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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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My love for Lauri is that she was like a real life Desperate Housewife. The way she was such a disaster, lost everything and somehow managed to snag a rich husband was a HUGE shock to me. I loved her not because she was a sweet person but because her family was *so* interesting and so real for a show like this. The drama with Josh is not something these shows would show now. I hate that she's returning just to stir up gossip, which isn't what she was about, but that's what you need to do to survive on this show now. I miss the focus on families. Once it became a modern Housewives show it began to suck IMO.

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I'm really glad they moved away from the family focus. I feel uncomfortable watching kids on these shows. Most of them are exploited by their parents/moms to be on the show. Some like Ryan and Briana run with it and you can tell they have some control over what they do and don't want filmed. I don't mind scenes with the kids here and there but I really don't like the focus on them. Think about josh - even if he were to get clean and sober this is documented. It lives on in reruns, google searches, etc. I just don't like it. I much prefer the modern forced friendship and drama between ladies with appearances by husbands and kids.

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LOL...I think OC might be the first and only RH show that we for the most part mainly agree. I will say though that I dont mind Vicki's kids on this but then again they are older now and with Briana being married with a kid, she's a wife now herself

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I agree. Vicki's kids always just kind of appeared around the house too. Or at big events in their or her life. They have a voice on the show. Same with Ryan. Or the manzo kids. They are all old enough and I feel treated fairy nd have confessionals. Idk they just work for me where a lot of the teens/kids I just feel bad for.

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I'll look forward to seeing that, once I've caught up. I'm almost at the end of season 1.

I agree with JP on not wanting to see too much of the younger children. I don't mind so much on Atlanta because those women don't seem as fundamentally damaged to me as the BH's ladies. That $60,000 party that Taylor threw for her 4 year old was so hard to watch and that was before I knew how things turned out for Russel and Taylor. That child seemed like a unhappy little prop in that episode.

Lisa was dead right that child would have been happier with some pin the tail on the donkey, cupcakes and her own friends. Instead it was all about Taylor impressing other people with money she didn't really have, in a house she was pretending to own. Just sad.

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We've all taken a knockback in romantic relationships, and finding out your fiance cheated on you with a young babe must suck raw eggs. It takes time to get back on your feet, especially if you have to downsize financially after the relationship is over.

But dear God, quite apart from the classy cigarette lighting -- the greasy hair. The tummy trying to break free from a too-tight pencil skirt. The Hermes bag which is starting to look sooo 2011. Most of all, though, it is the Bitter. Dana was smug before; now she is smug and bitter. Not a great combo.

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You are speaking of Lauri.. and rest assured.. she departs during season 4 (not sure if at the start of middle of season 4). You might get a kick out of her replacement Lynne though.

I thought Quinn was very sweet and a tad boring. I was watching the show and wondering why she was even in the show. She didn't seem quite as trashy/fame hungry as the other women. I think she is only on this season though. Will be intrigued to see how new girl Lydia will fit in. Will she be interesting in her right, or will she be like Quinn and Fernanda?

I remember liking Gretchen during her first season.. but it is probably because she isn't with Slade during this time.

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The OC marathons have been boring...no one is interesting to me. Has it always been like this or did it get interesting later on? I'm kinda surprised that it was the first RH franchise and the oldest (from what I understand that is).


Wow at Amanda's jab at Ioulia....so unnecessary and so elementary school level. Get some better lines girl. Jody's scene with her daughters melted my heart. Its so sad how loving and funny she can be with her family and yet she turns around and is such a monster to Mary.

As for Mary she looked quite pathetic when she made up a reason to leave the party scene from the last episode. I don't understand why she couldn't grow a pair and tell Amanda she wasn't feeling good and needed to leave but that she had a lovely time and wished her a happy bday? Would that have been so hard to do...?

Can't wait to see Amanda vs Ioulia! And it looks like Robin and Ronnie will tussle at one point so I"m interested to see what the root of that argument is....

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Okay so, I'm sick this weekend and my friend decided to come over and keep me company. She brought over some horror movies to watch, as we both love them. Ever since I was a kid, I have loved horror movies - especially the bad kind. Anyway, one of the ones she brought over was a little disaster called I Know Who Killed Me. Keep in mind, I had seen this movie before, twice actually, but not in several years. So, imagine my surprise as I am watching and this wonderful tranny stumbles onto my screen:


I couldn't find a clip, or even a picture of her from the movie LOL but there she was!


Edited by Mr. Vixen
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I'm confined to the house because my car is in the shop. I failed my emissions test and I can't get my license plate sticker until I pass. A bit too chilly hear in Chicago to be at somebody's buss stop. Gonna pull out some vampire movies.


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I didn't start watching OC until season 6.. and I found season 3 to be very interesting. For me, the main reason is because most of the cast has departed the show. Hence, why I think Jersey needs to seriously think about shuffling their cast come season 6 since keeping the same cast equals boredom.. at least to me.

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