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Y&R Episodes Discussion, Week of October 26, 2009

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They are very soapy names. I do not know anybody called Chase, Chance or Ryder. But the winner of "Soapiest Names of All Time" belongs to The Edge of Night. They had a supercouple called Skylar and Raven. Swear to God. I believe Skylar's last name was Whitney so that's double the soapyness right there.

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Whenever I hear Chase I think of Robert Foxworth.

B&B had some of the silliest character names ever (Ridge, Thorne, Storm). So did Santa Barbara (Minx, Laken). You didn't notice that much because the show itself was generally decent in those early days.

With Y&R they just use names for the characters to hide behind. I think the name I hated the most was River (I know that wasn't his real name).

If they're going to keep this up I hope they start bringing in people with names like Asswipe. We can recycle that old Alec Baldwin SNL sketch. "It's A-sweep-e!"

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You know what's done is done but I would have been more interested in Abby if Ashley had stolen Brad's sperm and got pregnant with his kidd finding out after she married Victor and have Victor raising Brad's spawn.


They shouldn't have made Abby so in tune with being Victor's kid. She should have been a bit more "Bradinsky" under Victor's roof (actress w/talent in mind of course to pull it off). She should have been more errr loyal with her Abbott side but of course this show doesn't want to pull that off

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Yeah, B&B went nuts on the flora and fauna with its Ridges, Brookes, Thornes and Storms. By contrast, ATWT always struck me (in the 80s) as having the most normal names for its characters. Barbara, James, Bob, Kim, Nancy, Emily. Holden Snyder was an exception.

I'm ready for soaps to go the Charles Dickens route. He gave his characters names that represented a defining personality trait of the character. Lord and Lady Dedlock (a couple hiding secrets from each other), Mr. Skimpole who leeches off his friends. Sharon could be called Mrs. Stickyfingers because of her propensity to shoplift. Victor Newman would have been called Victor Bigote in honor of his facial hair. Ecetera.

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So what prospective stories is SON intrigued by as per build ups happening right now on the show? Cause I must say I'm either bored, displeased, watching with crossed fingers, and very rare see a glimpse of things I treasure most about the show. What stories are you guys looking forward to seeing how it plays out

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