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Search For Tomorrow Discussion Thread

Paul Raven

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I still have about 7 [maybe 9] more to go, but some observations

Never cared for the Adair character, either actress.

I didn't like Justine when I first saw LS in the 80s, but after enjoying her on Y&R,[way too briefly] I'm actually enjoying her this time around.\

Terri Eoff is much better here than her Pilar Casals on AMC. Ditto for Jo Henderson as Kate McCleary. Her scene w/Martin was well written. Does anyone know of her other roles? I've read she was on GL among others.

Why did Maree Cheatham leave? Louise Schaffer was much better[and will always be] Rae Woodard to me. She's a much harsher character under Schaffer.

Lt. Marion Bowman[Harris Laskaway] sounds so much like Larry Haines, I thought he was Stu when I was folding laundry! He would have been a good recast Tom Bergman!

Never ever cared for the Cord Tourneur character, but I wish they kept Victoria around, I liked that actress.

And, finally, Sherry Mathis was amazing, and was taken from this world far too soon. Her Liza, there are no words.....

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Maree Cheatham has stated both in interviews and on FB that it was her choice to leave SFT. She was getting bored and wanted new challenges.

Yes, Sherry was one of a kind!! I remember seeing her in those on-location clips with Jerry Lanning (which have since been taken off YT, boo hiss) and he really was a convincing bad guy. I can see why, in his words, "she got cheers and I got sneers"!!

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I'm not minding the Cagney/Suzi/Warren/Brett/Justine melodrama as it's at least leading to something. Brett and Justine do annoy me as individual characters as they both come off as clingy, but Warren [Michael Corbett] is yummy! When he was walking around shirtless, I wanted to sop him up. :lol:

Oh if only Michael Corbett was younger or had a young doppelgänger or son lurking about.... :P

Chase and Adair bore me too. Chase's constant whining about Alec, whoever he is, grates my nerves. I feel like they have the same dialogue but different day. It's tedious. I'd just wish they'd get to screwing already b/c that's clearly what they wanna do.

From what little I've seen of both Louise and Maree's Stephanie, I prefer Maree's. Louise's Stephanie reads cartoonish to me. And her intervening in Cagney/Suzi annoys the f*ck out of me.

And I am LOVING Kentucky & Liza. I love how Kentucky is so simplistic, country boy feel to him, but he's still savvier than the city boy [Cord]. I swoon at how he's determined to keep Liza safe. SFT should've given Will Patton whatever he wanted to stay.

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I agree. I would have taken Kentucky over Lloyd (all three of them) and Hogan anytime. He seemed like a character who would be great with kids, so it would have been great to see him with TR and Tourneur. Plus, he was so different from the two great loves of her life, Steve and Travis, yet he had his own unique charm.

Does anyone know what the last airdate was of Rod Arrants and the first of Will Patton's?

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If I am not mistaken, I think AOL stopped around the beginning of the infamous [and much loathed] circus story. Or it might've been around the time Liza and Hogan started their affair.

I typically watched EON and AW over SFT and TX. I just know that they didn't get anywhere near 1986 or the flood episodes.

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