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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Aviva came off so poorly on the reunion. I did love when Ramona and Sonja (who were remarkably calm and lucid) called her out on only apologizing AFTER the public backlash against her behavior. Before the season began, throughout the season and even after the first St. Barth's episode aired, Aviva maintained she was right and that Ramonja were trash and despicable people. She only backtracked in her blog for the SECOND episode once she already knew people didn't agree with her. Beyond that she STILL doesn't seem sincere in her apologies. It's very odd.

Carole was shockingly unprepared for a writer. I figured she'd have her one liners planned and also know what topics would be discussed. She seemed thrown off guard when anything negative was brought to her attention. What planet is she living on? It made her come off a bit sheltered and self centered. Heather, LuAnn and Ramonja kept me entertained.

This was a nice reunion that wasn't as dark as New Jersey, which gets draining after a while. It was civil, but an entertaining wrap up.

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I agree with everything.

In terms of Ramona and Sonja, they were in rare form. Calm, lucid, shooting to kill. They absolutely annihilated Aviva, they gave her the rope and she hung herself, repeatedly. Aviva came off HORRIBLY, as thick as a plank and an absolutely entitled, nasty bitch. The kind of nasty bitch who couldn't even lie properly, her "apology" was ludicrous, she was bubbling with rage the entire time.

And I kept thinking back to Sonja really laying it out there in St Barth's about where Aviva's "ass would end up" after calling her a double dealer. Sonja's got the dirt on Aviva and Aviva knows it.

Heather came off great, totally sane and I liked her dynamic with Ramona.

Carole vs Luann...honestly I really was on Luann's side, Carole seems like such a snob, attempting to pass off her participation on RHoNYC as some kind of journalistic experiment...and the "friend jumping" thing with borrowing the dress? Such a mountain out of a molehill. Luann came out swinging.

Can't wait for next week!

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RHoNY reunion was great because one minute I was pulling for one lady, the next for another. Sonja proved why she needs to be back next season, as did Heather and Luann. Luann was smart to bring her beef with Carole down to the simplest, most relatable thing, which was that she was hurt that Carole would imply that the dresses were good enough for Michelle Obama but not good enough for her. It really made a mockery of Carole's non-elitist stand earlier when she talked about not using her princess title. And I say this is a big Carole fan but she did not come off well in that reunion as she does on the show.

I know everybody hates Aviva but I still hope she sticks around. I thought her recounting of how she lost her leg was moving and not gonna lie, I teared up when she talked about screaming in pain as the machine crunched her leg. Ramona and Sonja had the grace to look affected during that segment, too. I do think Sonja and Ramona should have accepted Aviva's apology. I buy that she rewatched the show and saw how crazy and unreasonable she was being. I also buy that she saw public opinion shifting away from her and she decided to cut her losses. I actually liked the Aviva-Ramona friendship earlier in the season.

Heather is fantastic. Ramona -- she's a slippery one. My verdict's still out on Crazy Pinot who throughs even her BFF Sonja under the bus.

Edited by Cat
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I dont hate Aviva! I think she's been the best addition to this franchise this season and she's validified her place up through the very end. She definetly needs to return.


Sonja's hair looked really good


Old Crazy Eyes


Not a fan of her short hair

Return of Alex... Bitch got sh-t to say!

<iframe width="500" height="375" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/OhJaY6TCbGU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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Knowing she was lying, I didn't feel much sympathy for her. I understand it was a horrific accident, but she only lost her foot in the accident. She CHOSE to have the rest of the leg amputated as an adult for comfort. Aviva is one of the most stuck up, prejudice people I've ever seen on a show like this. She uses her accident for sympathy, but she's LUCKY. How many people could afford a swimming leg? She's been privileged her entire life and as far as being an amputee she's had it easy.

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Exactly. Firstly the lying about the leg puts me off right away, as if losing her foot wasn't bad enough, Aviva has to embellish her story and say it was her leg that was crunched in the conveyor belt. And it bothered me that Aviva proudly recounted her father telling her to "keep screaming"...she's taken that as her mantra ever since...whenever she feels slighted in the least Aviva just keeps screaming like an incoherent mess.

Aviva only offered that lame ass "apology" because the public turned on her big time, the Watch What Happens Live poll was super damning. When 80% of the audience is on Ramona's side, one needs to duck and cover. Her apology was an absolute pile of nonsense. She wasn't sincere in the slightest. Her "clarification" about calling Ramona and Sonja "white trash" was ludicrous. Her justification for Reid calling the women "overweight girls gone wild" was also ludicrous. Her "I want to be a normal woman and take my daughter to Paris!" was ludicrous.

Everything about Aviva is ludicrous. And here's the funny thing, as hated as she is, this crazy bitch wants to stay on the show, DESPERATELY! It was very clear that she wants to return, all of her fake apologies and stories and whining just reinforced her need to return.

Loved Luann vs Carole. Carole came off really poorly...much as I could appreciate Carole I think the woman we saw on the reunion is the real deal of who she is, an elitist snob who needed money from her friend Andy Cohen...without the comfort of editing, tape delay and retakes...she could not go toe to toe with The Countess de Lesseps!

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I acrtually didnt have a problem with her calling R^S "white trash," well because they are imo LOL, it was everything that followed that comment and the eppys afterward that had me saying WTF! If I were her, I wouldve owned that comment and not not apologized for it, but def she shouldve apologized for everything she said afterwards

R&S are crazy and trashy and when you coem off looking worse then them, then u got issues LOL!

I cant sand Luann and dont inderstand why SHE of all people gets upset when people talk about her in their confessionals, she needs to be called out the way Bethany and Cat handed her back her arse LOL

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RHONY reunion was awesome! Just the right doses of snarkiness and fighting without there being all-out hatred, threats, and humiliation. Totally agree with Chris B and DaytimeFan. You bring up interesting points about Carole, and how she didn't come across as being so witty and quick-thinking without the help of editing and preparation. I did think there were points that The Countess looked a little defeated and like she had put her foot in her mouth. 100% agreement about Aviva and how she backpedaled due to viewer backlash, and loved that Ramona called her out on that. Then there's Heather... I grew to really, really like her. She really tells it like it is, and maintains composure and class. I think she was the clear cut "winner" out of all of 'em. And she's right: it's better to remain calm and just put a smile on your face when you're having a disagreement in a public place rather than to go off like a chicken with its head cut off.

Looking forward to next week's Part 2 and the Jill Zarin interview!

P.S. I love Alex's NY recaps!

Edited by Gray Bunny
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