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Y&R Episodes Discussion, Week of October 26, 2009

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Is Daisy going to be this generations Britney Hodges? Mark will be so thrilled.

Delia was cute as a football, but Reed was cuter as a pirate.

I can't believe that they had Jack say he doesn't regret doing the fake diary scheme. Is this the writers way of saying don't hate that storyline?

Billy getting Victoria was good. I loved the look on Billy's face when Victoria slapped him. Nick being upset about Billy exposing Vicki's affair I can believe more than him being upset about Victor.

I can't believe phick would go to Sharon's house.

I thougth that this was part of Amelia's maternity leave and she would join him later. When they come back they will be in a story will Deacon. I don't know if that's true so don't take my word for it.

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Those Halloween costumes were terrible! How is it that AMC even managed to do a better job? It's hard looking at Y&R and thinking it's the #1 soap. Forget the writing, the production is so dull! It's turned into JFP's GH. For years she was praised while the show was in the dumps and the production was drab and dark. Now she's finally improved, but dayum was that show ugly for a few years. Now Paul Rauch is being overly praised and the show looks a mess. I'm sure no one will call him on it and he'll outlast MAB.

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The thing with Paul Rauch is none of his shows have ever had good production values. Vee has said this better than I could, but they really haven't. It's just bright, white light. He did supersize the sets on GL, which was different, I guess, but every time anyone went to the diner or to the new courthouse, they always looked like they'd shrunk a few inches.

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Today's epi

When JT asked Victoria why she slept w/Deaon I wanted to scream cause it was plot driven dribble.

I've decided I don't like the Ashley character much, Love Eileen but I don't know Ashley is Hopeless almost like Adam is (pun intended) . Infact I will always like Nikki as long as Ashley is on canvas cause I expect the zingers to go floating in her direction.The Jack/Victor scenes were nice since these are the only characters they give brains or wit these days. I see Mac will eventually fall into the Sharon/ Ashley category, flawed victim with good intentions (give these women brains please). Where is Phyllis? I do not recognize her even when I see her?So Neil or Devon didn't want any parts of saying good riddance to Victor or going to the Halloween party? Umm today I ffwed JT and Victoria and Ashley and Victor Gosh Ashley is a college educated bubble head. Where did Daisy come from that scene was extremely random. Loved Jack's gloating confession but I feel I am getting ready to see them write him in a corner upon EB's eventual return

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