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The Lady Gaga Thread


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LMAO! I did not even notice the similarity to Kelly Clarkson's Walk Away. :lol:

And will Born This Way hit 500k in a matter of three days?!


This is definitely debuting at #1. It is already top 20 at pop radio. It had another 1,827 spins yesterday. It is going to be interesting to see if the song drops like a rock after the initial interest dies down. Can't wait for her Grammy performance tonight!

And Express Yourself by Madonna has also peaked into the top 1000 songs on Itunes after Born This Way's release, so Madonna is benefitting from this too. :lol:

Edited by Eric83
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That was pretty damn good. I kept hearing people say they also found the song similar to Waterfalls and I was having the damnedest time trying to hear that... while I think its still a bit of a stretch, this guy highlighted it pretty good. Its clear Express Yourself is the clear inspiration, beyond that it gets to be a little much. Oh well, its still fun to watch.

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I recognized right away how this was ripping off Express Yourself, but today on my local radio station that I listen to...They played a madonna song (I can't remember which one), and then Born This Way came on right after...And to me it honestly sounded like Lady Gaga was trying to SOUND like Madonna, not only rip her off.

Lady FakeGa needs to go. This song SHOULD have been the death of her career.

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I find it amusing that she wants to be bigger than Madonna. There are no Madonnas in this age, being a Madonna is an outdated concept. It's not possible. That and there's the fact that even Madonna is irrelevant, bitter middle aged woman.

Who hasn't had much to offer in the last decade or so.

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I don't necessarily think Gaga wants to be Madonna, even though she's blatantly ripping off things Madonna did at one time and did better. But that's to be predicted, Madonna and Michael Jackson set a template in pop music that's been emulated (and never duplicated) over the past 25 years or so.

What I think Gaga tries too hard to want is to attain the pop culture status Madonna has and that other big mega pop stars have - when she's only on her second full length album now. If she didn't somehow sell this image and persona about how original she is and how she believes she's reinventing some type of wheel, I don't think many would have a big problem with her. But she seems to think that this early on in her career that she can become some unattainable pop mega icon, which took years for people like Madonna and Michael Jackson to become - and I doubt those people were consciously thinking about it the way Gaga seems to be thinking about it.

Madonna's at the point where she has nothing to prove, she's already been there and done that and her peak years are behind her commercially. Gaga better realize that it takes a very long time to get there, and people seem to move on to the next big thing a lot faster these days. A long and successful career with the big pop culture impact like the one Madonna has isn't the norm, it's an exception.

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Gaga should have gotten David Fincher to direct the Born This Way video, as he directed Madonna's Express Yourself video. :lol:

I know he's probably past it now, but Fincher made some damn good music videos, and his collaborations with Madonna were always legendary.

I think Jonas Arkelund will be directing the video, who of course, was brought to the mainstream by Madonna when he directed Ray of Light in 1998. Arkelund also did Britney's Hold It Against Me video recently.

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