim, but Kim's children as well.

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Her whole face looks swollen in the preview shows on Bravo's website (Briana Gives Birth). You can REALLY tell in her talking head. I'm not sure what she got, but the smart thing would've been to get it done as soon as last season wrapped filming, that way her face would have time to settle. The sad thing is, she actually looked good at the last reunion. She didn't need ANYTHING, even fillers.

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I see maloof is running her mouth again. Saying she couldn't go to the reunion because of a gag order and that she wasnt fired. Funny HW the day she does vague interviews like that rarer online runs a story about bravo having a hard time casting new ladies on the show - I call bullshit. Bitches be desperate to get on that show. I think they may have a harder time as rumors have had it they want someone note worthy but still I doubt it's difficult to find women.

Reader is also running a new story slamming Lisa and ken saying he's lying about raising his son.

Edited by JackPeyton
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