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Y&R Episodes Discussion, Week of October 26, 2009

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So how many takes do we think it took for AH and that slap? I liked it it was ok. The scene looked awkwardly edited as if they or someone fell out of character very soon after. Billy is obnoxious and there is no reason to sympathize witht he character I thought I'd somehwat find his motivation by now, not being sold on "anger over my dead niece" angle try agin TPTB

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I have some questions...

1. Did Billy vacate Nick's building within the allotted time?

2. RS with Victor on the cover was the highest rated issue in a matter of like, two hours?

3. Did Sharon quit Restless Style? She came to quit but never had any conversation with anyone about it other than Chloe.

4. Why the hell would Phick take Summer to Sharon's house for trick or treating? Oh, I know. They did it for purely plot purposes.

5. Why would Sharon be all flirty with the man she knows tried to frame the father-in-law she adored? Even so after he admitted to seducing his male lawyer for personal gain. And on Monday's show, she declares, t


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I buy that he would be ticked off over being used and discarded by Victor. I don't buy for a minute that he cares about Colleen or is doing this for her memory. Just like his cheap shots to the Newmans when she lost her board seat, none of this actually helps her. She's dead. Using her to make himself feel like a big man is disrespectful.

I get more annoyed with the writers than Billy himself when he uses her death as an excuse. It's very cheap. The show had no interest in Colleen when she was alive, but now that she's dead, why not.

soapydoc, I agree with you about not understanding Sharon's thought process. Even taking out what happened with Victor, she should not want to be near someone who confessed to her about manipulating Rafe into bed. She just got out of a marriage with a man she felt was too manipulative, and she should wonder and now she's drawn to a man who is also manipulative and who for all she knows may not even be sure of his sexuality.

If they're going to do this I'd rather they have it where Sharon is subconsciously trying to get back at Nick.

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It's kind of like how Colleen used Brad's death as an excuse to get on the Newman Board. She claimed she wanted to honor his memory, but it seemed more of a way to get back at Victor and Jack using her didn't help.

I got the impression that Billy is the way he is supposedly because he lost Mac. He couldn't deal with that so he gambled, partied, and was a slut. Now that Mac is back why is he still a man child?

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Yes, you're right. Colleen did use Brad's death. It's all very tacky. The tackiest is when Shick repeatedly used Cassie's death to drop their drawers, and when we were encouraged to cheer their adultery because it was going to produce a Shick love child which would replace Cassie. Or when Victor acted like an a-hole (even more than usual) last year and we were told it was all because of Sabrina.

I know death is used to propel story, but you can have death as a major part of story without being so craven. When Katherine and Jill battled over Phillip's memory, the show always let us know that these women were both very damaged, that they were using Phillip as a cover. The show never actually said, "Well, it's OK, because Phillip died."

I think they write Billy this way because they think it's fun. And that's fine. I do think it's fun to see Billy pull these stunts on the Newmans. I know it may not be in character, but what else is new. They have backed themselves into a corner because they did spent a lot of time trying to find people to blame for why Billy acts the way he does.

If it were me writing the show (which it's not, thankfully), and I had to keep Billy this way, I would just bring in a new woman onto the show and have her get together with him, and have Billy just say, "I am what I am, it's no one's fault, I'm going to raise hell because it makes me feel good." Then they can scheme, and have a love/hate relationship, sort of like what Santa Barbara used to do with some of their couples.

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This could be a start to a good story for Noah. His parents spend so much time on Cassie and her replacement that Noah's almost an afterthought. The show could go into how he feels about that and have him berating his parents for their idiotic behavior.

When Faith is a teenager or older (depending on when Shick find out she's theirs) they could have her deal with being a replacement for her older sister.

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I think they were going there with Noah by having him disown them, although that has now been dropped, I guess? I don't know.

I've always thought it would be interesting to see a soap story where a child who was conceived in order to help save the life of their older sibling struggles to deal with this as they get older. The only time I've seen that story potential was on AMC, when Barbara and Travis had a child because their other child had leukemia or aplastic anemia or something. But then they were all written out, and Travis is dead, and the boy came to town for a year or two and they did nothing with him.

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That was Daisy? Abby's friend?

Billy is resisting eviction, so they'll probably dump his sh!t into the street. His lawyers are working on it. Sharon's fate remains undetermined...tune in tomorrow. The trick or treating to Sharon's place was odd...but it served a good plot purpose. That's a classic soap tag (Adam, what are you doing here?)...so that one doesn't bother me. Adam and Sharon have been becoming more friendly for the last few weeks. His confession was meant to be bonding.

Billy's motivation is thin, and a bit of a mystery.

Yeah, assuming you weren't being ironic, that might work. Billy's motivation needs to be developed.

Rafe talked him out of it...and the tragedies that followed for his family solidified his sympathy for them.

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:lol::lol::lol::lol: This is pretty funny and right on the mark! :lol: I happen to find the writing for Sharon & Nick/Sharon pretty parodical and amusing.

Well it appears that because MAB & the motley crew can't write a single original story so we are going with the since I don't know what to do w/Billy right now but Billy Miller is so hot and we've got to find something, let's just give him Nick Newman's story, shall we!! That seemed to work. :lol: So this s/l should not be that hard to follow right down to Phyllis calling Billy, Jack 2.0 on yesterday's eppy. :lol: I can't help already noticing the similarities with the impact of Colleen's death similiar to Cassie's. There is a lot of overcompensating going on with the writing.

And it does look like Daisy is from a rich family...I found it interesting that the 1st person she has scenes with is Abby, a Newman.

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On your note regarding "original story"...

I rewatched Victor's "autobiography" from the other day.

The clips were very carefully selected. For example, they showed/mentioned the women who are relevant to today's story (Nikki, Ashley, Hope, and Sabrina was mentioned in a Victor-Victoria quarrel), but not those who aren't (Lorie, Julia, Cassandra).

So too, the very specific mentions of Michael Scott, Rick Daros, and Derek Thurstone were very odd. Thurstone actually got mentioned twice (when Kay asked Victor to guard her company, and when Douglas discussed the duel). That may be accidental (re Thurstone), because it showed an early Kay-Victor meeting, and the delightful Douglas' most delightful story....so Derek may simply have been a side consequence.

Of all the clips, though, the Rick Daros clip was most random. Why?

We know Rick is "out there"...his body was never recovered when he escaped into the sea in scuba gear. AND, we saw Rick years later in a mental institution--I think as an amnesiac--with Eve Howard (although they never developed that story further).

Do you think one of these bad boys is coming back to make trouble for the Newmans? Maybe as

? I'm feeling it....

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