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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I believe Vicki is the only one to sign a new contract.

the NYC ladies were not filming a housewives series but it was made into one and when they went into s2 they signed new contracts and i think Bethanny left when hers was up and the others got a new one and then were fired, but im not 100% sure cuz i looked into this like a year ago. The OC ladies have had a turnover before contracts were up (Vicki aside) and Jenna left but they agreed to let her out of her contract. Everyone else i think is still under their first contract. ATL i think was a 4 season contract, and Nene will likely (hopefully please jesus) leave after this season when its up. NJ i read signed a 6 year contracts along with dc. miami and new additions to previous seasons.

The bravo contracts are insane from what I hear (but not as much as MTV's), how Dina got a show on another network after getting out of her contract is beyond me. And who watches that? I honestly tried cuz i am obsessed with HGTV but shes very offputting as a host. HGTV also picked up a show with that family where they redo homes for people that Bravo cut after one season tho.

Edited by JackPeyton
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Sweet jesus, I was bored so I decided to watch all of the St. Bart's episodes of RHONY but I am just going to comment on this past episode

I was shocked at how well Ramona handled the events in this past weeek's episode. She gave Aviva way more time than she even should have but she did not seem cowed by Aviva's attacks, nor did she go into her typical Ramona crazy-eyed screaming fit. Ramona responded to each accusation clearly and was correct in saying that Aviva has shown no real sympathy for Sonja (who Aviva claims to care about and think of as a friend) and is a complete buzzkill. Aviva tried to say that Ramona is having problems with most of the other women in the cast, but really isnt this the first time when it seems that's not the case at all? Ramona did have problems with both Luann and Heather at the beginning of the season, but by this point, all seems to have been smoothed over and while the parties involved may not be the best of friends, it has been shown that they are able to get along. Aviva needs to feel that she has others in her corner who support her in her classist bullshit. I'm not sure what makes her think that she can pull her hair back in a schoolmarm bun, slap on some badly applied fake lashes and go scold a grown ass woman. Because that's what she'd come to do - scold Ramona, as if she was a bad child or an errant puppy. Whether Ramona and Sonja were naked spooning or not is none of Aviva's business. Whether Ramona and Sonja are bisexual or not is none of Aviva's business, nor is it any of her business if Ramona is cheating on Mario. If I were Ramona, I would have asked her what kind of polite and refined individual comes into someone else's room without invitation and then passes judgment on what she sees. I would have offered to show her my bare ass the next time she came into my room unannounced.

As for George, he deserved what he got at the domestic violence fundraiser. That was Ramona's event. He had no right to come in there demanding apologies be given to his adult daughter, who was clearly the one in the wrong. Aviva was nasty, shrewish and mean. Ramona doesn't have to piss on her leg if she sees her on fire, let alone apologize to her. Ramona was very kind to him to begin with - she asked him not to get in the middle, she thanked him for coming, her voice was quite calm. He pressed on and did grab her arm. Being walked out was not some traumatic event. If his old ass was fine to be sent on a mission by his harpy of a his daughter, then it was fine for him to pay the consequences.

And a huuuggggeeeee WTF to George describing the Black girlfriend ready to be offended by Aviva's racism. I didn't see any (in that scene - though her "White trash" comment was enough for me). It seemed to me that George was the one making a big deal about the woman being Black, but was quick to hasten that she looked "very European ... just with Black skin". Well, whoopty-freakin'-do. Good for you, George. You can feel like you've gone all "exotic" but not really have to infect your shriveled old dick with a black person? :rolleyes: Lord and I thought I couldnt stand the women on NJ.

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I think I'm talking about magazine sales, which may not be the same thing as ad $$$ - ad $$ would most likely reflect how well the show is doing in the ratings. So I guess I'm talking about the series that is making magazines the most money - money outside of TV ad $$ and ratings. Hopefully that makes sense.

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With all these producer/former employee interviews popping up about the real housewives I just feel a lot of it is false and coming from a place of bitterness and wanting revenge for not being asked back. They all use things are very much common sense (ie, they must attened 4 events that are paid for by Bravo, they are not allowed to discuss specific things, are given a general story arc) but embellish them too much. I know people that work on these shows, but ive never asked them anything. Now that these interviews are coming out im going to ask about them. the one about OC i do think is basically reliable because i know alot of that stuff to be true (vicki is hated, slades sons cancer being the real issue between he and vicki, tamra getting extra for being a bigger bitch, etc).

I do think next season of NJ will just feature the return of Melissa and Teresa, and if thats the case i truly hope they bring on new women who are friends or "friends" i am so over the family aspect.

Its usually whatever series is on, really. NJ gets the most (also has the most fame starved cast in reality tv history), Bev Hills, Atlanta get about the same. OC gets a little less. NY gets very little to none.

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Re Tre on Anderson-

Teresa always victim playing. I can not take it and I honestly dont understand the appeal or how she has stans. Anderson was aggressive and firm, he was also truthful and used logic and teresa and her fans can not handle such things. And when she goes on to say that reality tv has ruined her life - i question why she is so fame thirsty then? her desperation to be famous has ruined her life. her being an awful person ruined her family. She also says things changed when he married melissa and then says it changed when she came on the show. she cant even keep the lies she tells straight. she refuses to take any ownership or responsibility for anything, literally everything out of her mouth equates to "poor me, poor me, look at me, give me attention and sympathy" and her saying she would have helped melissa get on the show? LOL. I mean the fact that she wouldnt take anything back and swears she did nothing wrong and acts as if she has never uttered a single bad word about Melissa is truly disturbing. Is she a psychopath? Like she is so convened of her own lies its scary. Note how when she is hit with a question or something she is not prepared for she doesnt know how to respond and says she doesnt want to talk about it then turns it around about how evil the other ladies are and once again, poor teresa. and she is still denies getting paid for magazines but only admits to a joint cover with jaqui. she denies having a 6 deal contract - and yes they do do that! and there she is still refusing to see/admit that attacking ones weight is classless, low, desperate and wrong and playing a victim.

Edited by JackPeyton
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Apparently all the NJ housewives will be back and they will add more so the new ladies can film with Teresa:


Makes sense, although I'm surprised Caroline is still doing it. I guess she wants to continue to promote and support her kids, and without Caroline, Jac might have been at risk.

Also, NJ housewives has always had a smaller number of ladies, so adding 1 will put them at 6 and 2 will put them at 7, which seems the norm now. Remember most of Season 2 only had the 4 housewives, which was crazy.

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I couldnt believe they went through season 2 with just 4 women. I was so surprised they didnt added a replacement, especially Kim G who was THIRSTY for Dina's spot.

Ugh to all the women returning. Im fine with Caroline and Jaq but Id have canned Kathy. She has NOTHING to offer

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Finally caught up on this week's RHoNY episode! A couple of things:

The Aviva/Ramona fight... it tires me out just thinking about it and I just can't. Only that R & A met at Norma's at the Parker Meridien hotel on W56th, and this place has the BEST brunch IN THE WORLD. No joke. Go there if you are in town!

Aviva's fur-collared gown: WANT.

George had no bidness showing up at that domestic abuse charity event, and he is about as embarrassing as Ramona.

Ramona looked like the Little Mermaid threw up on her in that dress.

Sonja's scenes were very moving, and the best I have ever seen LuAnn. In fact, they were the best the RHoNY have been in two years. I know TPTB must be ready to let heads roll given this season's slow start, but I love it now and want all the ladies to comes back. I hated Heather at the beginning and now I love her so much, even that "Holla!" in the opening credits no longer annoys me.

I liked Dina on RHoNJ but that HGTV show is awful, SO boring, and she comes across as boring and bitchy in it.

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I miss the days of 4 women, too be honest. 7 feels a little overwelming. I'm just bummed all the NJ women came back. I just feel nothing for any of them now.

At least they will be filming new VTs because Teresa in her bird-feather dress and her scary hairline pressing down on her eyebrows is the scariest thing I have ever seene.

I don't know if she is at the moment, but I tuned in once a while back and shut it off after 5 minutes. It was Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Edited by Cat
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WTF? I already had my gif prepared for the announcement of Kathy and Jacqueline's firings (I don't like Caro but figured she'd be back since Andy loves the Manzos). All the bs aside why the hell didn't they get rid of at least Kathy? She brings nothing to the show, her jokes fall flat in her talking heads and her attempts to be relevant were so sad.

I can't take another season of a divide and sh-t talking about Teresa.

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