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IIRC, Luis was off-screen for quite awhile (I forget the reasons given) because Galen Gering was in some pretty intense contract re-negotiations. When he came back, it was pretty much the end for Luis and Sheridan as a couple. I have heard rumors that Galen's wife didn't want him and McKenzie paired up onscreen anymore because she was suspicious and/or jealous. Who knows? It's a shame, because Luis and Sheridan were the best romantic pairing the show ever had. Those first couple of years were magical with them.

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Without a doubt.


Something that jumps out at me from Hidden Passions and the two-part tie-in article that ran in TV Guide: despite generations worth of turmoil, Luis & Sheridan would inevitably be drawn to each other.


I know Joan Bennett once filmed a fan video in character as Elizabeth, saying Victoria Winters was the long lost Collins child. Maybe that could be a gimmick for a Passions fan event/virtual reunion -- the long-awaited reunion of Luis & Sheridan (or their future selves).

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It could be that his wife had him ask for a breakup in his new contract, sure, but still I can't help but think that even if they wanted to break them up, there was no need to so thoroughly trash the character of Sheridan in the process.
They could have come up with a magical storyline like a "Pushing Daisies" (the TV show) type curse where if they touch each other, they die or something. It would have forced them away from each other, would have provided a compelling romantic way to break them up while leaving them to go do other storylines and pairings (while keeping a sense of longing in the background which would have been interesting) and kept the door open for them to be the end game at the very end.
I know enough about the soap business that the way they wrote Sheridan the last year HAS to have included some personal beef against McKW IMO

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We'll probably never know the whole truth. I think MW made Sheridan a very credible heroine in the show's first 4-5 years on the air. I certainly thought she had more rooting value than Theresa, who seriously needed intensive therapy more than she needed Ethan (who was a drip character from Day One, but that's another post for another day).

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Fully agree on every point.

I could write an entire book on how I believe soaps glamorize toxic relationships and have influenced generations of women to see behaviors that are extremely unhealthy as "romantic".

Theresa's notion of fate was obsessive stalking and Ethan wishy-washiness should have been read as him not being that into her. If this had been real life I would have recommended they see other people.


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Theresa needed an actual career and I'm not talking about her running Crane either. I remember they had her sketching and designing early on in the show's run. I wish they would've followed through with her becoming a budding fashion designer. I think all of the women (except Eve) need work/careers to give them an outlet other than fighting over men who don't deserve them anyway. 

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This, very much this! Very few of the women worked. I'm not 100 percent sure, but I think Grace ran a bed and breakfast at the start of the show, and Beth (pre-insanity) was either a barista or manager of the coffeehouse. Everyone else was a generic socialite or a teenager.

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