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Y&R Episodes Discussion, Week of October 26, 2009

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I wonder if the writers are using Billy as the voice of the audience. There was a reference about Victor mumbling and viewers have said that Braeden mumbles his lines. I heard that Peter Bergman gave Victor all of his nicknames.

Does Abby have a thing for Ryder now? Or is this something that will be mentioned once, like her crush on JT.

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See, I'll bet that worked just fine in Generation Kill. And I'll bet it would have worked well if they'd written Ryder as a haunted Iraq war vet. But in this role...it is creepy.

Sigh. So fixable. So necessary to be fixed.


Oh my!


I believe the come from subdivisions/condo complexes they're trying to sell/fill in the Northeast.

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Those are old jokes, Mumbles, Mustache. Jack uses them.

I think this is all quite stupid, this hysteria over Billy's article. All it reminds me of, again, is how thin-skinned the Newmans are. I did :rolleyes::rolleyes: when Victor said he's used to the Abbotts attacking him.

What I think they SHOULD have done is has Leanna Love contact Billy about a TV expose. To commemorate 20 years (give or take a few) of Restless. Billy, desperate to get revenge, get noticed, and to expose Victor's cruelty, talks with Abby and Ashley and Traci privately, secretly taping them. Those tapes air on national TV.

THAT would provoke deserved fury. THAT would fully justify Mackenzie's outrage (although I do understand her point of view). As it is now, it's just so silly and pathetic to see so many characters having a hissy fit. As even Victor said, this is no big deal.

I'm just tired of so many people canonizing him. Abby just lost her sister, but does she swerve from her devotion? No. She just lashes out at Ashley, like an embittered Kid Sister doll. These characters all come across as ninnies.

Meanwhile, I don't want to hear Kevin scolding anyone, especially Lauren, for not giving the latest psycho relative a chance. He has used up all his chances as it is, without expecting them to take care of headcase cousin Lurlene or whoever else is going to come crashing through the door for Christmas.

So we hear Ryder with the mysterious phone call. Does this mean he's really filling in for Tom Fisher, while a secretly gay Tom is running a bar in Australia?

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