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Y&R Episodes Discussion, Week of October 26, 2009

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That's my problem with it, Victor's spawn used to stand up to him. Heater Tom's Victoria wouldn't have stood by Victor's bed side and chased away anyone who wasn't willing to kiss the ass of Victor, she would have been right there telling him that what he has done is despicable and unforgivable. Nick wouldn't have been so forging either. Instead we'd probably have seen Nikki running back and forth between the two of them begging them to come and support their father because he neeeeds them. Under Bill Bell, Victor sometimes lost and had to work his way back, now it's gotten to the point where he can sh!t all over everyone and they'll tell him it smells like roses.

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It still bothers me that the show threw away a year of story in having Nick and Victoria estranged from their father, Adam as the favored son (temporarily) all for, "Dad would never have written this diary! Dad is in danger! Adam is so mean!!" And it's been like this ever since. This family is just dead in terms of drama.

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Nick trying to evict/oust Billy is just plain stupid. I guess I missed the part where each of them had their legal team look over the non- existing contract of sale.

A story line that has Billy being a muckracker (albeit an inept one)and Nick trying to shut him down would be a welcome departure from the usual sex-lies and insanity. Especially if Chloe is thrown in the mix as the backstabbing(business wise)soon to be ex-wife.

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So I just finished watching the show and and my first question is how many Restless Style issue come out a month? I guess it is likely they update their online Headings VERY often. Today's epi was err ok. The extra Victor jocking was a bit overwhelming, God seeing Nikki though she ate her annual bag of stupid I like tomos previews and I can't help but notice how much Jack is being downplayed I sense something

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When Ashley was mentioning how hard Abby has had it, it made me realize that they are wasting a potential storylines for Abby.

I know the actress isn't everyone cup of tea, but they could recast. God I wish they would get the casting director from 2000-2003 back. This show is wasting the teenage years of this character and Noah's. Wasn't there a rumor that Ricky Williams was going to be SORASED too?

For people who have watched for years. Is Jack just as bad as Victor? From Victor's video he said that he and Jack were the same or something to that affect. I don't think he is maybe that's because for the most part Jack gets what's coming to him and Victor doesn't.

I loved the flashback of Jack throwing the chair out the window.

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I don't think Jack is as bad as Victor, he's usually had more of a heart and as you said, faces consequences. The joke is if he was as bad as Victor, he would probably be as deified by the show now as Victor is.

I am uneasy with all this flirting and desperate stuff with Abby and older men. I don't know where they are going, but I remember how Hogan wrote for teen girls on ATWT, specifically Jen Munson. It's not something I wanted to see again.

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That bothered me too. I hated how they erased everything Nictoria(one brain, one name, but I didn't come up with it) did to Adam during that time and how they made him look bad in order to prop his siblings. It's sad that I hate Nictoria more than I have Adam after everything he's done.

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I now understand why Eric Braeden praised MAB during the height of his acrimonious negotiations.

What a bouquet today was to the actor, and to the fans who enjoyed watching him. He was shown -- warts and all (even from his own perspective). I was prepped for the dungeon, but I was totally psyched to see the harpoon, and Douglas' duel again! What incredible memories that brought back.

100% bona fide pure historigasm....like few other soaps/characters can deliver these days.

The few missing elements for me were: No Cassie and Noah and Reed. And when he talked about "all the girls I've loved before", I would have loved a super-quick flash of Julia and Lorie Brooks and Cassandra Rawlings and Diane Jenkins...in addition to the "big three" we were treated to today. What a gift, though, to be able to show scenes of his first kiss with Nikki, and his first/early meetings of each of his children.

With a bouquet like that, Braeden knew that MAB (and her writing team) wasn't the one who wanted him gone, or want his contribution to the show minimized.

Of course, it was far from perfect. But still, it was a gift. Nice to hear some of those old musical cues, and TGVN's own dark theme.

Seeing how tight Katherine's face was in that scene where she temporarily made Victor the custodian of Chancellor (while she went away on the cruise, as I remember...is that right?), I wondered if this was the era where she famously used scotch tape and string to pull up her face. (Remember the famous scene where she pulled that contraption off in front of Liz, and her face sagged instantly?).


So, I like Billy Miller's Billy. I just really do. Today, as he's all rascally delight with bringing down the Newmans, and so deviously/deliciously building a case against Victor....just pure fun. I loved the little blog update he typed today, and I loved the preview of Victoria slugging him. In any other world, that would be the start of a Victoria-Billy rivalry/romance. (I don't think they'll ever go there, though...just on the off chance that they ever decide to make Billy Victor's son).


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Mark, they can have it where Billy finds Victoria's secret heroin stash and slowly falls into drug addiction with her. Like that movie...I can't remember the title now.

I don't know if we're going to ever see a lot between Victor and any of his grandkids ever again, because of Summer. I think they're just going to avoid focusing on him with grandchildren because they don't want us to remember what he did to her.

For similar reasons, he may never have a pet again. Unless he gets a turtle.

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It feels as if they want us to think that every atrocious thing he does is good. Every horrible thing he says is actually good.

There's no objectivity, no multidimensionality. Just like the women, the men are written in this bland, one-way kind of style.

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