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Jay Leno moving back to the Tonight Show?


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It's been widely reported that NBC wanted Conan to tone down his comedy for the 11:30 hour. Part of that may have been Conan trying to be "classy" for The Tonight Show, but alot of it definitely had to do with NBC telling him what to do. He should have fought them every step of the way though.

Meanwhile, I found THIS article someone at Nikki Finke posted. I read somewhere that Dave was offered The Tonight Show by NBC and that Leno would be moved back an hour(a counteroffer from CBS' intial 16 Million Dollars). And Leno is acting much in the same way Conan did. Someone should send this to Leno.


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Oh come on! You know what I meant! His CRUDE comedy...his Masturbating Bear bit and stuff similar to it.

Has Big Jaw spoken out about what NBC tried to do to him around the time Letterman wanted to go to CBS, you mean? I don't think so. I know he is taking credit for Conan's ratings surge.

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Leno's a total bastard, everyone in the business knows it. The people who go on his show do it simply because he gets the viewers and doesn't do hardball interviews or put anyone on their toes. Not many people in the business actually like Leno. He doesn't interact, socially, in Hollywood very much at all. In recent years his image has deteriorated behind closed doors quite substantially.

Howard Stern, who I am a big fan of, has hated Leno since he started and he's called this situation exactly right.

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Zucker used the most interesting turn of phrase in a NYT article:

Society loves soap operas, eh?

Is that why NBC has only one, which it has threatened with cancellation (at its last renewal)?

If society loves a soap opera, why not capitalize on the love?

Oh...I see...you're using "soap opera" in a disparaging way...equating it to some kind of tabloid foibles.

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Awww, Mark. That's a cute attempt.

But a bullsh!t one too. As I'm sure you're very well aware of. He could put 78 soaps in daytime and no one would watch. People, in fact, gave up on soaps, and no matter how well produced and written, they really wouldn't stand a chance. Unless they want a million viewers or two per soap.

People love soapiness, but not soap operas in daytime anymore. The numbers show it nicely. They've been giving up on them ever since their creation.

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I've heard those stories for years as well. I've never been a huge watcher of late night talk since Aresnio Hall and Joan Rivers left the air. I don't enjoy Leno OR Conan for a completely shallow reason, I simply can't stand their physical appearance. They're both so STRANGE looking, Leno with that chin that is the size of Texas, and Conan... I don't know, kind of reminds me of a praying mantis or something. It's a tacky reason not to watch a show, but I can't help it. I don't mind Jimmy Fallon at all, but I find him quite attractive. Material wise, I think Kilborn really has a good sense of humor, and I find him the funniest of the lot. And he, like Carson, is a normal looking guy with an affable personality and a great sense of timing. At this point, NBC could air repeats of Carson (they already so that with SNL, don't they?) and they'd Probably pull better numbers in that 10PM slot.

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