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I enjoyed that reunion. Have always liked Anna, Alicia, and Alice. Was surprised to see Christine there because I don't remember her being on for very long.


Alicia reciting Charles Keating's advice to her about acting was hilarious! Made even better by the fact that she basically owned it. Haha. She was fire on AW and greatly missed after she left.  It was interesting to hear her say that she recites the names of her AW co-workers sometimes at night when trying to relax. Sad and comforting at the same time. 


I'm curious too what would have happened story wise if Doug Watson hadn't passed when he did. It seems Francesca/Frankie may have been a whole different type of character. 


I enjoyed Donna and Michael together but I could leave Michael anytime that he was on his own or in that story with Stacey. Always found Michael to be a bit obnoxious. 

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I think Christine said that she and Alicia were very close, so that could account for her participation. I was initially surprised that Christine seemed so shocked when Kale told about Doug Watson's death but then I realised that she never worked with Doug as Mac. I have to say that Christine was my favourite Amanda and I would have loved to have seen the direction her portrayal could have taken Amanda in 1987 (probably without Sam, or at least a different edge to that relationship).


I wonder whether the storyline for Mac would have introduced Paulina's mother for a love triangle. Mac and Rachel breaking up and getting back together was such a well-worn routine I am a little relieved if we missed out on that. The dynamic of Paulina as Mac's daughter in conflict with Rachel and Iris was more interesting.


I loved Anna Stuart's story about how she felt strongly that Kale was The One for the role. I enjoyed the introduction of Michael and his interactions with Anna and Ellen Wheeler as Marley and Victoria tremendously. I liked him with David Forsyth as John as well even though the storyline of Donna's overwhelming attraction to John was putrid. But I agree his later storylines with Stacey (and with Iris and the spying or whatever) did not help his character.

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While I can't blame Sandra Ferguson for not wanting to work with RKK, I found the Amanda and Evan scenes quite painful. I skipped over Stacey and Derek altogether. It was nice to see Felicia and Lucas, though. I liked her much better with Lucas than with Mitch.

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Sandra could never act her way out of a paper bag.  RKK was okay as long as he was half naked and mouth shut.  Charles Flohe was inconsistent. Had some good scenes on Edge where he played tender emotions nicely but he never cut it on AW and the character had potential being Janice's son. I've always been amazed over the years that TPTB on many shows seem to have difficulty finding outstanding performers to fill the role of the adult/aged children of the show's vets. Some get it right. Grant Alexander and Mike O'Leary were fantastic for years as Phil and Rick.  Y&R has failed with Josh and Amelia as Victor and Nikki's kids.  They can't get the right actor for Ashley's daughter or Nick's kids, Noah and Summer. All these actors are terrible.  On AW, they couldn't keep actors in the Jamie role for very long. Bekins was the best fit. After him, none of the others worked.  Look what they did with Lorna.  Alicia was awesome then we got Sky Chandler. Terrible

Edited by RavenWhitney
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Agreed (although I would add RKK's pension for short shorts)


I have to put in a good word for Stephen Yates.  He was Rachel-est of the Jamie's.  They shared the same hair and an artsy vibe.  They were also both vulnerable with a hair trigger temper that interfered with their relationships.  It was a shame that the character changed so much in later iterations because I thought Yate's Jamie seemed like the one who really shared some character DNA with Rachel (certainly more than Amanda or Matthew ever did). 

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